******s piss me off

I don't like the usage of the word ******. It's just disrespectful to the people that suffered in the past.They were called ******s,did that make them thieves??
Instead of using that horrible word try calling them what they are...um..
It's like me calling all white thieves, honkies.Plain stupid!!

This is going to sound somewhat racist, but here I go:

So what you are saying, I do believe, is that blacks suffered years ago so some gun toting teenage dumbass who can't learn the English language to save his life can walk around saying things like 'yo' and mugging people? I think that is a horrible distortion of anything that the slaves were forced to do.

"I worked fo' years fo' my massa', so y'all can refuse to speek correct-like and learn yo'selves to read?"
Another thing that ******s do and i HATE!!!
Claim they all are from the "GHETTO"
A lot of these dumb ****s live in the suburbs(sp, i think) and when they get there they ****in act straight cause if not their parents are gonna throw their stupid "THUG" asses out
jokersarewild said:
This is going to sound somewhat racist, but here I go:

So what you are saying, I do believe, is that blacks suffered years ago so some gun toting teenage dumbass who can't learn the English language to save his life can walk around saying things like 'yo' and mugging people? I think that is a horrible distortion of anything that the slaves were forced to do.

"I worked fo' years fo' my massa', so y'all can refuse to speek correct-like and learn yo'selves to read?"

So what....People get over that dumb ****. A ****** is an ignorant person.
If someone takes it to heart, then they themselves are probably a ******
I think you missed my point. I was saying that relating the slaves to anything '******' is dumb. There is no corralation, except the English problem.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
I would clearly like to get an original "******"'s point of view on this topic. I wait with baited breath.
You know damn well ******S never post on GF, but we do have a couple of blacks and a dumb ass whigger.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
I am going to troll some "homeboy" sites to see if I can get any rebuttal here...
Wish me luck!

i feel i should cast a protection spell for you or something

hang on let me dust of my old D&D books and see what i can do.....

but good luck! Let us know more on your Dark Quest and keep us posted!
I found this poem whilst lurking...pretty much spells it out.
Thanx to Brett Bonner for his enlihtenment.

Don't Call Me ******
By: Brett Bonner
(B.T. Bonner)

Don't call me ******
for lack of a dirtier name
cause I see the true ****** lurking
in the deepest depths of ****** shame
It does not matter your color
because ****** applies to folks Black and white
and don't think that because I have love for my people
that for my true name I won't fight
I have spent far too much time
playing all the ****** games
and have had to fight back ******'s urges
and refer to you by another name
Id say Black Man...
Brother Man...
Sister, Sister...Please
to keep from reducing you to what your mind already believes

The ****** is trapped down inside of the words you pitch
but I don't throw them back out at you
I see it every time you shuffle down the street
sporting your new Air Jordan Horseshoes on your feet
more than $150 is the true price that you paid
because that was the moment your slave mind was made
trapped like a man-made ****** animal
inside of a man-made ****** cage
with a sign out front that reads "Welcome ALL ******s and SlaVes"

and you enter and take a seat...

still waiting to be sold but you are not a Slave
still waiting to be told that you are not a Slave
still waiting to be told what you are not
instead of fully accepting all of that which you ARE
and YOU are "All Of That" my brothers and sisters
and I'm sure that you know what I mean

I don't call you poor ******
When I see you slumming up and down the streets
wearing green cat-eye contacts, animal hair
and shiny gold teeth
the same animals the madman Yacub bred in caves
they were the true ******s by Invention
and although you were Kings and Queens
you insist on acting the ****** by Definition
I don't call you a man-made ******
even though you don't care
what you shoot into your veins
and stuff up in your noses
or because you forgot that your people
have been whipped and tortured with hoses
or because you never took the time to learn your history
and stuck to His-Story by co-signing
every one of AmeriKa's dirty lies with a nod of the head
while holding open doors for a quarter and expecting to be fed

Mr. Bogangles danced because he had to keep his feet movin'
but you shuffle because you don't know where you going
and I still don't call you lost ******
although you have no direction
I respect the Black Kings and Queens
that are trapped inside the ******
begging to come out
and separate the mind from the mentality
begging to slay the ****** beast
and burn down his throne
so Don't Call Me ****** anymore
because my ****** is dead and gone

Copyright 2001, Property Of Brett Bonner
Like a bad penny this topic returns yet again...

So Once Again - For the Record...

I ****ing Hate...

Spics, Dotheads, Honkeys, Japs, Wops, Kikes, Wetbacks, Gooks, Chinks, Camel Jockeys, and the French...

But I LOVE ******s!
I deal with this crap everyday. I love my boyfriend to death but his familly are the def. of ******s. He's white but his brothers are mixed and just because they are a a couple of tones darker than him, they feel they have the right to call him cracker and be offended when called nigga' (If they just happened to be pissed off that day).
So many times I've tried to have a normal discussion with them and all I get is "naw dawg u just dont get it fool". There is absolutely no way to reason with them, no matter how many times they get arrested for some reason they think that's the way their lives should be, and so they put themselves in a ****** bubble and dream of being hood rich with a hood rat chick and have 10 little thugs running around selling crack and getting a check and food stamps from the state for every one of them.
I remember I was at his house and everyone was watching "Girlfriends" it happened to be this episode that the mixed girl had a wigger friend and they where at the hair salon where the "wigger" was getting her hair braided. They started singing this rap song and it said nigga in the lyrics and it all went to hell when the girl sang a-long in the part that it said nigga. My boyfriends familly said "Hell yea the bitch shoulda' kept her ass shut".....WTF!!!!
I'm not racist at all but this whole ****** situation pisses me off! :mad:
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
I would clearly like to get an original "******"'s point of view on this topic. I wait with baited breath.

Good luck with that Hugh. Most ******s are too busy "knockin' boots with they bitch" or "sellin' them some mary j" or claiming a street that has been there before their grandparents were even thought of You might come across a young teenage "nigga" that has nothing else better to do but he/she is probably looking for hot pictures of Lil' Kim or the best rims for his car that his parents so graciously gave him on his birthday on the computer.

But one of the LARGEST population of ******s you will see is right in Philadelphia, you will see these lower lifeforms roaming the streets in their "klik" (however the **** you spell it) standing on corners talking **** to anyone who is white or educated and selling their precious plants like some sorry ass merchant. Even worse, they try to recruit as many "hos" as possible. I would go into more detail but you guys already know the deal.
Psh, the only love there my friend is the love for stupidity, because it seems alot of people are investing in it.
"I have only one question for you,,,, it this word is a term of endearment...if it is such a good and acceptable thing how would you feel to be address by let's say a white man, of perhaps a white boss..Good Morning my "NIGGA"

OMG! This blows my mind! The UK is more ethnically diverse then where I live in the woods of Maine. Yet I wouldn't dare say such a thing even if I thought it (which I don't) WTF???
Not only did people like Rosa Parks fight to give people a better chance in society... But keep in mind they also fought to remove racism.

Regardless if a black person is well-educated or a street thug, the fact is, the both have black skin, and they were raised much differently...

When you use the word "******" which meaning originated for all blacks, then therefore you are degrading all blacks weather you mean it or not. What do you think MLK and the Nation of Islam fought for ?? Erasing the word "******" and it's racist roots.

Thats why you should be specific of your name-calling!! For example...

"AIG" said:
I don't like the usage of the word ******. It's just disrespectful to the people that suffered in the past.They were called ******s,did that make them thieves??
Instead of using that horrible word try calling them what they are...um..
It's like me calling all white thieves, honkies.Plain stupid!!