I propose that all so-called "sports" in which animals are killed in a deliberately cruel manner be banned by law...in all the countries that permit these sick abuses.
I saw a fox once at the end of a hunt. Its tongue was hanging out, it was gasping for breath...it had collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. The pack of hounds, loudly urged on by huntsmen and riders waving whips and blowing horns, closed in on the now helpless fox and ripped the skin off its bones. It was a vixen, and its cubs were also hounded and torn apart...all in the name of "sport".
I have also seen birds being blown to shreds by guys who turned a beautiful blue Autumn sky into a shooting gallery. Bloodies carcasses littered the landscape...some of the birds were still breathing. Again, the motive for this carnage was "sport".
I have not personally attended bullfights, but I have seen detailed film reports on this sadistic practise, which fans defend as "a noble sport"...the bulls are tortured even before they face the Matador and his sword. They are goaded and stabbed repeatedly with sharp lances, and have vaseline rubbed into their eyes to impair vision...to make life easier for the "heroic" Matador. This barbaric cruelty is a true relic of the coliseum days of Ancient Rome.
Hare coursing still survives in Ireland, and the Tory party in Britain want it brought back! It involves the baiting and killing by mauling or multiple injuries of captive hares by greyhounds. The action takes place in large wired enclosures. Crowds of shrieking gamblers and other thrill-seekers applaud as the hares are savaged by the larger and faster greyhounds. The greyhounds suffer too...once their coursing careers are over, they are abandoned or killed.
I could mention other similar "sports", legal in some countries or states, and banned in others, that display an equal contempt for the welfare of animals....dog fighting, fighting, badger baiting...
What possible justification can there be for this horrific cruelty...which serves no purpose other than to give humans a laugh and a thrill?
I say they should be banned.
(There's an excellent book on the subject of these twisted bloodsports and the campaign to have them outlawed...Bad Hare Days by John Fitzgerald.
The author is a longtime campaigner against cruel sports involving animals and he writes, not only of the bloodsports themselves, but also about the underhanded, bullying tactics employed by the hunting/coursing gangs in their efforts to thwart opposition to their "recreactions"...and the ordeal to which they subjected animal rights people who dared to speak out.
He really blows the lid off the notion that these activities are "cultural" or "ennobling" pursuits, exposing them for the evil practises they are.)
I saw a fox once at the end of a hunt. Its tongue was hanging out, it was gasping for breath...it had collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. The pack of hounds, loudly urged on by huntsmen and riders waving whips and blowing horns, closed in on the now helpless fox and ripped the skin off its bones. It was a vixen, and its cubs were also hounded and torn apart...all in the name of "sport".
I have also seen birds being blown to shreds by guys who turned a beautiful blue Autumn sky into a shooting gallery. Bloodies carcasses littered the landscape...some of the birds were still breathing. Again, the motive for this carnage was "sport".
I have not personally attended bullfights, but I have seen detailed film reports on this sadistic practise, which fans defend as "a noble sport"...the bulls are tortured even before they face the Matador and his sword. They are goaded and stabbed repeatedly with sharp lances, and have vaseline rubbed into their eyes to impair vision...to make life easier for the "heroic" Matador. This barbaric cruelty is a true relic of the coliseum days of Ancient Rome.
Hare coursing still survives in Ireland, and the Tory party in Britain want it brought back! It involves the baiting and killing by mauling or multiple injuries of captive hares by greyhounds. The action takes place in large wired enclosures. Crowds of shrieking gamblers and other thrill-seekers applaud as the hares are savaged by the larger and faster greyhounds. The greyhounds suffer too...once their coursing careers are over, they are abandoned or killed.
I could mention other similar "sports", legal in some countries or states, and banned in others, that display an equal contempt for the welfare of animals....dog fighting, fighting, badger baiting...
What possible justification can there be for this horrific cruelty...which serves no purpose other than to give humans a laugh and a thrill?
I say they should be banned.
(There's an excellent book on the subject of these twisted bloodsports and the campaign to have them outlawed...Bad Hare Days by John Fitzgerald.
The author is a longtime campaigner against cruel sports involving animals and he writes, not only of the bloodsports themselves, but also about the underhanded, bullying tactics employed by the hunting/coursing gangs in their efforts to thwart opposition to their "recreactions"...and the ordeal to which they subjected animal rights people who dared to speak out.
He really blows the lid off the notion that these activities are "cultural" or "ennobling" pursuits, exposing them for the evil practises they are.)