
To paraphrase the founder of scientology," If a person wants to make millions of dollars for no real work, all they have to do is invent a religeon". :confused:
In a nutshell, scientology deals with therapy. LED therapy to be precise. They call it graduating to a new level. It is actually a gradual process of theraputic emotional release. Upon this emotional release, you are informed that your new found feelings are from God.

It is theraputic, but unfortunately it is not from God. The final levels are conducted very secretly. I would guess these have to do with oath taking or...
hopeUslide said:
In a nutshell, scientology deals with therapy. LED therapy to be precise. They call it graduating to a new level. It is actually a gradual process of theraputic emotional release. Upon this emotional release, you are informed that your new found feelings are from God.

It is theraputic, but unfortunately it is not from God. The final levels are conducted very secretly. I would guess these have to do with oath taking or...

thats nice, I thought it was more about believing that a bunch of alien spirits were floppin in our skulls and encouraging us to make large monetary contributions to their cause.
OmegaManiac said:
thats nice, I thought it was more about believing that a bunch of alien spirits were floppin in our skulls and encouraging us to make large monetary contributions to their cause.

Yep, it is...
These people are so ****ed up that they frighten me...
I was raised in a different religion, one that I feel is cult like...whenever I feel the same kind of pressure being exerted, or control, I get this urge to run.
The only place I have ever consistently read true data about Scientology is in books by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology issued publications, and their website.

I can recognize the Media crap easily. I've studied Scientology for almost 30 years, so it's pretty easy to spot.

Like so many other things in life, people often blather on and on - merely repeating things they've "heard". It's all well and good if someone wants to do this, but it's rather foolish to think that one knows about something based upon media.

"The word Scientology literally means "the study of truth." It comes from the Latin word "scio" meaning "knowing in the fullest sense of the word" and the Greek word "logos" meaning "study of."

Scientology is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life. The Scientology religion comprises a body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these:

Man is an immortal, spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime. His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized
Skaterdude409 said:
its sounds like youve been suxked in too.

I'm gonna agree with SkaterDud on this one. You realize that the whole thing is a fake piece of ****, right SkateGreen?

L. Ron Hubbard is a whacked out science fiction writer who barely got through two years of college. And he had no science degree fact, scientists didn't like him at all...mainly because everything he said was bullshit...
Scientology is complete bullshit. If we were smart enough to make science a religion ,I don't think now would be the right time. Most people are to ****ing stupid to understand the Bible.....
I've read a lot of scary **** about Scientology.

Didn't the founder's very own son die a mysterious death? In fact, wasn't there a lot of suspicion surrounding the founder's own death?

Too many people involved with this so called religion have disappeared without a clue.

Did you know that the rumor is that John Travolta and Tom Cruise both joined Scientology because they are gay?

I also remember reading that Charles Mansion and the murders he commited were somehow connected to Scientology.
What I find completely strange is how against antidepressants they are and yet, when the autopsy was done on Ron Hubbard, they were found in his system.
You guys are just killin me!

It's so funny to hear all the endless nonsense spouted.... It's like listening to old Aunt Lil's stalwart assertions as to the veracity of Globe and National Enquirer stories.....

Sorry folks, if you haven't read one of his books, if you haven't done one of his courses, you're simply repeating stuff you've "heard".

I've been doing the courses, using the data, and reading the books since 1977.

I love the stuff.

I've helped ...oh just a ton of folk with things over the years, using things I've learned.

I remember Mum defending my choices to some old hag of a neighbor yammering at her... She said, "well I think it's great! Lea says it's helped her and she's grown up to be a damn fine daughter!" Good Old Mum...(smile) ..

You all don't have to embrace it...I'm just trying to say... you might not have true data.

Read Dianetics. It's really ****ed up. To keep it short, they brainwash you. 'Nough said. Celebrities are ****ing muppets anyway.
At least with islam you have to work just a little to prove it false. Scientology is like a giant advertisement of fiction.
How does one come to realize his capabilities? How does one come to achieve new levels of conciousness?
Ahh yes, Dianetics, by L Ron Hubbard... I remember when they would show that ****ing commercial ALL THE TIME on TV. I got so sick of those stupid WHAT IF ?? skits, that I actually read the book (stole it from the library), my take on it, is it is nothing but a bunch of long phrased bullshit daily affirmation crammed into a few hundred pages of wasted toilet paper.

I instead, prefer to look in the mirror and say, "I'm good enough... I'm smart enough... and gosh darn it, people like me":rolleyes:

In my humble opinion, for every religion of the world, there is the grain of truth and the essence of deceit. Most people can quickly spot the essence of deceit when it punches you in the face. Sometimes though, you can clearly see the grain of truth shining so brilliantly from an individual for all to see, that you cannot help but notice it.

