"Residency" is also a legal term.
And by law you lived here, lol.
Let me repeat this nice and slow for you:
es tab lished
res i den cy
Flor i da.
I was never an actual legal resident. I was nothing more than a visitor.
Yes, I resided there for a year. But I was not a resident.
You "RESIDED" there for a year, that makes you a resident.
I couldn't buy a season pass to Disney or Busch Gardens on the resident rate, because (squint and concentrate real hard).... I Was NOT a RESIDENT.
If you had an electric bill with your name on it you can get the resident rate at all Florida resorts and even the Florida resident discount for education accepts proof of residency such as:
?A valid Florida voter?s identification card
?Proof of purchase of permanent primary home in Florida
?Proof of auto insurance in Florida
?Rent receipts and/or lease in Florida (used as proof of physical presence only)
?Proof of state of Florida unemployment or state aid
?Letter of employment in Florida on official company letterhead
For all intents and purposes, I was still a Michigan resident and my tax returns show that I did pay Michigan income taxes. THAT makes me a resident...
Yes, I resided there for a year.
Your own words, you RESIDED" in Florida, I believe you said you purchased a home, your husband worked there, you had bills in your name, etc......
You were a Floridian, no matter how short that time may have been, you were still a resident.
It is what it is.
And the rotten teeth thing: wasn't anyone I knew or hung out with... just something I noticed every time I got gas, bought groceries or passed someone on the street that decided to smile at me. I've never seen so many rotten smiles... and they came in all shapes sizes and age ranges.
Maybe you just look for stuff like that but I honestly do not see many people with rotten teeth the way you try to make it sound, sure, we have people who abuse drugs in Florida, but every State has their share of those kinds of issues.
If they are abusing drugs and that rots their teeth, then a smile at you would certainly be a high point of their life I am sure.
I never got bit by a single bug. My Yankee flesh ain't so sweet.
Well you said you never saw the ocean even though you lived close to it so how could a bug get to you if you were always shut up in your house?
Most likely had an exterminator spray too didn't you? Meanie yankee, why couldn't you spare a little sweet northern blood for our poor bugs in need? They deserve a little sustenance too you know