Shaving <--- FUNNY


New member
yea i know what to do. i have to put sensitive skin stuff on after i shave too!

so i normally dont forget aftershave! and it does sting.

The things men have to do to impres the op *** :thumbsup: :rolleyes:



New member
XD I've cut my self twice. I'm almost 14 and hair was going on my upper lip, so I decided to shave. Well I cut myself. Then it kinda grew back and I cut myself again, haha.

That's about the same place I where I got cut. o_O



New member
yea do you get people goin that ur to young to shave at 13. i started at 11 and i was hairy. its like a man when i grow! at 14 that pretty scary!

i get it everywhere *coughlowerpartscough* but i just sort that out with coughscissorscough* so im ok!

and im waiting for my first wax! :rolleyes: :eek:



New member
someone taught me! was my aunties husband. makes him an uncle

but i just was careless. i havent any movement in my right arm for 2 weeks &lt;-- operation and i guess my right arm has got slack and it cut lol!



New member

it is a bit random lol! just summat that popped in my head at the time of viewin this forum. dnno maybe its cuz i aint visited in a while and i saw the same topics as b4 LOL! :thumbsup:



New member
Hahaha wow that's got to suck but still pretty funny.

One time I was at my friend's house and we were about to go swimming so she was shaving her armpits and made this huge cut like and inch and a half long.



New member
haha the first time i shaved my legs i wasnt meant to but i did..i cut myself pretty bad i still have the scar and my mum was like omg dumbass.

sorry to hear that cloud but you will get better

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