It's no secret around here; I detest all organized religion and consider them all the same; tools to manipulate the masses and entrench their leaders in wealth and power.

However, I bear no malice whatsoever to any individual adherent of any religion who seeks to become a better person and gives themselves the gift of self-awareness, introspection, and a genuine attempt at treating others as they would like to be treated.

Skategreen is just such a jewel of a person (and I don't categorize people like that easily!). Have you ever taken the time to get to know her or are you just spouting off?

Do you discount somebody because they are (insert whatever category here you like) ?

Are they so easy to diminish in your own mind just because they are a Scientologist, Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Atheist, Agnostic, Black, Asian, Mexican, Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Fat, Skinny, Young, Old, whatever....?

I have met some divine people of all sects, creeds, colors, and compositions in my life and I cannot help but wonder what I would have missed had I been tempted to discount them based upon some trivial aspect of what they were. (This goes for Skategreen as well...I knew about her way way before any of you people and I mean it, if all Scientologists were like her....****, the devote religion hater, would INSTANTLY convert to Scientology. She is truly that special! ;)

P.S. - Even Phreakwars with his "**** the World" attitude is a real nice asshole too - Don't let him fool you! :D
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
In my humble opinion, for every religion of the world, there is the grain of truth and the essence of deceit. Most people can quickly spot the essence of deceit when it punches you in the face. Sometimes though, you can clearly see the grain of truth shining so brilliantly from an individual for all to see, that you cannot help but notice it.

It's no secret around here; I detest all organized religion and consider them all the same; tools to manipulate the masses and entrench their leaders in wealth and power.

However, I bear no malice whatsoever to any individual adherent of any religion who seeks to become a better person and gives themselves the gift of self-awareness, introspection, and a genuine attempt at treating others as they would like to be treated.

Skategreen is just such a jewel of a person (and I don't categorize people like that easily!). Have you ever taken the time to get to know her or are you just spouting off?

Do you discount somebody because they are (insert whatever category here you like) ?

Are they so easy to diminish in your own mind just because they are a Scientologist, Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Atheist, Agnostic, Black, Asian, Mexican, Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Fat, Skinny, Young, Old, whatever....?

I have met some divine people of all sects, creeds, colors, and compositions in my life and I cannot help but wonder what I would have missed had I been tempted to discount them based upon some trivial aspect of what they were. (This goes for Skategreen as well...I knew about her way way before any of you people and I mean it, if all Scientologists were like her....****, the devote religion hater, would INSTANTLY convert to Scientology. She is truly that special! ;)

P.S. - Even Phreakwars with his "**** the World" attitude is a real nice asshole too - Don't let him fool you! :D

Ahhhh CES!

I'm sittin here sipping my morning cuppa Joe, legs scissored across the tables end, and you've given me my first smile of the day. Such a warm smile so early!

I don't feel particularly ripped into here with the board commenters... (maybe I'm just lead skinned this AM..) ... but rather the comments strike me more as the same sort of tired old sound-bites (read: crap) that get passed off as some sort of "valid and true" darts aimed at Scientology.

(also, having been part of the party for so long - this sort of stuff is much less these days, and there are vast acknowlegements, acceptances and uses of Scientology itself AND it's myriad of social betterment activities across the globe) (the Berlin Wall has fallen in most other countries and in the USA, it's forming huge cracks)

I generally don't pay much attention to it. I'm not much given to conforming my life as to how others think...or worrying about the dogs barking as my caravan passes by....:D ... But I wanted to take time to respond to this thread - it's like...

sometimes listening to the's like having to sit on a bus and hear people ripping into a movie they're boycotting...they've heard all kinds of strange things about it, and they know it's true cuz someone told them, and they've decided to boycott it and never see it... they're now busily passing along the whispering campaign bullshit put out by a rival studio, ripping into the movie's actors and screenwriter, making fun of those willing to go see the movie.. and all the while......

they've never seen it....

and you have...

and it was a damn good movie!

They're not actually describing the plot - wayyy off base. Not even close! The actors didn't do that! The scenes weren't filmed there! That wasn't the ending!!!!!!!!! Oh Jeezzoos!!!

Hence...I piped up from my peanut gallery.

By the Way....

It truly was a hoot when I first told you that'd I'd been a Scientologist for over a quarter of a century.... you were so damn cute. I know you and your ideas and viewpoints... you're such a stellar and shiny bubble - and I rocked you back. Too bad...the board couldn't of seen ... CES..."Floored". :D