Sd's **** List!!!!!

You forgot #7...the most important one:
Canada harbors fugitives!!
Where do dessenters and draft dodgers/AWOL enlisted men head to?
You got it..good 'ol ****ing Canada!!
Oh' Canada...YOU SUCK!
HAHA Canada and Austraila are running neck and neck.
One dependents of convicts and the other french ****s who harbor terrorists and losers...hmm not much difference
Wow. If I had seen this thread sooner.... Well, I could almost say it made my blood boil. Okay, -rubs hands- lessee here...

First, on Christianity. I was raised as a nondenominational Christian, and I still float to its views, but Christianity is so skewed in the world, I have taken to calling myself a deitist. Allow me to speak my piece:
How DARE you label every white rich man in America Christian? How DARE you try to characterize this country with Christianity? I find it insulting, as I was raised under the teachings of the Word, and I find it incredibly skewed. Anything that one could personify as evil is NOT of God, and NOT of his teachings.
Another thing: Just because we
I thought they lived places like little Italy and Chinatown so I would know just where to go for good food. HHMM learn something new everyday ;)
We're all arrogant in America, yes even you.
People live in ghettos cause they're poor. Immigrants live in places like Chinatown because when you're an immigrant, it's hard to get your income started. So yes, they live there because they're poor too. I think that's pretty much living there by force, because by being poor, you're not really able to live in the really nice neighborhoods, because you can't. Yes, it does also have something to do with culture, but LIVING there? No.
Wow to you. Where does one begin? First of all, now I finally see how everyone else sees me. But you, darling, are the most pretentious little bitch I've ever had the misfortune of meeting, and I must say in my own defense because I KNOW this is how everyone thinks of me, for one thing I am almost a legal adult. You're still a teenie bopper--of the age where a 'marry me so-and-so' shirt is still considered acceptable. Secondly, no matter how irritating and pretentious I may seem, I have NEVER used such pompous words as 'dwindle,' 'reiterate,' 'insinuate,' and 'balderdash.' Come on now, sweetie, you're just making yourself look stupid. Did you not once describe an inanimate object as 'magnanimous?' Be honest; I have it on good authority.

Also, I have never had the squawking audacity to literally tell someone 'how DARE they.' With caps to signify a screeching, affronted, elderly woman I might add. And 'float to its views' is not an expression. You look like a ****tard, and that's not a title I bestow on just anyone. Feel proud.

Point out to me a rich white American who is NOT Christian--or, since most of them ARE, open your ****ing eyes, let's be fair and ask for three. Find me three, and we can have a conversation. Go on; I'm waiting. I didn't say ALL Americans--or if I did, I was extremely angry and meant 'most'. I've been over this MANY times on this site. If I happened to have used the word 'all,' I meant most. And all the red states are dominantly Christian, all really meaning all here, and therefore it is entirely fair to say that MOST of the US is Christian.

As an aside, generally when people reiterate something, they phrase it differently, otherwise there's no point. If you intend to clarify something by restating it, don't just repeat a list; I can't describe how....well....stupid this is. Your English teacher must shudder when she reads something like that.

"People are not FORCED to live in ghettos, places like Little Italy, and
Silver_dragon87 said:
Point out to me a rich white American who is NOT Christian--or, since most of them ARE, open your ****ing eyes, let's be fair and ask for three. Find me three, and we can have a conversation. Go on; I'm waiting. I didn't say ALL Americans--or if I did, I was extremely angry and meant 'most'. I've been over this MANY times on this site. If I happened to have used the word 'all,' I meant most. And all the red states are dominantly Christian, all really meaning all here, and therefore it is entirely fair to say that MOST of the US is Christian.

From the World Fact Book statistics on Canada:

Roman Catholic 42.6%, Protestant 23.3% (including United Church 9.5%, Anglican 6.8%, Baptist 2.4%, Lutheran 2%), other Christian 4.4%, Muslim 1.9%, other and unspecified 11.8%, none 16% (2001 census

I think that adds up to 70.3%

So what does the fact that the United States is predominately Christian have to do with this debate? Most red staters are Christians, most blue staters are Christians, most Canadians are Christians.

Do I really have to name three wealthy Jewish Americans?
Ahh, let us begin.

Wow to you. Where does one begin? First of all, now I finally see how everyone else sees me. But you, darling, are the most pretentious little bitch I've ever had the misfortune of meeting, and I must say in my own defense because I KNOW this is how everyone thinks of me, for one thing I am almost a legal adult. You're still a teenie bopper--of the age where a 'marry me so-and-so' shirt is still considered acceptable. Secondly, no matter how irritating and pretentious I may seem, I have NEVER used such pompous words as 'dwindle,' 'reiterate,' 'insinuate,' and 'balderdash.' Come on now, sweetie, you're just making yourself look stupid. Did you not once describe an inanimate object as 'magnanimous?' Be honest; I have it on good authority.

