******s attack soldiers.

tizz said:
OK enough with the right wing propaganda. The truth is this crap happens EVERY day EVERYWHERE in teh US. This only made headlines because the two blokes (that really need to get hold their chicks aparently. Who throws a hotdog?) where US soldier. The press doesn't care that this has no bearing on the incedent whatso ever. IF you all care so much about this kind of thing, why don't you all move to Cmden or Asbury Park NJ and fix the problem yourselves? No offence to these two guys, but why should I care so much about them?

BTW there are very few words I will never use (because they make me sick) and the "N" word is one of them. EWE it is just such a nasty word.

The reason it makes headlines is for the same reason it gets coverage when it happens to cops. They risk their lives protecting and defending us. Something that deserves respect from all of us
So when they are out at a night club and their chicks are throwing hot dogs, and they are out of uniform we should give them more respect or reverence than any other dtunk **** inthe club? I think not. If they were so damn respectable what were they doing hanging with chicks that throw hotdogs when they are pissed off. What of teh teacher that get's his ass kicked at a club, or of the youth group leader, volonteer fire or first aide and the list goes on..... You will notice that their military status had NOTHING to do with the incident until the media decided it would be usefule to THEM to throw it in there. Don't be such a sucker!!!! You read the "Star" and believe it all don't ya.
tizz said:
So when they are out at a night club and their chicks are throwing hot dogs, and they are out of uniform we should give them more respect or reverence than any other dtunk **** inthe club? I think not. If they were so damn respectable what were they doing hanging with chicks that throw hotdogs when they are pissed off. What of teh teacher that get's his ass kicked at a club, or of the youth group leader, volonteer fire or first aide and the list goes on..... You will notice that their military status had NOTHING to do with the incident until the media decided it would be usefule to THEM to throw it in there. Don't be such a sucker!!!! You read the "Star" and believe it all don't ya.

I'm in agreeance with Tizz on this one. Just like when <insert random celebrity here> dies from whatever ailment, the media spends weeks discussing their death while completely ignoring the hundreds of thousands of other people that die each day.
tizz said:
So when they are out at a night club and their chicks are throwing hot dogs, and they are out of uniform we should give them more respect or reverence than any other dtunk **** inthe club? I think not. If they were so damn respectable what were they doing hanging with chicks that throw hotdogs when they are pissed off. What of teh teacher that get's his ass kicked at a club, or of the youth group leader, volonteer fire or first aide and the list goes on..... You will notice that their military status had NOTHING to do with the incident until the media decided it would be usefule to THEM to throw it in there. Don't be such a sucker!!!! You read the "Star" and believe it all don't ya.

Nope. I've never even opened one up.
This event is no different than when it happens to anyone else. You are all letting the media totally control what you are seeing here.
I usually don't suggest the oh so common theory of "Take all the ___, put them on an island, and nuke it", but if we could eliminate every single '******', I think the world would be a much better place.

And it's not just the soldiers - though only a serious asshole would attack someone just because they fought for your country... if you have a serious beef with the government, either LEAVE or start a revolution like people used to do back when they had guts. Don't take it out on the employees. - your typical black urban assholes kill/maim plenty of people.

Don't get me wrong. I like black people just fine. It's the ******s who make a big deal of being tough and urban and "from the ghetto" even though no one's discriminating them any more, and if they actually TOOK A SHOWER and sent their resume in to McDonalds they'd be on their way to an actual career and clean money that I hate. Just.... grr.

Wow - more run-on sentences than I've ever written in my life. Yeep.
OK what did I miss. I htought the guys got beat up because the girlfriend threw a hotdog at the other guy.

She DID throw a hot dog at them. After they groped her and her friend.
Police say the victims were with two women who'd been groped by the suspects. One of the women threw a hot dog at the suspects and walked away.
They didn't get very far. The three suspects ran after them and began attacking the two men
OK I have been groped at just about EVERY nightclub I have ever gone too. NOT a bog deal. I have never considered throwing food at the person. (let alone paying money just buy the food to throw at a guy.)
builder said:
RO and phreakwars, we too have a major prob in OZ. Our gov has opened the door to Nigerian nationals who seem to be born for crime. Why o why did they let them in? Because they have degrees in some ****? Do they work? Some of them do. Most of them can't believe how our social security system and free hospital system works in their favour.

