Schoolyard Taunting


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hahahahaha.. look what ya done got started Hugo..

I've never been acquainted with a Floridian that could shut the **** up.. or count to 21.. unless they had more than 5 digits per extremity.



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9 2 3 Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of ***? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites


nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of ***.


That is what some of you used to be; but now you have had yourselves washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our ***.


4 "Everything is lawful for me," 5 but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is lawful for me," but I will not let myself be dominated by anything.


"Food for the stomach and the stomach for food," but *** will do away with both the one and the other. The body, however, is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body;


*** raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power.


Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take Christ's members and make them the members of a prostitute? 6 Of course not!


(Or) do you not know that anyone who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For "the two," it says, "will become one flesh."


But whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.


Avoid immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the immoral person sins against his own body. 7


Do you not know that your body is a temple 8 of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from ***, and that you are not your own?


For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify *** in your body.
Glad I ain't a fornicator. Fornicating ain't conservative.



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You beleive wrong... I haven't disclosed any of that information anywhere.
I'm sorry, I must have confused you with another person who told me her husband was working in the Tampa area but could not find enough work then ended up finding work back where you came from and should never have left in the first place.....or something like that.

Must have imagined it.


I was physically present in Florida for one year... is that better?
And maintained a residence..........or were you homeless too?

It is what it is.

Don't be sad about being a Floridian, we are all family now, and like a family we may not like every member of it, lol.

Nope, I don't spend my time being on the lookout for rotten teeth... but I sure do notice them when they're flashed at me.

Maybe they just have bad hygiene or big drug problems near Zephyr Hills? I don't know... I don't really care.... all I know is what I saw
As do I from living here all my life, but yes, that area has a lot of drug issues, job losses hit there earlier than many areas in Florida and depression does drive drug problems in many cases.

I work in public, I do not sit at home all day and I travel to rivers and oceans to actually see what is in Florida, I do not see very many people with rotten teeth.

The bugs don't live ONLY at the ocean. I was outside every single day. Bugs just don't like to bite me. I haven't had even a mosquito bite in years.

I didn't have an exterminator come in, but I did have some bug bombs set off before we moved into the house because it had been sitting empty for several months. All I ever saw inside the house was one palmetto the night we arrived and a buttload of dead earwigs. And the nasty roaches that crawled out of the couch my brother in law found for us on craigslist that went to the dump the next day. (yeah... thanks, Paul!)
lol, well do you eat a lot of garlic or some other natural bug repellent?

I bet if I took you into the glades we could find some bugs that would find you tasty ;)

We have mosquitos in the glades that can pic you up and take you home for dinner later.



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"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." The eighth commandment forbids misinterpreting the truth in our relations with others.


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What has our nation come to when "conservatives" defend sin and Marxism?
Your not a conservative, your a socialist who pretends to hold conservative values but ends up helping people like Obama get elected. The majority of Libertarians voted for Obama in the last election, now how can these idiots claim they support conservative ideas and then vote completely socialist?

I may not have liked my 60% or so choice in Mccain, but at least Palin was 99% Conservative and the alternative of not helping the McCain/Palin ticket was to help Obama........

And help Obama is exactly what hugo and company did.



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Ain't gonna get by St. Pete with a load of BS.
Your right, your not, your offering false witness about Sarah Palin, saying she is something she is not. Your ignoring the plank in your own eye there hugo.



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And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.


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sad, sad hugo, always trying to attack me on a personal level because he is too weak to face the questions I put in front of him, now it is time to show how stupid he is in scripture too:

Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication and shall marry another, commiteth adultery, and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

I Corinthians 7:15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but *** hath called us to peace

The bond of marriage is part of the bond with *** hugo, when there is no true bond and belief with *** then there cannot be the new creation as described in Ephesians:

Ephesians 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh

See if you can understand that, lol.



New member
Okay... you win. Not because I agree that spending 1 year of my life in Florida makes me "a Floridian" but because I feel like an idiot for going in circles with you.

Don't think I ever told you he was working in the Tampa area, because he never did work in the Tampa area. I may have mentioned that he was LOOKING for work in the Tampa area. He was only there for 6 weeks.

Oh wait... I take that back. He worked one day for a jackass we knew from Michigan.... and never got paid. But that hardly qualifies as actually having a job.

Maybe the rotten teeth issue is realative. In Michigan I'd only seen a handful of people with rotted out teeth throughout my entire life... The UAW provides good dental plans. I saw more in that one year, than in the previous 42. shrugs I was out and about nearly everyday and it seemed that on each outing, someone had green or black teeth... if they had any at all.

And yes, I eat a lot of garlic... can't get enough of it.



