Should Cruelty to Animals posing as "Sport" be Banned?


New member
I do remember shooting a rabbit once in the gut. I was pretty young and was still learning. My brother had to wade out into the snow and ring its neck because it was squealing. When my brother got back to where we were he was swinging the rabbit at me and yelling " you ever do that again and I'm gonna make you eat it whole right here on the spot!" I learned don't take the shot unless you are sure of your target.


It's obvious that this entire thread wasn't at all posted to get other people's point of view.
It was a typical idealogue personality wanting to look down their nose at people who don't agree with them and marginalize them by labeling anyone who kills an animal for sport, as a blood thirsty, ****** that seeks out the desire to inflict pain.

Get past yourself, get a life, and look in the mirror sometime.
I respect your view but I have to correct your assessment of me as someone who is motivated by some oddball need to "look down" on, or "marginalise" someone else.

I am concerned about cruelty to animals regardless of whether the people inflicting it are wealthy well-heeled foxhunters or people with no wealth at all...the issue here is the need to secure greater protection for animals from people who go out of their way to torture or cruelly kill or ill-treat them for "sport".

You ask me to "get a life". I already have one and it encompasses involvement in a number of campaigns aimed aimed at making the short humble lives of animals somewhat less unbearable than certain people are determined to make them via Fun-Cruelty.

I don't think that everyone who causes such deliberate pain and suffering to animals is necessarily a ******. They may be unthinking, reckless individuals who just don't realise, or care about, what they are doing...or in deep denial about their actions.

I hope that postings such as this one may awaken in these people a spark of humanity as I don't believe that any human being is inherently evil.



New member
I don't think that everyone who causes such deliberate pain and suffering to animals is necessarily a ******. They may be unthinking, reckless individuals who just don't realise, or care about, what they are doing...or in deep denial about their actions.

Again, your post just reinforced my assessment of you trying to vilify or put in a lower class than yourself, people who don't share your opinion or point of view. You throw in a back handed remark, that people who don't agree with your point of view, must be "unthinking, reckless individuals".

Your opinion, is just that. An opinion. What you view as "cruel" may not be so to other people, or other cultures.

What is your opinion of wing shooting, waterfowl hunting, small or large game hunting?



New member
I think she was talking about the fox and the hound kind of hunting. Or the let the deer out of the cage and shoot it kind.


Again, your post just reinforced my assessment of you trying to vilify or put in a lower class than yourself, people who don't share your opinion or point of view. You throw in a back handed remark, that people who don't agree with your point of view, must be "unthinking, reckless individuals".
Your opinion, is just that. An opinion. What you view as "cruel" may not be so to other people, or other cultures.

What is your opinion of wing shooting, waterfowl hunting, small or large game hunting?
With respect, my opposition to animal cruelty posing as "sport" in based on concern for the animal victims of the has nothing remotely got to do with "looking down" on anyone. I don't even think in terms of different "classes" of society.

This is something that apologists for animal cruelty/and/or recreational killing of animals frequently do...they divert the debate away from the cruelty issue and try to ascribe all sorts of wierd or nasty motives to people who oppose cruel practises. This approach may impress some. I see it as a purely diversionary tactic. It dances around the central issue, which is the infliction of unnecessary pain and suffering on animals for fun.

The criteria to be examined in my view when deciding whether a "sport" involving animals is acceptable or not is the level of unnecessary pain and suffering involved for these creatures.

Instant death from a single accurate shot is obviously more humane than torturing the animal or wounding it and leaving it to die from those those wounds.

But better than a clean single shot would be to leave the animal in peace...and instead shoot it with a camera. There is no need for "big or small" game hunting, any more than there is a "need" for bullies in the workplace or in the school yard.



New member
But better than a clean single shot would be to leave the animal in peace...and instead shoot it with a camera. There is no need for "big or small" game hunting, any more than there is a "need" for bullies in the workplace or in the school yard.
First, in the 48 states there are no longer enough natural predators to keep the deer population under control. Secondly, it seems to me dying from a clean shot beats being eaten alive. Third point, no one pays landowners to sit in a tree stand with a Nikon, nor do the Nikon users pay state fees and licenses that help pay for wildlife management.



New member
But better than a clean single shot would be to leave the animal in peace...and instead shoot it with a camera. There is no need for "big or small" game hunting, any more than there is a "need" for bullies in the workplace or in the school yard.
Killing a deer with a camera seems a bit more cruel than a clean single shot from a rifle.

I mean, the camera doesn't "shoot" anything... it captures an image. You'd have to bludgeon the deer to the death with a camera.



New member
You haven't seen sick hunting until you've seen pig sticking.

[ame=]YouTube - Knife Hunting Hogs with Dogs[/ame]

I'm an avid hunter, but this **** turns my stomach.



New member
I've had a change of opinion. I too can see the potential problems that could arise from allowing fox hunting to continue...

View attachment 2309

The clever little bastards might decide rabbits aren't challenging enough and start hunting humans. :D




New member
Cruelty towards animals absolutely breaks my heart. If I won the lottery, I would open up a sanctuary to take care of abandoned pets or those that suffered abuse at the hands of their owners.

That being said, you'll never change the views of all people the world over....sadly.



New member
Ohhh... no!
I sodomize it, so that it is nice and tender.
Sodomize what? The dolphin, the onion or the sammich?

Don't get me wrong....all are equally disturbing. I was just curious.

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