Schoolyard Taunting

timesjoke said:
And yet Texas still gives every Texan a huge monetary gift to offset their tax burdon every year. There really is no meaningful difference because every Texan benefits from the money directly while they do nothing to actually "EARN" this cash benefit.

It is s shell game, move the "free money" around in all kinds of directions to make it look different, but in reality Texas is siphoning off money from oil sales to help all Texans, just like Alaska.

Yeah... its the same damn thing.
And it's not like taking it from the workers and giving it to the non workers. It's not like a communist society in which you are told what level of society you belong in and what job you are allowed to do. this is a resorce that belongs to everybody, everybody should get a share.
What huge monetary gift? Would ya stop engaging in pure fiction. No wonder I got that dumbass on ignore. Unless he is talking about the oil production tax that amounts to 8 cents a day per Texan. Look up which state spends the least per citizen (Texas) and which spends the most (Alaska).
snafu said:
Yeah... its the same damn thing.
And it's not like taking it from the workers and giving it to the non workers. It's not like a communist society in which you are told what level of society you belong in and what job you are allowed to do. this is a resorce that belongs to everybody, everybody should get a share.

Yes state ownership of productive assets, classical Marxism, Don't call yourselves conservatives.

Jesus hates commies.

But now I have written unto you, not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one, no not to eat.
Saint Paul

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,
hugo said:
What huge monetary gift? Would ya stop engaging in pure fiction. No wonder I got that dumbass on ignore. Unless he is talking about the oil production tax that amounts to 8 cents a day per Texan. Look up which state spends the least per citizen (Texas) and which spends the most (Alaska).

Funny stuff.

Yes, Alaska allows a more direct route with some of the funds where Texas takes a more round about direction with those funds, but the result is the same Hugo.

In Texas money is taken from oil companies and used to pay for State programs including many welfare type programs. These funds would have to come from each texan through much, much higher taxes each of you would have to pay........but the oil money pays those taxes for you. Your getting the same exact benefit just in a different direction hugo.

It has already been pointed out to you that everything costs much more in Alaska right down to milk and flour so in reality, they are not getting as much "welfare" as you are trying to say.

It is you hugo who is engaging in pure fiction, and the only motivation that could be causing that is your trying desperately to justify why you voted for Obama.
mercury said:
whew! glad I never formalized my residency, then got out of there before the stigma stuck!

You don't get away that easy, there was no time limit offered so your a Floridian too, lol.


Or as I call us, a Floridiot
mercury said:
whew! glad I never formalized my residency, then got out of there before the stigma stuck!

They would have found out your IQ was over 60 and kicked ya out.
Floridians gave the commie Obama their electoral votes. Most of them are a bunch of fornicators damned to spend eternity in hell.
Nope... I was never an official resident. Never changed my driver's license OR registered to vote.

And I smell pretty damn good! :)

I thought my EYE QUE was fiddy-too, hugo? Mabee itz 1 hunnerd fiffy-too....

I didn't vote for that commie... or the other one.
You lived here my lady, your still one of us, lol.

And make no mistake, hugo did vote for Obama, that is why he is so desperate to try anf make Palin look bad, the people who gave Obama the election were independents, mostly Libertarians who pretend to hold conservative values but when the rubber hits the road, they vote socialist, lol.

I did not 100% like the last ticket, but I will vote for someone who believes in 60% of what I believe and like versus someone like Obama who is purely socialist. We can't always get what we want, but we can sometimes get "some" of what we want. If we do not cut our nose off to spite our face that is.
mercury said:
I REFUSE to accept the label of "Floridian". And you can't make me! :p

That is the samwe thing as saying you refuse to take the title of woman.....

"it is what it is", and what you is, is Floridian ;)
I had a brief stop over in FL. The end.

At best, I'll accept I was an extended visitor Florida that amounted to 1/42 of my life... How can you be Floridian if you never saw the freaking ocean???? Huh??
mercury said:
I had a brief stop over in FL. The end.

At best, I'll accept I was an extended visitor Florida that amounted to 1/42 of my life... How can you be Floridian if you never saw the freaking ocean???? Huh??

lol, there is much more to Florida than the two oceans that hug our beautiful State. You actually lived in a house, if you had only lived in motel rooms like a tourist then I would agree that you were not a resident of Florida but being as you had a permanent address and home here, your a Floridian, no matter how long or short your life here was....

It is what it is
oh yeah... there's heat, humidity, hurricanes, alligators, huge freaky bugs, flea markets and a lot of bad dental hygiene. ( I never in my life saw so many people so proud of their nasty rotted teeth!)

I guess, by your theory, any student that studies in France for a year is also suddenly "French"?
mercury said:
oh yeah... there's heat, humidity, hurricanes, alligators, huge freaky bugs, flea markets and a lot of bad dental hygiene. ( I never in my life saw so many people so proud of their nasty rotted teeth!)