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Okay... you win. Not because I agree that spending 1 year of my life in Florida makes me "a Floridian" but because I feel like an idiot for going in circles with you.
You had a residence, you were a resident, trying to say you were not is causing the circles, not me.

Are you really that ashamed of living here? Why?

Don't think I ever told you he was working in the Tampa area, because he never did work in the Tampa area. I may have mentioned that he was LOOKING for work in the Tampa area. He was only there for 6 weeks.

Oh wait... I take that back. He worked one day for a jackass we knew from Michigan.... and never got paid. But that hardly qualifies as actually having a job.
I also remember talking to you about a job I did I thought was too small for your husband and you said no, it would not have been and he did other jobs smaller than that as well as other things that were not flooring. You showed me several pictures of your husbands work and I told you how good I thought it was.

Your husband was in Florida with you at least for a short time, I remember speaking to you about how he would have to go work for someone else to get his name out there in the town before he would be able to go out on his own. We talked at great length about these things Merc, I have a very good memory.

We also talked about the issues you have with your husband..........

Maybe the rotten teeth issue is realative. In Michigan I'd only seen a handful of people with rotted out teeth throughout my entire life... The UAW provides good dental plans. I saw more in that one year, than in the previous 42. shrugs I was out and about nearly everyday and it seemed that on each outing, someone had green or black teeth... if they had any at all.
And yet you never saw the ocean..........

Tampa is a couple hours from me and I have been to the beaches and resorts there many times in the last couple years but you lived there a full year and never got far enough from your home to see the ocean?

Something about that does not make sense.

And yes, I eat a lot of garlic... can't get enough of it.
I have heard that people who eat massive amounts of garlic do repell many bugs, I like Garlic, but not that much, lol.



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Ya caint beat a Floridian at the last word game.
Not just a Floridian, you would be just as stupid in any State you resided in hugo.

99% of what you post is stolen from other people and copy/pasted or your offering false witness against people like Sarah Palin to justify why you did not vote conservative in the last election. If you want to compete with someone who has a brain, you need to step up and stop being so lazy hugo.



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Ain't gonna get by St. Pete with a load of BS.
Your right you won't. With all the false witness your offering you will definately not get past him.

No comment on how you intentionally edited that Bible passage hugo?



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Everything I showed you was work that he had completed in Michigan... some of it from several years ago. There were a few things tentatively lined up before we arrived in FL, but everything fell through when we got there. The bottom was falling out of the housing market and in our area, even the developments that had been started were brought to a halt. People weren't improving homes they thought they might lose in a short time or spending the money they thought they might need for eating on fixtures to stash their food in.

Bottom line: My husband didn't follow your advice. He rarely follows anyone's advice. That's one of the "issues".

Yes, he was with me in FL for a short time... if you re-read that quote you included in your last comment, you'll see that I reinforced that. He was there for approximately 6 weeks. He did not find any work in those 6 weeks, other than the one day with the jackass that never paid him. Then he went to Houston for a little over a month.... then he returned to Michigan Thanksgiving weekend and stayed there until this past October. He left again at the beginning of this month to return to Michigan. He was here in Atlanta for about 4 months.

I'm not ashamed to have lived in Florida... I just hated it. Absolutely HATED it.... just wasn't my bag.

Being a "Floridian" or "Texan", or whatever... is just as much about a state of mind as it is a location of existing. What I did in Florida was exist and wait for the time to vacate. Yes, I was a resident for a year... but I sure as **** was never a "Floridian". I was, and still am, an uprooted Michiganian. I love it here, but it will take time for me to feel like a Georgian.

Maybe it "doesn't sound right to you"... I don't really care how it sounds... but I never saw the ocean. My kids had long school days, I was existing pretty much a single parent, with 3 bodies to keep an eye on, a household to run and keep up on and virtually flat broke. There wasn't much in the way of resources to fund an hour long drive, extra food, life preservers (my younger 2 are not strong swimmers) and all that fun stuff that goes along with a trip to the beach.

Most of my outings consisted of going to the grocery store, the art supply, the gas station, the community pool, walking the kids to and from school, and an occasional dinner at McDonald's with the kids. There wasn't money for anything extra and I was in a totally unfamiliar area with a lot of anxiety about getting lost and not a soul to show me around. My sense of direction, which is normally very good, was gone while I was there (another thing I hated.) It's back now.

Do you need a urine sample, too? Or have I given you enough of the embarrassing details of my daily existence?



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WEll it certainly does explain why you know so little about a place you lived in for a year.

I am sorry it was so tough on you, there really is some great stuff and people here in Florida. I was under the impression you guys had it handled more or less or I would have had you move to Gainesville where I could have gotten him a lot of work.

At least you sound happy now, that is what really matters,

But you were a Floridian, lol




New member
What do ya call a fornicator who supports state ownership of natural resources?

A phucking commie.

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