Shave or not to shave goes nothing.

I have a very large penis. It's not all that it is cut out to be; trust me. Most women are not too thrilled about the idea of having it stuck inside them, let alone vigorously. In addition, I also have very large testicles. They were always VERY hairy (you could braid the stuff) until I got married.

My wife, who loved playing with them including orally, hated the hair. One night, she shaved them and we had really hot sex. Never went back. I prefer them shaved, and have shaved them ever since;l nice and smooth. For the life of me, I cannot see what ****ing purpose hair growing from your balls is supposed to serve.

However, I would feel WEIRD if my pubic hair was completely shaved. Not cool...and Itchy too.

I prefer a well TRIMMED beaver. Not bald, not hairy, just right. :D
I saw a hispanic chick the otherday, she was fairly hot, was waring a short cut shirt, had nice abs, but god damn did she have some ****ing thick monkey hair on her back... damn bitch... shave your hairy ass already !!
phreakwars said:
I saw a hispanic chick the otherday, she was fairly hot, was waring a short cut shirt, had nice abs, but god damn did she have some ****ing thick monkey hair on her back... damn bitch... shave your hairy ass already !!
Indian and hispanic girls both have that problem. Facial hair, too. Maybe because their hair is so dark. Most people have peach fuzz that no one can really see. I guess it sucks if it is a dark color.
Cogito Ergo Sum said: goes nothing.

I have a very large penis. It's not all that it is cut out to be; trust me. Most women are not too thrilled about the idea of having it stuck inside them, let alone vigorously. In addition, I also have very large testicles. They were always VERY hairy (you could braid the stuff) until I got married.
Not to brag or anything. You know what they say large feet.....Big shoes
My wife, who loved playing with them including orally, hated the hair. One night, she shaved them and we had really hot sex. Never went back. I prefer them shaved, and have shaved them ever since;l nice and smooth. For the life of me, I cannot see what ****ing purpose hair growing from your balls is supposed to serve.
Kids go to school "guess what i caught my dad doing" screwing your mom "NO that would have been a good thing, Shaving his balls gross i'm traumatized for life"
Cogito Ergo Sum said: goes nothing.

I have a very large penis. It's not all that it is cut out to be; trust me. Most women are not too thrilled about the idea of having it stuck inside them, let alone vigorously. In addition, I also have very large testicles. They were always VERY hairy (you could braid the stuff) until I got married.

My wife, who loved playing with them including orally, hated the hair. One night, she shaved them and we had really hot sex. Never went back. I prefer them shaved, and have shaved them ever since;l nice and smooth. For the life of me, I cannot see what ****ing purpose hair growing from your balls is supposed to serve.

However, I would feel WEIRD if my pubic hair was completely shaved. Not cool...and Itchy too.

I prefer a well TRIMMED beaver. Not bald, not hairy, just right. :D
Well C.E.S......oops, I mean... Ron, thanks for sharing that most disgusting story.

I can feel the Applebee's
ToriAllen said:
Guys should only shave or pluck hair that may cause chaffing during sex. Girls should not shave down there. Not only is it torturous if you wear tight jeans, but it is sick to revert back to looking like a twelve-year-old girl. I think it is a bit pedophilistic for men to be attracted to the shaved look of a child. I can see shaving the bikini area, but not the whole thing.

We don't find it attractive because it's pedophilistic (assuming that's a word) we just don't like to bonk something that looks like a grizzly bear, and as Phreak mentioned earlier, none of us wants a pube sandwich.

To be honest, I try to avoid shaving anywhere if I don
I can't stand puubic hair, either on me or someone else. I have shaved for years now. Mine can grow so long it gets stuck in the elastic of my underwear and that makes me jumpy.
I definetly don't like my lover to have pubic hair, hate hair in my mouth.
It feels cleaner having no hair there. Body hair traps sweat and gets nasty.
ToriAllen said:
Guys should only shave or pluck hair that may cause chaffing during sex. Girls should not shave down there. Not only is it torturous if you wear tight jeans, but it is sick to revert back to looking like a twelve-year-old girl. I think it is a bit pedophilistic for men to be attracted to the shaved look of a child. I can see shaving the bikini area, but not the whole thing...

Uh Tori, this is a bit misguided isn't it?

I mean, given your take on the so called "pedophilistic" connection for a shaved *****, how about a shaved man's face then?

