Shaving <--- FUNNY

Mr Mack

New member
lol im 19 and can get away with shaving only twice a week (half the reasons is cos i have slow growing facial hair. other half of the reason is cos i want it to stay slow growing)


New member
im only 15, so I dont really have to worry about shaving, I do it about once a week. But if I leave it, it doesnt grow too much, just a heap of it around my chin lol. I manage to cut myself occasionally, normally when I use a new head for my razor.

Mr Mack

New member
lol should start a survey about reasons why u end up cutting yourself while shaving

-new razor head

-acne/bumpy skin


-tried to use an axe to shave



New member
I used to shave my arms cuz i loved the feelings of hairless skin (I'm a dork). I had like this big gash on my left arm. It was pretty bad. I have scars on my arms from cutting myself with the **** razor. I also have one scar on my leg from accidently cutting it. I hate cutting myself with a razor cuz i get in the shower after i shave and it stings like a b*tch!

That sucks. It's right by your lip too... That must suck a lot!

If I were a guy and had to shave my face... I'd fear having to do so.



New member
We were discussing this at lunch today actually. Guys think that they have it a lot worse, but girls have to shave, like, loads more things that guys... haha. Though I don't think I'd be too happy if I gashed open my face &gt;_&lt;


New member
lol Im probably going to shave for the first time in my life and be like HOLY **** THIS IS GAY, then probably only shave like 6 more times in my entire life lmao.


Active Members
Wow this is a very...unusual...subject. But, all I can say is buy an electric razor because its a dream.

I've had my fair share of cuts from razors, but thats because when I was in 7th grade I would shave without the shaving cream with a razor, because I hated putting shaving cream on.

I don't get razor burn though, so it never really hurt. But it would slip sometimes and nick my skin a bit.

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