For TimesJoke so we don't further derail the "Virginity" thread

Pretty sure Chi got upset about being judged, labeled and looked down upon for being what her accuser in fact, is.

Like any normal person would..
Posted by a genius... Here's the defense you can count on emmy!

[qoute]Originally posted by a hero

I may not like everything they do but I would defend them like I would defend America.[/quote]

[qoute]Originally posted by a heroWell, if things are getting that bad we will see it comming. I agree with your assessment that LA will be the first to go and other towns will follow suit. I have land and assets that are not American so if things get that bad, I will take care of mine and dissapear.[/quote]

You can rest easy, sexy.. TJ is on the case. ;)
Posted by a genius... Here's the defense you can count on emmy!

Originally posted by a hero

I may not like everything they do but I would defend them like I would defend America.

Originally posted by a heroWell, if things are getting that bad we will see it comming. I agree with your assessment that LA will be the first to go and other towns will follow suit. I have land and assets that are not American so if things get that bad, I will take care of mine and dissapear.

You can rest easy, sexy.. TJ is on the case.

ooops.. that's better..
This genius was on to something too..

Originally posted by a Genius

I am someone most would consider to be too blunt and direct. I do not waste time on kissing behinds or trying to protect other peoples feelings during a discussion. I assume anyone discussing things on what is supposed to be an adult debate forum to actually 'be' an adult and be capable of acting that way without resorting to playground mentalities as a kind of avoidance of direct debate.

I think I asked a fair question of someone who rants about liberal this and liberal that, personal responsibility this and personal responsibility that... and I can pretty much guarantee you what the answer would be too.. if TJ wasn't a lying hypocrite.
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~ Jesus

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. ~ Jesus

And he said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. ~ Jesus

Originally post by Fellacio

Wez is the most immature 39 year old I have ever spoken to...
very funny...

Kids are immature too! Yay me..

I appreciate that coming from a master debater, such as yourself.... ;)

TJ once told me I reminded him of his kids.. and so did another fine, beautiful women told me the same thing before she banned me from another site.. yay me

Do people hate their kids? Hahahahahahaha

I'll mature up, call you a presumptuous liberal, and join the race war one of these days... Hahahahaha
Hey Fellacio... what would bother you more?

Having 6 million non - whites die whom you didn't know, or having your son die?

Six million lives are no more valuable than one life ~ wez
wezus said:
Hey Fellacio... what would bother you more?

Having 6 million non - whites die whom you didn't know, or having your son die?

Six million lives are no more valuable than one life ~ wez

My son... there is no question... it would bother me more...
I am a white nationalist... not a white supremist...
quit assuming so much...

and behave so you can come back... You are a nut, but we had some good exchanges... if you keep pissing ppl off, they won't let ya back...
Originally posted by Fellacio[/f]

So let me get this straight...

Right = TimesJoke, Snafu
Left =Bender, Wez...

don't really know what you'd call me... I have elements of both... but I'm hardly a centrist...

No.. you got it all wrong.. TJ is a hypocrite, snaf, bender and wez aren't. As for the left/right label? Take it up with TJ.. he's the expert.
I got banned for doing something IWS specifically told me not to do, and rightly so.. for 3 days.. not for pissing people off.. I woulda been banned long ago if that was the case.. Hahahaha

8 am tomorrow morn. See ya soon.. ;)

For now though.. if ya want, I got a little time to continue that chat convo.. it was just getting good..

we were up to "thinning"..

I was thinking, ya know, according to your theory, we should just people with a broken leg since only the strong survive.. just like in nature..

You could improve your theory of natural selection if you take money and guns out of the picture.. no other species intentionally murders their own to "thin the herd".. it happens naturally.. The weak die, the strong survive.. weak can pull triggers too.

Please explain..
Am I REALLY the only person on this forum that thinks the US is doomed to fight another civil war?

Even if, why do think there will be a racial civil war?

So you actually have some physical characteristic to focus your hatred on so you don't feel guilty about murdering people? hahahahaha... dude, most people don't hate other people because of the color of their skin anymore.. or their cultural differences.. certainly not enough of them to have a racially motivated civil war.
Clarification said:
no other species intentionally murders their own to "thin the herd".. it happens naturally...

actually it happens all the time. Chimpanzees often murder the young that they don't believe to be their offspring and then eat the dead, mother pigs frequently kill and eat their own young, etc...

You just don't see that side in a Disney movie.:D
They don't intentionally do it to thin the herd.. They do it to pass on the strongs genes of the survivors.. Don't think humans would be too drivin by natural instincts in who they kill and don't kill.. Like I said, the weak can pull triggers too.. A weak cat never would make it into the pride to kill anothers cub.. ;)

Unless he had an uzi, of course.. hahahahaha
For you to think the way you do, you must blame them for some plight in your life.. What, stealing your resources?

Please explain..
Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDU) $10,917.51 -504.48

You were right dude..

Yay bailouts! yay fannie! yay freddie! ya government! yay crooks! yay racially motivated civil war!

I'm off to get my Swiss Army Knife.. damn thing better have a corkscrew.. I plan on getting good and sh t faced..