Serial Killer blames Linkin Park

shirakawa_otori said:
It seriously annoys me that people blame stuff like music and games for violence. I mean, if someone is a serial killer, it's obvious they are more than a little messed up. They just snap, and do whatever serial killers do, and then try to find some excuses to make what they've done acceptable, or, I don't know, alledge temporary insanity or something. By blaming music, movies, and videogames for all the violence, they're taking the spot light off them and making people turn against forms of entertainment, and they're making themselves look like some poor little victims that where just a little overexposed to media. "Yeah, look at me, I'm a serial killer, you made me, Miss Society, how do you like it now!", that's what they attempt. Well, I think the problem comes from WITHIN the individual. I've watched violent movies,violent cartoons and I've played violent games. I have violent comic books. Am I a violent person? Hell no. I wouldn't hurt a fly. So that kind of stuff never got to me. Is it violent? Yeah, but it's just FICTION!! Strange how you never hear anyone say they're a serial killer because they watch CNN or Sky News. Because in real life, messed up violence happens everyday and is shown on TV, written on the newspapers, etc. So why blame music? Why blame movies? Why blame video games?? On top of it all, why blame LP?? Is it just me, or their music doesn't have the slightest bit of homicidal tendencies??
Gee, people are so weird sometimes... :(

I totally agree with this.

I think if someone has these things inside of them it'll show itself. It just needs the right trigger. You know, we all listen to LP and we're not killers (i hope! :D )
i also saw the video
i can sure can tell you that guy is out of his minds
how can he say he listens to lp and that music encourages him to kill????
so if i listen to lp i should start killing ppl
anyway i think the guy is crazy and doesn't know what he's saying
Well, he actually didn't BLAME LP by saying they made him kill. He talked about how he was very emotional, and how if he listened to a sad song he was sad... or if he listened to an angry song he became angry. A lot of LP songs are also emotional and some have angry lyrics, heavy guitars, and screaming. Aparently for this wacko, the angry LP song would set him off combined by "demons" telling him to put prostitutes out of their misery. But he even says "I don't mean to blame rock and roll or video games" ... so LP was not blamed flat out.
stupidsoul1 said:
if this comes out on tv in australia ...........more ppl are gonna turn it around on lp and more ppl will only associate lp with this fool *cries*

i dunno......alot of my friends would call him a nut and get over it........bands cant be blamed if ppl do things or are influenced to do things by their music......
intresting..... when it comes down to it, the person is to blame, linkin park didn't hold a gun to his head and tell him to kill people nor did they to buy there records..... same with people blaming stuff on video games and stuff.... its all so stupid... makes my head hurt its so stupid.....
i couldnt be bothered to read the whole thread so i dunno if u guys have mentioned this
people say this all the time..with the jody jones case that guy told the papers nirvana (misspelt?~soz i dont listen to them) and marylin manson told him to kill

he was into satanism and everything though

he was weird...he wrote in his school bk uve neva truly live until u'v shaken hands with the devil

these people r idiots, so many other people listen to them and dont kill...i guess it must get to them on a personal level....