I don't know about the tooth issue, I have lived here my entire life and I rarely see someone with that kind of issue, if they are young and have lots of rotten teeth you can most likely chalk that up to drug issues and I do not run in those circles.

But we do have lots of bugs and stuff, and they love the soft flesh of yankies, lol.

mercury said:
I guess, by your theory, any student that studies in France for a year is also suddenly "French"?

French or American is a legal term to establish rights as a citizen, lol. If people went to France for 6 years of college (not sure why someone would do that unless it was for art) then they certainly did live there and were a part of the community.

Just like you lived in Florida and were part of our community ;)

It is what it is.
"Residency" is also a legal term.

Let me repeat this nice and slow for you:
es tab lished
res i den cy
Flor i da.
I was never an actual legal resident. I was nothing more than a visitor.

Yes, I resided there for a year. But I was not a resident.

I couldn't buy a season pass to Disney or Busch Gardens on the resident rate, because (squint and concentrate real hard).... I Was NOT a RESIDENT.

For all intents and purposes, I was still a Michigan resident and my tax returns show that I did pay Michigan income taxes. THAT makes me a resident... :p

And the rotten teeth thing: wasn't anyone I knew or hung out with... just something I noticed every time I got gas, bought groceries or passed someone on the street that decided to smile at me. I've never seen so many rotten smiles... and they came in all shapes sizes and age ranges.

I never got bit by a single bug. My Yankee flesh ain't so sweet. :p
mercury said:
"Residency" is also a legal term.

And by law you lived here, lol.

mercury said:
Let me repeat this nice and slow for you:
es tab lished
res i den cy
Flor i da.
I was never an actual legal resident. I was nothing more than a visitor.

Yes, I resided there for a year. But I was not a resident.

You "RESIDED" there for a year, that makes you a resident.

mercury said:
I couldn't buy a season pass to Disney or Busch Gardens on the resident rate, because (squint and concentrate real hard).... I Was NOT a RESIDENT.

If you had an electric bill with your name on it you can get the resident rate at all Florida resorts and even the Florida resident discount for education accepts proof of residency such as:

?A valid Florida voter?s identification card
?Proof of purchase of permanent primary home in Florida
?Proof of auto insurance in Florida
?Rent receipts and/or lease in Florida (used as proof of physical presence only)
?Proof of state of Florida unemployment or state aid
?Letter of employment in Florida on official company letterhead

mercury said:
For all intents and purposes, I was still a Michigan resident and my tax returns show that I did pay Michigan income taxes. THAT makes me a resident... :p

mercury said:
Yes, I resided there for a year.

Your own words, you RESIDED" in Florida, I believe you said you purchased a home, your husband worked there, you had bills in your name, etc......

You were a Floridian, no matter how short that time may have been, you were still a resident.

It is what it is.

mercury said:
And the rotten teeth thing: wasn't anyone I knew or hung out with... just something I noticed every time I got gas, bought groceries or passed someone on the street that decided to smile at me. I've never seen so many rotten smiles... and they came in all shapes sizes and age ranges.

Maybe you just look for stuff like that but I honestly do not see many people with rotten teeth the way you try to make it sound, sure, we have people who abuse drugs in Florida, but every State has their share of those kinds of issues.

If they are abusing drugs and that rots their teeth, then a smile at you would certainly be a high point of their life I am sure.

mercury said:
I never got bit by a single bug. My Yankee flesh ain't so sweet. :p

Well you said you never saw the ocean even though you lived close to it so how could a bug get to you if you were always shut up in your house?

Most likely had an exterminator spray too didn't you? Meanie yankee, why couldn't you spare a little sweet northern blood for our poor bugs in need? They deserve a little sustenance too you know ;)
You beleive wrong... I haven't disclosed any of that information anywhere.

I didn't purchase a home.
I had Michigan Insurance, plates and driver's license.
My utilities were in a relative's name.
My husband continued to reside and work in Michigan.
I didn't collect aid or unemployment.
I didn't register to vote.
I paid Michigan State Income tax.

I was physically present in Florida for one year... is that better?

Nope, I don't spend my time being on the lookout for rotten teeth... but I sure do notice them when they're flashed at me.

Maybe they just have bad hygiene or big drug problems near Zephyr Hills? I don't know... I don't really care.... all I know is what I saw,

The bugs don't live ONLY at the ocean. I was outside every single day. Bugs just don't like to bite me. I haven't had even a mosquito bite in years.

I didn't have an exterminator come in, but I did have some bug bombs set off before we moved into the house because it had been sitting empty for several months. All I ever saw inside the house was one palmetto the night we arrived and a buttload of dead earwigs. And the nasty roaches that crawled out of the couch my brother in law found for us on craigslist that went to the dump the next day. (yeah... thanks, Paul!)
hahahahaha.. look what ya done got started Hugo..

I've never been acquainted with a Floridian that could shut the hell up.. or count to 21.. unless they had more than 5 digits per extremity.