In Greek and Roman history, it was perfectly acceptable for noblemen and men of power, to have male lovers, so long as the male lover was the receptive partner, and had not yet grown any facial hair. :eek: That's right, facial hair was the defining characteristic of an adult male!

So, in essence, by having sex with your hubby who shaves his face, aren't you having "pedophilistic" tendencies?:rolleyes:
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
We don't find it attractive because it's pedophilistic (assuming that's a word) we just don't like to bonk something that looks like a grizzly bear, and as Phreak mentioned earlier, none of us wants a pube sandwich.

Ummm......Ok there chewie.
I made that word up. I’m just waiting for it to catch on.
I don’t have much hair to begin with. I think it should be well groomed but not shaven. I have not, do not, and will never look like Chewie, or any kind of bear.

Lethalfind said:
I can't stand puubic hair, either on me or someone else. I have shaved for years now. Mine can grow so long it gets stuck in the elastic of my underwear and that makes me jumpy.
I definetly don't like my lover to have pubic hair, hate hair in my mouth.
It feels cleaner having no hair there. Body hair traps sweat and gets nasty.
What? Do you wear sweats? Because there is no way you wear tight jeans and shave down there.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Uh Tori, this is a bit misguided isn't it?

So, in essence, by having sex with your hubby who shaves his face, aren't you having "pedophilistic" tendencies?:rolleyes:
Big difference. You are great at trying to tie together subjects that have connection. When talking about shaving legs, or underarms, or a face, we are not talking about an area of the body that is associated with sex and arousal. “Ohhh, look at those underarms, I get a hard on just looking at those….” Please. You’re argument is absurd. When talking about shaving a woman’s privates, you are talking about a part of the body used in sex and arousal, making it a different subject all together.
ToriAllen said:
...Big difference. You are great at trying to tie together subjects that have connection. When talking about shaving legs, or underarms, or a face, we are not talking about an area of the body that is associated with sex and arousal. “Ohhh, look at those underarms, I get a hard on just looking at those….” Please. You’re argument is absurd. When talking about shaving a woman’s privates, you are talking about a part of the body used in sex and arousal, making it a different subject all together.

O. I. C.

I guess I am the only one who uses my face to look at somebody, kiss, lick, nibble, blow, smell, eat, and all of the other sexual things one can do with the face.

Not to mention, that the very first thing we notice in the human physical attraction is the face.

It is a fact; many women associate facial hair with masculinity, and in fact, there is a whole section of gay males who do the same.

(Sex ed is such a fun topic)

To drive the point home... my point is no more absurd than yours! Never in my whole life, (and I like a nice cleanshaven *****), have I equated or even so much as thought of the idea that it resembled a "prepubescent" female. Never. Until of course, you brought it up; and yes, I find it a revolting and incorrect association. :eek:

To each his/her own. Quit being so judgemental woman! Sometimes, it really is just a matter of PREFERENCE and nothing more. ;)
Its not only a preference for me but its a cleanliness issue with me. My childs Father was the missing link and oh my god the smell when he would sweat, it clung to his body hair. Then the next man I was with was not so hairy in general and didn't seem to have that problem.

It just seems cleaner, never mind I gag when I get pubic hair in my mouth...not a nice thing to have happen at the wrong moment.
phreakwars said:
I saw a hispanic chick the otherday, she was fairly hot, was waring a short cut shirt, had nice abs, but god damn did she have some ****ing thick monkey hair on her back... damn bitch... shave your hairy ass already !!

You don't like a little jungle in the bunghole ?
Every few months I do a total body hair removal because I'm tired of looking and feeling like a damn dirty ape. A few applications of 4 minute NAIR does the trick.

Then I marvel at my little pre-pubescent boy body while I suck on my mommy's nipple.
GF Admin said:
Thankfully, I was blessed and born of good stock, proper breeding; I obviously stand much higher on the human evolutionary scale. Little to no body hair except were it belongs, on my head, a dash under the arms and a smidge on my arms and legs (thanks mom and dad for being pure Scandinavian Uber Folks) I shave my face once a week and because I hate all misplaced body hair I usually shave everything except my head 2-3 times a year.

I absolutely hate body hair on myself or my women; I think it is dirty and nasty looking

Torii I had never heard the concept you presented, it may be an issue you have from your childhood bouncing on your daddy