
lol the shop down the road from me is such a rip job like $3.90 for 2 L of milk when at a normal shop it would be $2.00, or chips for like 50g packet $3.50 when only worth $1.50, so sometimes i steal from that shop cuz i hate them and there rip jobs but only lil things like candy bars..
I've stolen plenty, downloadingswise, I have also stolen plenty from places. when ever I go to a card shop by my house, I take $10 worth of cards & ****. The only reason I do is because their bastards. I was caught onceat a King Soopers, & had to sell my ps2 to ray the fines... -.- poor ps2...^^
Vash_the_Stampede said:
I've stolen plenty, downloadingswise, I have also stolen plenty from places. when ever I go to a card shop by my house, I take $10 worth of cards & ****. The only reason I do is because their bastards. I was caught onceat a King Soopers, & had to sell my ps2 to ray the fines... -.- poor ps2...^^

So I guess it wasn't worth getting $10 worth of cards for your PS2?

Yeah I have probably stolen over a $500-$1000 by downloading lol. Maybe more. Maybe one day I will do all the math.
I've stolen little things, but nothing expensive. My friend stole like $30 perfume from Victoria Secret to give someone as a birthday gift though.
Ive never shop lifted..never will...
Whats the point! It makes you feel guilty afterwards, and what if the cops find out?
:D ive never stolen, i have to big a
i dont think id ever be able to steal, even from people i dont like :p :D :)
i took a candy bar like once when i was five, but my mom caught me and i had to go to the manager, give him back the candy, pay him a dollar and apologize, then i got grounded so yeah, never done it since
^ Awww!!! Haha, must've taught you a valuable lesson.

If downloading is steal, then I guess I'm guilty xD! Stealing from another person is just plain wrong, and stealing from a shop... I don't think I've ever done it lol. As a kid, I probably snuck a few extra penny sweets into my pick a mix thingy, but nothing bad haha. It goes against all morals and I will never do it again! It's silly.
Suicide King said:
The biggest thing I have ever stolen is a traffic cone from a construction site. It was late at night and we were driving home from a bar...

We've gotten in a lot of trouble for doing that... (Only thing I've ever tried stealing)

It would be rather fun stealing a Shopping Cart!
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
^ Awww!!! Haha, must've taught you a valuable lesson.

If downloading is steal, then I guess I'm guilty xD! Stealing from another person is just plain wrong, and stealing from a shop... I don't think I've ever done it lol. As a kid, I probably snuck a few extra penny sweets into my pick a mix thingy, but nothing bad haha. It goes against all morals and I will never do it again! It's silly.

did u hear in the paper, downlading stuff can get u fined like 2000 pounds or something and if u cant pay u go to jail (or ur parent does if ur underage)
theyre trying to stamp down on it cuz it 'cheats' the really scared of downlading things