******s piss me off


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
I'm not talking about BLACKS , I am talking about ******S !!

Take for instance, my uncle, a couple weeks ago, he stopped at a rest stop in Illinois (He is a trucker) to use the rest room, and 2 ******S ****ing pulled a gun on him, and mugged him...

****ing ******s have no respect for ANYBODY !!
phreakwars said:
I'm not talkking about BLACKS , I am talking about ******S !!

Take for instance, my uncle, a couple weeks ago, he stopped at a rest stop in Illinois (He is a trucker) to use the rest room, and 2 ******S ****ing pulled a gun on him, and mugged him...

****ing ******s have no respect for ANYBODY !!

******s are indeed a sorry waste of sex and should be shot upon recognition. Even if they are teens. And if there is one thing I hate worse than a ****** is a RACIST ******. White people this and white people that. If they had any respect for themselves and other people and quit being so damn closed minded, maybe they wouldn't be called ******s. They bring the title upon themselves and bring down the very race they "support". These scumbags have NO place in society other than as an example of what NOT to be when you get older.

Then again, they make great targets to rip into. **** them and everything they stand for!
I don't like the usage of the word ******. It's just disrespectful to the people that suffered in the past.They were called ******s,did that make them thieves??
Instead of using that horrible word try calling them what they are...um..
It's like me calling all white thieves, honkies.Plain stupid!!
I could of swore we already had this convo, and everyone agreed it was played out and we were sick of hearing about ******s there no good poit blank, what else is there to argue...they all suck, there a waste of society...done?
I'd rather be called a honkie than a ******!

******s (no matter what race) are the bottom rung of society.
They do not desreve to live in a country like America and feed off every little bit of help that can be provided.

****** is used daily by the black race, but every other race get condemned when it is used. THat is the first sign of ignorance and hypocrisy that could ever be spotted in another human being.

The term ****** doesn't apply to just thieves either. That term applies to every piece of trash that thinks they are better than everyone, and enjoys making other lives miserable by doing only for themselves.

******s should all be shot on site and not allowed to continue to drain society of all we have advanced towards
I don't like to use the term ****** either, I am just doing so for the sake of this post. But it's whatever. ******s, honky, any word that expresses the uselessness and pure ignorance of a person are all types of people who do nothing to contribute to society or our genetics in a positive way. **** them all, they have no place here except in a space capsule being launched at Venus so they can all die a horrd, hot and poisonous death. Their faulty genetics and ridiculous ideology can go with them of course!
****ing ******s have no respect for ANYBODY !!

Yes. I don't like to use the word ****** because the second someone says it they are automatically labeled as prejudice. I'm not prejudice but I know exactly what you're talking about. Where I live, there are plenty of them. They don't work. They steal from everyone. Everything that is theirs is theirs, and everything that is yours is theirs. They think everything should be free. I hate people like this in general. They are a disgrace and should not be allowed to breathe our air. :D
I don't have any problem with the term... I have a problem with people calling normal black people ******s just because they are black.. there is a distiction... But the term ****** is just a name... just another way to label...

If someone is sick of being called a ******, they shoud
1. Don't surround yourself with them
2. Don't dress like one
3. Don't act like one
4. Don't speak like one

If you're unfairly labled a ******, then the problem is theirs and should not be your concern...
There was a laughable debate that wasted many hundred thousands of tax-payer dollars in the Supreme courts, about renaming a famous Grandstand at one of our sporting centres. Turns out this particular "******" was white. :p

The Federal Government has told the United Nations that the pejorative "******" may be used publicly without necessarily being racially offensive.

The government made the assertion in a submission asking the UN to dismiss a complaint to its Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination by Toowoomba Aboriginal leader Stephen Hagan.

Mr Hagan has objected to the refusal by the Toowoomba Sports Ground Trust, trustee of the Toowoomba Athletic Oval, to drop the pejorative from the name of its grandstand, the E.S. ****** Brown Stand.

His request for a ruling that Australia is in breach of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was referred by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to Australia's UN mission for a response in August. The 47-page response was sent to the mission this week.

The stand was named in the 1960s after the late Edward Stanley Brown, an international rugby league player of Anglo-Saxon descent. It is believed he was given the nickname "******" as a child because he was particularly fair-skinned.