Pretentious, eh?
Hugo, Ruse brought up the issue of religion. I was just saying that if I hate Christians in general, it's fair to hate the US because they seem to shout it from the highest hill they can find--your religion runs far more rampant than it does here, except in Alberta. >_> Sadly, yes, we have our own Jesusland. At least it's a small one--only one 'state.'

I wasn't asking you anyway, I was talking to Ruse. Actually, I would very much like to hear about rich people who aren't religious, if anyone can find them. Anyway, by rich, though I did forget to mention, I also mean powerful. As in people in the government or military or what have you (this is in your country, of course), not just people with money. I haven't heard of any.
Rich Christian ?? See THIS is where Christianity gets distorted. There is no such thing as a rich Christian, we call them SELF-RIGHTOUS Christians.

I.E. George Bush, Pat Robertson, your local MAYOR/town board administration members. All distorted by their own power and greed, and proclaim to be "GOD FEARIN' FOLK"... yeah... wha eva'.. Nigga pleaz'..

Real Christians care about there fellow man... we call them Liberals. We don't throw a standard on society that allegedly is in the best interest of everyone but is REALLY meant to help an already wealthy person gain. That would be called being a CONSERVATIVE, add the "God fearin' folk, to the conservative greed, you get = Christian Conservative.

Only thing is, being a CHRISTIAN is an OXYMORON.
Ah, you poor dear. You've got your head so far up your ass you can check yourself for colon cancer. Before you make an attempt to sound intelligent, you should make sure you know what all your words mean--or take a grammar lesson or two; I'm not sure what exactly the problem is, but let me let you in on a little secret. Listen close, hon. The only people who can get away with using pretentious words, such as dwindle and reiterate--when used in excess--are people who can write fluently. Who sound, you know, like English is actually their first language. Your writing is awkward and stilted, and it just looks terrible. (As a writer, I notice this, and so I feel that I should point it out. Work on it; you come off as robotic, stale, and pretentious.)

I used the word affronted because it's one of my favourites; it says a lot in one little word. Much like touch
You know, SD, I dont think it makes you any better than Ruse that you've managed to boil this down to bitching about what words she uses... sure she used reiterate wrong, twice. Oh well.
I'm ****ing tired of people turning ?meaningful? debates into wars on who can articulate better.
SD is just on a power trip because she found someone younger than her to pick on.
for one thing I am almost a legal adult. You're still a teenie bopper--of the age where a 'marry me so-and-so' shirt is still considered acceptable

Funny how she didn't want HER age brought up, and now she's picking on someone younger than her. Ain't that rich?
angie said:
SD is just on a power trip because she found someone younger than her to pick on.

Funny how she didn't want HER age brought up, and now she's picking on someone younger than her. Ain't that rich?

I am laughing my arse off thanks for posting that I had missed it :D
angie said:
SD is just on a power trip because she found someone younger than her to pick on.

Funny how she didn't want HER age brought up, and now she's picking on someone younger than her. Ain't that rich?

GOOD ONE ANGIE. Yeah her age as you have said many times SD has nothing to do with intelligance. So stop bashing her "TEENY-BOPPER" age...its irelavent when it comes to YOU
phreakwars said:
Rich Christian ?? See THIS is where Christianity gets distorted. There is no such thing as a rich Christian, we call them SELF-RIGHTOUS Christians.

I.E. George Bush, Pat Robertson, your local MAYOR/town board administration members. All distorted by their own power and greed, and proclaim to be "GOD FEARIN' FOLK"... yeah... wha eva'.. Nigga pleaz'..

Real Christians care about there fellow man... we call them Liberals. We don't throw a standard on society that allegedly is in the best interest of everyone but is REALLY meant to help an already wealthy person gain. That would be called being a CONSERVATIVE, add the "God fearin' folk, to the conservative greed, you get = Christian Conservative.

Only thing is, being a CHRISTIAN is an OXYMORON.
Well P.W. I though that CHRISTIAN &/MORON ment the same thing,guess I was wrong?.My bad. :eek:
I now have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that comes when I have read something throughly unsettling.
I don't even think I'll have the grace today to dignify her gropings with a decent response. It's not worth my time. As my lovely Canadian friend David says, you just can't debate with someone who is stupid, and stubborn. I stop debating when the stabs are in bad taste, and below the belt.
Ah, well. I didn't reply to be told that I am not qualified to do so.