Ken shuddered as Viktors dark brown eyes stared intensly at her. She had seen those eyes somewhere before.
"Now as is the custom that vhen ve gather, ve hunt. Since it is also a new moon, ve vill have the hunt tonight. Now ve must move."
Viktor discarded his jacket as the rest of the guys pulled their shirts and shoes off. There was a loud howl as viktor started his transformation first with rob following. Ken stared in awe as she looked at teh snow white wolf that was where Viktor stood. Ken started her transformation, the pain fresh and new. It still hurt just as much as it did the first time, but now, she was ready for it. Once the change was compleat, she streatched her claws and shook her self off, sending silver grey fur everywhere. Rob nudged her with his muzzle and used his wet pink tounge to lick her cheek. His brown eyes seemed to smile at her. Viktor raised his head and let out a blood curling howl. Ken and Rob raised their heads and joined his howl. The seven wolves lept from the cave that was set high above on the cliff. They took off running. New scents bombarded Ken's nose. Each of the wolves had their own unique scent and then she could smell the blood of the other animals in the forrest. Then, Viktor spotted their prey. Tall, standing at about 6'7", was a hunter. he held his rifel **** tight in his shoulder as he scanned the brush for any sight of deer. Viktor turned his head and the group disbanded, surrounding the hunter with a circular perimiter. The man turned around as he saw a fleeting image of white. The man was afraid, Ken's nose quivered, he stank of fear. He wildly fired off a shot about a good ten feet from where rob was. Then they attacked. Seven werewolves took down the man with out much of a fight. Crimson blood speckeled her silver fur. With one last howl from Viktor, the pack was dismissed.
Mike waited paitently for Ken to return home. Rob had said something about Viktor. Mike knew viktor very well. Mike may have been in charge of the clan, Chester, fox, Brad, Monica, Joe, Karen, Dave, lindsey, Rob, Kelly, and now Ken, but Viktor was the werewolf of legend. Mike had also worked closely with Viktor when it came to the clan as well. Viktor picked all of the vampires and werewolves. If something went wrong, Mike would have to answer to Viktor, something that Mike hoped would never happen. Mike stared at the wall oppasite of his bed. It had a picture of him and Ken from when they were little, before they were split up. Mike missed his sister. He missed being able to protect her. Now despite all of the responsibilities, he would live up to being her older brother, even if it was by three minutes. He liked his lips to get the last bit of dried blood off of them if there was any left. It was his rule that they never killed children or people with innocents, only those who were murderers, rapist, hookers and whores. That ment there was plenty of prey down town LA. He gave a slight chuckle at what Fox had said that night. Something along the lines of, 'I love the way he seduces his victims before he kills them.' Mike rolled his eyes. They're relationship was one of genuine love and honesty, not like his and kelly's. Theirs was mainly for ceremonial reasons, vampires are not allowed to go mateless if they are heads of their clans. The bedroom door opened and closed. Mike picked his head up. It was ken. She looked close to tears. Mike lept up and went over to her.
"Ken what's wrong?"
"Mike, I killed someone."
Mike nodded, It was her first human kill.
"I didnt want to do it mike, but I couldnt control myself. I'm scared."
Mike hugged ken. She started crying.
"I'm a monster mike."
"No you arnt."
Mike said trying to calm her down.
"People like Dave are monsters, people who have absolute control of it. But we need to kill to survive. That's just a part of life. That dosent make us monsters, that makes us like every other creature out there. A real wolf and bat has to kill to survive. They're not monsters and youre not either. Your a normal person, you just have a furry little problem."
Mike said making Ken laugh a little. Mike then smiled at his sisters laugh. He hadn't heard it in a long time. not since that day.
"Mike, do you think that we can ever be truly normal?"
Mike shook his head.
"Normal? our family knows nothing about normal. Jason has ADHD, my dad's like obsessive compulsive and mom? dont get me started on her. the only normal person in this house is our puppy and hes not even toilet trained."
Mike muttered as he shook his head again.