Like our own indigenes, they realise that work is something that you do if you want to. Not because you have to.

Do I sympathise? No. :mad:

Here comes the redneck doctrine again...thank god you're all in Queensland.

Where's the data on Nigerian criminals that supports your allegation? Got proof? Evidence? Facts?

****, boy...you really are a throwback.
hugo said:
I don't think you got the reason for Sowell's (and my) argument. We are not justifying the urban culture and defending the culture of urban America. What we are saying is the complete opposite. There are people who do defend, and in fact celebrate, this urban culture which does nothing but encourage crime, violence and disrespect for women. I don't use the term ****** myself for the same reason I don't use whitey to describe white trash or chink to describe asian gangsters or spic to describe hispanic gang members. I understand that those who use ******, on this board, by and large are not using it to describe all blacks. Given the history of the use of the word to describe all blacks I choose to forego the use of the term. Particularly since I have seldom seen the use of another racial slur to desribe all scumbags. I prefer the word scumbag to describe scumbags of any race. Sowell points out why there tends to be a higher percentage of scumbags among black Americans than the population as a whole.

I understand you now a little better. I can respect this. Well said.
I agree. It's disrespectful as hell to attack the people who fight to defend your freedoms.

All of the useless pond scum that attacked these soliders needs to be punished severly... with a good ass whoopin!

Bravo! I agree 100%
tizz said:
OK I have been groped at just about EVERY nightclub I have ever gone too. NOT a bog deal. I have never considered throwing food at the person. (let alone paying money just buy the food to throw at a guy.)


Tizz my dear, you are the ONLY woman who I have ever heard say that it's no big deal to be groped at a nightclub. You Jersey girls are TOUGH!
For crying out loud it's a noght club. Why the hell do you think we get all whored up to go to them, to have tea??? I tell ya I have groped far more than I have been groped (funny how the men DON'T complain) as for us jersey girls, ya we are tough but we are also living in teh real world and are fully aware of what we are looking for when we go out. It would be a serious shot to the self esteem if I DIDN't get groped out on teh floor!!
tizz said:
For crying out loud it's a noght club. Why the hell do you think we get all whored up to go to them, to have tea??? I tell ya I have groped far more than I have been groped (funny how the men DON'T complain) as for us jersey girls, ya we are tough but we are also living in teh real world and are fully aware of what we are looking for when we go out. It would be a serious shot to the self esteem if I DIDN't get groped out on teh floor!!
Man, your a bigger whore then I thought... do you know who your childs daddy is ??

phreakwars said:
Man, your a bigger whore then I thought... do you know who your childs daddy is ??


WHOA ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't laughed that hard in YEARS!


Tizz, I love your brutal honesty, but ****, Phreak.......****!
Rotwang said:
Here comes the redneck doctrine again...thank god you're all in Queensland.

And thank **** you're not.

Rotwang said:
Where's the data on Nigerian criminals that supports your allegation? Got proof? Evidence? Facts?

Our law enforcement agencies attest that Nigerian criminal enterprises are organized and active in at least 60 countries around the world.

They are adaptable, polycrime organizations. They launder money in Hong Kong, buy cocaine in the Andes, run prostitution and gambling rings in Spain and Italy, and corrupt legitimate business in Great Britain with their financial crimes.

Nigerian drug trafficking rings are notorious. The presence today of hundreds of convicted Nigerian traffickers in Indian, Pakistani, Thai, Turkish, and other international prisons is indicative of the international reach of the Nigerian crime rings.

Nigerian trafficking organizations have continued to evolve. Where once they limited themselves top to bottom to members of ethnic-based clans, they have come to recognize that international law enforcement targets Nigerian nationals.

Accordingly, Nigerian trafficking organizations today favor surrogate couriers, especially young women. In the area of white collar crime, the U.S. Secret Service conservatively estimates that Nigerian advance free fraud letter scams cost Americans $250 million a year.


Rotwang said:
****, boy...you really are a throwback.

**** lad, you really are a lame ****. I mean duck. Quack on. :rolleyes:

You think that coming to Australia is gonna change this sorta ****? I see where they live, and how they live. They don't work. They don't wanna work. Unless it's to infiltrate an area of exploitation.

Get yourself an education, or **** up and die, wanker.

Your posts are like a good enema; full of **** and water. :cool: