
Scientology was created by Ron Hubbard as a means to dodge tax. When he made a **** load of crash from his books, some of which are among the best ever written and not to be confused with the crap Scientology now put out, using his name, he is dead after all.

Anyway Ron Hubbard had a number of conversations with his tax accountant and how to minimize or stop paying tax all together. His account told him that the only way to stop paying tax was to become a religion and to do so, he would need to write a bible of sorts to confirm his beliefs. So Ron went about writing one of the most far fetched pieces of illogical crap, naming it the scientology bible and had it published, he got his wish no more tax, but we have been cursed with scientology which is utter bullshit.

The reason why people who are scientologist are so damn defensive about there religion is because they know its crap, if you want to prove my point. This weekend, head down the local scientology church, stand out from and start taking photos of the building and see when happens.
Oh yeah and another thing you should know. In the public mental health system, scientologist are unwelcome and there are a number of hospitals who will ban staff who are scientologist. This is coming from my dad who has been a mental health nurse for 39+ years and has had to deal with the **** these nutters leave behind them.

SkateGreen, you have said nothing that is not already on their website. OHH, Bullshit. I could charge money to unsuspecting people, buy a domain name...hell, a web server too, and make up **** about how scientology is the be all, end all of religions. **** that!
I hear and understand the things you folks are saying.

I've seen the various websites, I've heard the opinions great and small all along the way.

To each his own... for me? I've read the books, done the courses, gotten the "auditing", I've applied the data, I worked as a staff member for some years, and so on...

I know Scientology. I don't, "know about" it...I know IT. I'm a happy and healthy grown up person and am not troubled by much at all. I enjoy incredible warm and loving relationships with my family, extended family, and a large circle of friends. I'm well thought of and dearly loved, and in turn, think well of others and dearly love in return!

I make friends with seatmates on the train, in subways, and grocery stores. I don't preach or push my views on others, but I'm always willing to offer help or supply it if requested.

I also enjoy this all it's guises........
skategreen said:
I hear and understand the things you folks are saying.

I've seen the various websites, I've heard the opinions great and small all along the way.

To each his own... for me? I've read the books, done the courses, gotten the "auditing", I've applied the data, I worked as a staff member for some years, and so on...

I know Scientology. I don't, "know about" it...I know IT. I'm a happy and healthy grown up person and am not troubled by much at all. I enjoy incredible warm and loving relationships with my family, extended family, and a large circle of friends. I'm well thought of and dearly loved, and in turn, think well of others and dearly love in return!

I make friends with seatmates on the train, in subways, and grocery stores. I don't preach or push my views on others, but I'm always willing to offer help or supply it if requested.

I also enjoy this all it's guises........

Have you read 1984? You are like Parsons...
hopeUslide said:
How does one come to realize his capabilities? How does one come to achieve new levels of conciousness?

hopeUslide said:
I asked a question or questions!!! talk to me I'm all ears.

I sorta skipped over your question, based upon the salutation...perhaps I was mistaken and the Scat part of the Scategreen was a typo....

Main Entry: 2 "scat"
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Greek skat-, skOr excrement -- more at SCATOLOGY
: an animal fecal dropping

(I thought perhaps you were being rude)


The answer to your question...

from what I found over time....

Read a book, use the a course, use the info....partake in the counselling, ("auditing") and....

one becomes more able and has more of a bounce in the step.
skategreen said:
You guys are just killin me!

It's so funny to hear all the endless nonsense spouted.... It's like listening to old Aunt Lil's stalwart assertions as to the veracity of Globe and National Enquirer stories.....

Sorry folks, if you haven't read one of his books, if you haven't done one of his courses, you're simply repeating stuff you've "heard".

I've been doing the courses, using the data, and reading the books since 1977.

I love the stuff.

I've helped ...oh just a ton of folk with things over the years, using things I've learned.

I remember Mum defending my choices to some old hag of a neighbor yammering at her... She said, "well I think it's great! Lea says it's helped her and she's grown up to be a damn fine daughter!" Good Old Mum...(smile) ..

You all don't have to embrace it...I'm just trying to say... you might not have true data.

I hope El'ron comes back and takes away your skates!:D
skategreen said:
AWwwwww Sixes!!!! Whadd I ever do to you my puppy?
Well for one you are defending Scientology. What next ,are you going to tell us you eat people? Skate I like you ,but you scare me with your blind walks into cults like this. :confused:
I have to say that after reading alot of what Skate writes I love her style but I fear her my fear colored by my bad
experience...ABSOLUTLEY but I can't change this. I happen to believe some of what I have heard about Scientology. I don't know how anyone could defend some of the things that Tom Cruise alone has said in public about his religion. He freaked me out in that interview where he was acting like a rabid dog with a respected interviewer where he was ridiculing Brooke Sheilds for talking frankly about her post partum depression, how he feels about psychiatric care etc. He came across as a real nutter...actually very like someone who is bipolar and in a manic, grandiose stage.

While I do believe that some doctors are pill pushers rather then trying to take care of a problem, I believe that some people will NEVER be ok without psychiatric medication. I have come to believe that Scientology talks against this psychiatric medication because it makes it easier for them to control their people.

However I am not saying that I think Skate is a bad person, I think she has shown (as much as one can via the internet) that she is a thoughtful, caring person. Maybe what she has learned from them is good for her, maybe if she were in deeper, like living with them, this would not be the case.
Lethalfind said:
However I am not saying that I think Skate is a bad person, I think she has shown (as much as one can via the internet) that she is a thoughtful, caring person. Maybe what she has learned from them is good for her, maybe if she were in deeper, like living with them, this would not be the case.

I absolutely agree. Skate is a good a cult...
The Great Goombah tells me scientology is a load of crap. Praise Goombah. Let us celebrate his goodness by imbibing in the fermented crops of the field.
I love Science ,but having READ how ****ing crazy this **** is. I think you should get the demons drilled out of your skull with every book you buy.;)
Lethalfind said:
I have to say that after reading alot of what Skate writes I love her style but I fear her my fear colored by my bad
experience...ABSOLUTLEY but I can't change this. I happen to believe some of what I have heard about Scientology. I don't know how anyone could defend some of the things that Tom Cruise alone has said in public about his religion. He freaked me out in that interview where he was acting like a rabid dog with a respected interviewer where he was ridiculing Brooke Sheilds for talking frankly about her post partum depression, how he feels about psychiatric care etc. He came across as a real nutter...actually very like someone who is bipolar and in a manic, grandiose stage.

While I do believe that some doctors are pill pushers rather then trying to take care of a problem, I believe that some people will NEVER be ok without psychiatric medication. I have come to believe that Scientology talks against this psychiatric medication because it makes it easier for them to control their people.

However I am not saying that I think Skate is a bad person, I think she has shown (as much as one can via the internet) that she is a thoughtful, caring person. Maybe what she has learned from them is good for her, maybe if she were in deeper, like living with them, this would not be the case.

Thanks Leth..

Course I'd never expect anyone to agree with me on all of my choices. (what a boring world that would be!)...

I have met all kinds of Scientologists. Fat, thin, old, young, enthusiastic, jaded.. Heck, I'd guess anyone who just walked in and bought a book could call themself a Scientologist. It's not what you call yourself...simply adopting the label doesn't actually mean much. It's what you do with it and in it. It's how you conduct your life.

My friends are not all Scientologists and I do not cultivate friendship relationships with every person who is a Scientologist... I have some very close friends who are agnostic, atheist, Jewish, Christian, some merely calling themself "spiritual", etc. Wish I had a Quaker their Garb.

There are assholes, weirdos, ego maniacs, and slightly twisted ****s in just about all walks of life. I've met all of the above who have called themself a Scientologist. (Shudder, "Gene Wirchenko" - EWWWWW!) But then, I've met the above who called themselves Christian, agnostic, etc.

But I do have a huge circle of friends and acquaintances (and a few family members) who are Scientologists. I love them to pieces and they enrich my life as well. I have met some stellar beings...truly wonderful folk.

I don't adhere to all religions, yet I have a basic agreement with them. I really agree and support anything or any person who is attempting to improve conditions in their own lives and in the lives of others.

Therefore...I really like the Red Cross and love giving blood. I like to think I'm "saving the lives of babies". I like the March of Dimes and participating in Walk-A-Thons. I worked in Nursing Homes and thus, fell in love with old people.. Helping others and just being "damn fine folk" ... it's what makes the grass so bloody green.

I support other's rights to betterment beliefs. I may not sit and listen to them...(those who grab you by the lapel and insist you're going to Hell or some such thing) but I would take positive action to help protect the rights of others to the pursuit of their own helpful activities and beliefs. Where the beliefs cause harm or incite others to harm - **** 'em.

I support ... People!
phreakwars said:
So then lets have a poll.. who thinks Scientology is a valid religion ??

Neener Neener Neener!!!! Your silly old poll won't take away our tax status!


skategreen said:
Neener Neener Neener!!!! Your silly old poll won't take away our tax status!


I knew the was some Helter Skelter **** going on with you.....
sixes said:
I knew the was some Helter Skelter **** going on with you.....

Heyyyy buddy...I've seen your profile pic...You're REALLY one to talk!

As for twisted...did you see what I do to Barbies? Posted in the Gallery.... you should see what the Giant plastic Dinosaurs are doing with the Barbies in the Garden.