******s piss me off

ImWithStupid said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I've never really been offended by being called a "honky".:cool:

Neither have I, although I normally use the term white trash cracker, when referring to the lower classes of white folks, I also use red neck but thats not really the same thing as a white trash cracker...The first time I said that in front of some black friends of mine, they almost fell on the floor laughing, much the same way I was taken aback when I heard black people calling each other ******.
ImWithStupid said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I've never really been offended by being called a "honky".:cool:

No, honky is not as an offensive word as ******. I just hate those who assume that because I am a honky, that I've had it easy or that the entire white race has had it easy.

The Irish and Scottish have been the ******s of the white race long before the discovery of Africa.
RoyalOrleans said:
No, honky is not as an offensive word as ******. I just hate those who assume that because I am a honky, that I've had it easy or that the entire white race has had it easy.

The Irish and Scottish have been the ******s of the white race long before the discovery of Africa.

And rightly so! Afterall, everybody knows that the Irish are just a bunch of brawling drunks, and the Scottish, well...that's another story. ****, what the hell is Scotland famous for? Bagpipes, shortbread cookies, and haggis, and whisky :eek: No wonder both of those nationalities are the white ******s!

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