Aussies are like that. If you have red hair and freckles, your nickname is usually "Blue"

Another case brought to the publics attention by a group of whinging indigenes was the name of one of our iconic products, Coon Cheese.

Another waste of time and money in the courts. Turns out this particular "coon" was also white. :rolleyes:


I've worked as a construction teacher in the north of our country, and most of my students were indigenes. They call each other ******s all the time.

It's the try-hard half-bloods that are up in arms about this ****. The full-bloods hate them too. :D
Seems kinda strange that a black guy can call another black guy a "Nigga" but the second a "cracker" says "******" we are labled as a racist piece of ****. How ironic is that?
I don't like the usage of the word ******. It's just disrespectful to the people that suffered in the past.They were called ******s,did that make them thieves??
Instead of using that horrible word try calling them what they are...um..
It's like me calling all white thieves, honkies.Plain stupid!!

You make an interesting point, however I believe the People's Mod was so overcome with anger that the word "******" suited at the time.

Sure we can be PC and use broad generalizations to describe folk who do injustice to other folk, but what would be the point? This is a forum for airing grievances of attrocities and malcontent done to said poster or significant others. Its absolute human nature to catagorize and simplify things, especially when one is vehemently passionate about getting a point across.

I totally concur with PWs use of the word and would have done the same myself. Of course, being a caucasion male I'd be considered a ****ing racist. I'm not, however, I would be classifying a group of people that ignore information, education, and opportunities to better themselves and instead choose to live on the fringes and in desperation.
sandman5140 said:
Seems kinda strange that a black guy can call another black guy a "Nigga" but the second a "cracker" says "******" we are labled as a racist piece of ****. How ironic is that?

I can't stand that ****!

In all reality no one should use the term ****** just to say it!

******s are the bottom of the pit. They want nothing more than to be leeches on society and take form others and that pisses me off!!!
sandman5140 said:
Seems kinda strange that a black guy can call another black guy a "Nigga" but the second a "cracker" says "******" we are labled as a racist piece of ****. How ironic is that?

Because in today's generaltion they think "Nigga" and "******" are totally different words yet when someone outside the "friendship circle" or race says it, it has different intent and meaning. Let's just say your classic black street people want to claim the word for themselves and consider it "property".
fullauto said:
I don't have any problem with the term... I have a problem with people calling normal black people ******s just because they are black.. there is a distiction... But the term ****** is just a name... just another way to label...

If someone is sick of being called a ******, they shoud
1. Don't surround yourself with them
2. Don't dress like one
3. Don't act like one
4. Don't speak like one

If you're unfairly labled a ******, then the problem is theirs and should not be your concern...
You are my hero! I would give you some reps but I have to pace myself I guess...

Nicely SAID!
8_BALL said:
8_BALL's definition of a ******.


3. People that wear over sized clothes and jewelry as a fashion statement. For Example: Wearing pants that go below your ass. Wearing shirts and pants that look like they stole them from Shaq. Wearing a very thick necklace that has a medallion hanging from it as if he has money and bought it with out selling drugs.

4. People that wear the wave cap (doo rag) as a fashion, not for waves.

5. People who wear an over sized hat side ways or ****eyed. Also the use of both 4 and 5 at once.

6. People that have a pick in their hair for no reason.

7. People that do not tie their shoes or have Velcro straps and do not use them.

sounds like my next door neighbor....

I think the conspiracy is bigger than you or I. Who would have thought that the clowns at Ringling Brothers would get big tough angy black men to make their clothing style mainstream huh?
Outlaw2747 said:
******s are indeed a sorry waste of sex and should be shot upon recognition. Even if they are teens. And if there is one thing I hate worse than a ****** is a RACIST ******. White people this and white people that. If they had any respect for themselves and other people and quit being so damn closed minded, maybe they wouldn't be called ******s. They bring the title upon themselves and bring down the very race they "support". These scumbags have NO place in society other than as an example of what NOT to be when you get older.

Then again, they make great targets to rip into. **** them and everything they stand for!

I love it! You are one of few black guys i would hang out with. you are the man!