Should Cruelty to Animals posing as "Sport" be Banned?



I propose that all so-called "sports" in which animals are killed in a deliberately cruel manner be banned by all the countries that permit these sick abuses.

I saw a fox once at the end of a hunt. Its tongue was hanging out, it was gasping for had collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. The pack of hounds, loudly urged on by huntsmen and riders waving whips and blowing horns, closed in on the now helpless fox and ripped the skin off its bones. It was a vixen, and its cubs were also hounded and torn apart...all in the name of "sport".

I have also seen birds being blown to shreds by guys who turned a beautiful blue Autumn sky into a shooting gallery. Bloodies carcasses littered the landscape...some of the birds were still breathing. Again, the motive for this carnage was "sport".

I have not personally attended bullfights, but I have seen detailed film reports on this sadistic practise, which fans defend as "a noble sport"...the bulls are tortured even before they face the Matador and his sword. They are goaded and stabbed repeatedly with sharp lances, and have vaseline rubbed into their eyes to impair make life easier for the "heroic" Matador. This barbaric cruelty is a true relic of the coliseum days of Ancient Rome.

Hare coursing still survives in Ireland, and the Tory party in Britain want it brought back! It involves the baiting and killing by mauling or multiple injuries of captive hares by greyhounds. The action takes place in large wired enclosures. Crowds of shrieking gamblers and other thrill-seekers applaud as the hares are savaged by the larger and faster greyhounds. The greyhounds suffer too...once their coursing careers are over, they are abandoned or killed.

I could mention other similar "sports", legal in some countries or states, and banned in others, that display an equal contempt for the welfare of fighting, fighting, badger baiting...

What possible justification can there be for this horrific cruelty...which serves no purpose other than to give humans a laugh and a thrill?

I say they should be banned.

(There's an excellent book on the subject of these twisted bloodsports and the campaign to have them outlawed...Bad Hare Days by John Fitzgerald.

The author is a longtime campaigner against cruel sports involving animals and he writes, not only of the bloodsports themselves, but also about the underhanded, bullying tactics employed by the hunting/coursing gangs in their efforts to thwart opposition to their "recreactions"...and the ordeal to which they subjected animal rights people who dared to speak out.

He really blows the lid off the notion that these activities are "cultural" or "ennobling" pursuits, exposing them for the evil practises they are.)



New member
Yeah.. not a fan.. went to a bull"fight" in Mexico when I was 17 not having a clue what really goes on.. more like a bull torture.. walked out after the first one rather ****** and scarred..

Anyone who gets a laugh and thrill outta that **** is one sick f ck..



New member
Yeah.. not a fan.. went to a bull"fight" in Mexico when I was 17 not having a clue what really goes on.. more like a bull torture.. walked out after the first one rather ****** and scarred..
Anyone who gets a laugh and thrill outta that **** is one sick f ck..
wow, I agree with wez... lol



Thanks Eddo and Wes for those comments...and for noticing my post! -Ellen.


New member
If I could have my way, yes. Absolutely. Ban all of those so-called "sports." I don't see what is so fun about killing anything for no good reason. Especially the innocent. It's pretty demented actually.


New member
Yeah, they are barbaric sports, but good luck taking on that fight... I'm sure some asshat would try to equate the removal of their "traditions" and "customs" to genocide or death of their culture or some equally outlandish bull-puckey.


New member
I agree with this on dog fighting, fighting, bull fighting, etc...

I'm not so certain on things like dog hunts for fox, bear, boar, etc... or on sports like falcolning.

In these sports, these animals, dogs for instance are instinctively pack hunters. It's what they are and what they do. Same with falcolning. They catch things.

Many of these animals are unhappy or act out if not able to follow these instincts.



New member
I agree with this on dog fighting, fighting, bull fighting, etc...
I'm not so certain on things like dog hunts for fox, bear, boar, etc... or on sports like falcolning.

In these sports, these animals, dogs for instance are instinctively pack hunters. It's what they are and what they do. Same with falcolning. They catch things.

Many of these animals are unhappy or act out if not able to follow these instincts.
I disagree. This only encourages, reinforces and makes these so-called "instincts" thrive and get stronger. Dogs used to be wild creatures, wolves, really. But the gentler of these were bred and re-bred to be domesticated and taught how to behave for this purpose. So encouraging this behavior is not necessary and only takes these animals back to that stage.

Men/people who like bull, & dog fighting can say it is in their instinct to enjoy these "sports." or to enjoy violence, killing & being promiscious, but does it make it okay? No. People know better. And people also know better than to encourage things like this, with the excuse that it's what the dog, , etc. needs & wants.



New member
Hunting as a sport is fine as long as you intend to eat the meat. These kitty skeet shoots are a little out of that realm.


New member
Hunting for sport is fine by me, Killing an animal... I have no probs with it. Don't give a **** what your reason is. All I ask is make it quick, don't make the animal suffer. Even chickens have enough sense to know when their in pain.

I think almost every animal I have ever murdered for whatever reason, was taken out with a substantial caliber of ammunition fired into it's skull.

Not counting the feral kitten who's skull I bashed in for sneaking into my house and attacking my puppy. ;) That crazy beast needed murdered slow.





New member
Hunting for sport is fine by me, Killing an animal... I have no probs with it. Don't give a **** what your reason is. All I ask is make it quick, don't make the animal suffer. Even chickens have enough sense to know when their in pain.
I think almost every animal I have ever murdered for whatever reason, was taken out with a substantial caliber of ammunition fired into it's skull.

Not counting the feral kitten who's skull I bashed in for sneaking into my house and attacking my puppy. ;) That crazy beast needed murdered slow.


Eviiiiilll..... backs away making cross symbol against Bender



New member
I disagree. This only encourages, reinforces and makes these so-called "instincts" thrive and get stronger. Dogs used to be wild creatures, wolves, really. But the gentler of these were bred and re-bred to be domesticated and taught how to behave for this purpose. So encouraging this behavior is not necessary and only takes these animals back to that stage.

No, there are many breeds of dogs that were bred for specific hunting traits. It's in the breed. You can test it in a litter of puppies, in breeds like pointers, terriers and hounds by how they react to different stimulus. That's why terriers dig. They were bred to burrow into holes and go after badgers or what not. That's why pointers chase scents and freeze and point when they find something and why scent hounds chase scents and sight hounds chase moving objects. I'ts their instinct.

Not all domesticated animals are bred to be lap dogs.



New member
No, there are many breeds of dogs that were bred for specific hunting traits. It's in the breed. You can test it in a litter of puppies, in breeds like pointers, terriers and hounds by how they react to different stimulus. That's why terriers dig. They were bred to burrow into holes and go after badgers or what not. That's why pointers chase scents and freeze and point when they find something and why scent hounds chase scents and sight hounds chase moving objects. I'ts their instinct.
Not all domesticated animals are bred to be lap dogs.
IWS - I understand that. But even those particular breeds that you speak of have been trained, bred and made that way for those particular purposes. As with people, you can condition animals. Therefore you can also retrain them to not behave a certain way and outbreed that out of them.



New member
IWS - I understand that. But even those particular breeds that you speak of have been trained, bred and made that way for those particular purposes. As with people, you can condition animals. Therefore you can also retrain them to not behave a certain way and outbreed that out of them.

So if we don't like a creatures natural instincts, we should breed it out of them instead of letting them act on that instinct?

We should take a breed that had been specifically bred for a certain purpose, over hundreds, if not thousands of years, to have a drive and desire to do a certain job or perform a certain task, and force them to go against that desire?

Yea, that sounds humane. Make the dog miserable because you won't let it do what it naturally wants to do.



New member
So if we don't like a creatures natural instincts, we should breed it out of them instead of letting them act on that instinct?
We should take a breed that had been specifically bred for a certain purpose, over hundreds, if not thousands of years, to have a drive and desire to do a certain job or perform a certain task, and force them to go against that desire?

Yea, that sounds humane. Make the dog miserable because you won't let it do what it naturally wants to do.
Hello... humans have made these animals into what they are today - hunting dogs, sheep dogs, lap dogs, etc. It would be the same thing to discourage/teach to unlearn this negative learned behavior (eg. killing other innocent animals for NO reason, for "fun", for "sport".)

So acccording to your outlook, why don't we also let rapists and murderers do what they desire which is rape & kill? Why force them against their will and put them in jail/put them into counseling to reform & change? Why make the poor rapists & killers miserable and not let them do what comes natural to them?



New member
Hello... humans have made these animals into what they are today - hunting dogs, sheep dogs, lap dogs, etc. It would be the same thing to discourage/teach to unlearn this negative learned behavior (eg. killing other innocent animals for NO reason, for "fun", for "sport".)
So acccording to your outlook, why don't we also let rapists and murderers do what they desire which is rape & kill? Why force them against their will and put them in jail/put them into counseling to reform & change? Why make the poor rapists & killers miserable and not let them do what comes natural to them?
I think she has a point here. Lets let all the rapist and murders go!

Attica! Attica!



New member
Hello... humans have made these animals into what they are today - hunting dogs, sheep dogs, lap dogs, etc. It would be the same thing to discourage/teach to unlearn this negative learned behavior (eg. killing other innocent animals for NO reason, for "fun", for "sport".)
So acccording to your outlook, why don't we also let rapists and murderers do what they desire which is rape & kill? Why force them against their will and put them in jail/put them into counseling to reform & change? Why make the poor rapists & killers miserable and not let them do what comes natural to them?
That's a completely absurd leap. By your stupid exaggeration you could say the same about people and, eugenics, oh wait, the far left, secular progressives already tried that. :rolleyes:

Those behaviors in dogs are only negative, based on your "opinion". Let me expand on your completely absurd comparison to people. Maybe we should breed out homosexuality.

Seems a bit stupid, doesn't it? Why? Because it's who they are and what they do.



New member
Wow. These people should be charged.

They allowed their dog to maintain it's instincts to fight back against an animal that is attacking it's owners.

Mountain lion mauls dog that defended owners

1 hr 48 mins ago

LAKE ELSINORE, Calif. ? A mountain lion attacked and nearly killed a dog that defended its owners Tuesday on a trail in the Santa Ana Mountains.

The dog was severely mauled in the stomach area and rushed to a veterinary hospital for surgery, said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino. The 5-year-old black Labrador mix named Hoagie underwent a four-hour operation and was expected to survive, he said.
Mountain lion mauls dog that defended owners
**** dog should have known it's place. Cowering in the corner while it's owner was mauled to death by the cougar, because Chi made them breed it into a docile lap dog.

They need to put the vicious beast down, before it breeds and passes on it's vicious, violent "negative" behaviors.

Viva eugenics, for animals and people.

Go Chi.

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