Should Phantom Be Boxed?

phreakwars said:
Yeah, upgrade your account you cheap ******* !!

Yeah, it showed and error and it somehow came back oddly enough.

Chuck in another $12? Sure, not a problem. It'll be done soon.
It's not a fair poll!

It's supposed to have both sides of the coin. There should be something like..
No she fell for Nazz's bullshit trap!

You know damn well that by Nazz giving that information out it was meant to stir **** up.

Now Phantom wants to take all the heat and let Nazz slide.

What was the rules on having two accounts anyway?
And who else is using two accounts?
snafu said:
It's not a fair poll!

Fair doesn't have anything to do with it. Phantom started the poll, she is the orchestrator of her own banning.

snafu said:
It's supposed to have both sides of the coin. There should be something like..
No she fell for Nazz's bullshit trap!

Anyone who takes Nazz literally should be subject to the penalties of their own stupidity.

snafu said:
You know damn well that by Nazz giving that information out it was meant to stir **** up.

Boo-****ing-hoo! Nazz is an asshole and stirring **** up is what he does. Not making excuses, but I am an asshole as well. I know how we operate.

snafu said:
Now Phantom wants to take all the heat and let Nazz slide.

She made the poll.

snafu said:
What was the rules on having two accounts anyway?
And who else is using two accounts?

Nazz may have two accounts because his IP address is mobile. So it is hard to peg him for having two accounts or someone using his name on the second. Given the style of N2's posts, I would say it is the old vagabond. Still, a loophole is a loophole.

Get over it.
Phantom, why would you even post this poll? If a poll was in order for your actions. I am sure Phreak, Builder, Ro or any of the other mods would have done it faster than you could blink.

You apologized to Nazz last night.. He let you have it in the shout box. You both went round for round yesterday.. I think he said that all is forgiven. And on a side note.. Have you ever seen Nazz vote to box any prem member?
He is pretty much against boxing anyone, unless it deems warranted.. He punished you in his own way last night. I really dont believe he would want you boxed.. If so, he would have personally messaged Phreak and asked him to do the poll..

I have known you 7 and a half years. I know your moods, your actions and reactions. These people have only known you a little better than a month. They don't know you. I know what your intention was here. And it wasn't meant to sound pathetic or beg people to box you. It was your way of apologizing again for something that has already run its course.. Let it go. Seriously, it's over.. Walk away.. Now.
It's not a fair poll! It's supposed to have both sides of the coin.

I purposely designed the poll that way because I was prepared to take responsibility for my actions. Though I personally feel it was funny, whatever emotions Nazz wants to have whether it be humor, frustration, or anger is his right. I will not dictate what he is allowed to feel. I am trying to bite the bullet, swallow my pride, apologize, and accept the consequences alone. Though the original poll offered the options to either box me or dismiss the issue, it has since been updated.

I change my vote to refund her ****ing $12 and ban her ass out.

If I am banned, no refund is needed. GF is a blast and I will have enjoyed my premium membership while it lasted. It is not my intention to be a cry baby or demand a refund if I am banned.

I have known you 7 and a half years. I know your moods, your actions and reactions. These people have only known you a little better than a month. They don't know you. I know what your intention was here. And it wasn't meant to sound pathetic or beg people to box you. It was your way of apologizing again for something that has already run its course.. Let it go. Seriously, it's over.. Walk away.. Now.

Exactly. This post was not an attempt to crucify myself, get attention, or beat a dead horse. It was to show I was sincere. I have already made the conscious decision to stay out of the SB and chat room and to only participate in the serious forums. Your advice is wise, as always.

Let's Clarify.

In real life, I am 100% business, propriety, and family. I suppose I do have a GF persona after all. I tend to act like a trouble-making tard when I come here. I have been boxed, banned, censored, and altered but have never taken it personally nor do I hold any animosity towards any members. Altering signatures or issuing pager taunts is hysterical in my opinion. Sure, we all throw barbs at each other but so far I have taken nothing personally and none of my insults should be taken personally.

However, the fun and games should end if another member becomes upset. If I am banned, I am banned. If this situation blows over, so be it. However I am willing to put the fun and games aside and own up to whatever trouble I have caused. Not being an attention whore- just trying to act like an adult and apologize to Nazz.
I say who the **** cares. No harm no foul. Alot of folks on this board have been getting awfully sensitive lately. To many other issues that warrant more concern then some tomfoolery by Phantom. She said she was sorry so let it go peeps.

BTW Phantom, why no third option to include 'who gives a **** so lets drop it' in your poll? Your to selfless.
Phantom said:
I purposely designed the poll that way because I was prepared to take responsibility for my actions. Though I personally feel it was funny, whatever emotions Nazz wants to have whether it be humor, frustration, or anger is his right. I will not dictate what he is allowed to feel. I am trying to bite the bullet, swallow my pride, apologize, and accept the consequences alone. Though the original poll offered the options to either box me or dismiss the issue, it has since been updated.

If I am banned, no refund is needed. GF is a blast and I will have enjoyed my premium membership while it lasted. It is not my intention to be a cry baby or demand a refund if I am banned.

Exactly. This post was not an attempt to crucify myself, get attention, or beat a dead horse. It was to show I was sincere. I have already made the conscious decision to stay out of the SB and chat room and to only participate in the serious forums. Your advice is wise, as always.

Let's Clarify.

In real life, I am 100% business, propriety, and family. I suppose I do have a GF persona after all. I tend to act like a trouble-making tard when I come here. I have been boxed, banned, censored, and altered but have never taken it personally nor do I hold any animosity towards any members. Altering signatures or issuing pager taunts is hysterical in my opinion. Sure, we all throw barbs at each other but so far I have taken nothing personally and none of my insults should be taken personally.

However, the fun and games should end if another member becomes upset. If I am banned, I am banned. If this situation blows over, so be it. However I am willing to put the fun and games aside and own up to whatever trouble I have caused. Not being an attention whore- just trying to act like an adult and apologize to Nazz.

I missed it.

What the **** did you do to Nazz that you needed to resort to this? Nazz is a big boy and has thrown his massive weight around too. I'm sure he's curled up in a corner sucking his thumb in disbelieve that you would screw with him.:mad:
Jhony5 said:
BTW Phantom, why no third option to include 'who gives a **** so lets drop it' in your poll? Your to selfless.

Originally a third option was offered. The current poll options do appear to be biased as there should always be a third option to dismiss the issue. Apparently some mischievous mods thought otherwise, but such is life.

Snafu said:
What the **** did you do to Nazz that you needed to resort to this?

In good faith, he offered me the use of his second account but apparently the instructions were not understood on my part to not interact with other members. Things seemed to have simmered down and all has been forgiven concerning the parties involved. This apology letter was written prior to us coming to an agreement in which Nazz is allowed to play with my account one time in return.
Actually, the poll if anything, is invalid.. what kind of stupid **** starts their own poll to get tossed in the box ??

I'll tell you who... nobody but a ****ing attention whore.

That is pretty ****ing obvious to all of the MODS.

The way I see it, if you want to start a poll just to see if you will get boxed, then your not worth voting for, you just need to be avoided.

Knock your **** off Phantom, nobody really gives a ****. But if you want boxed, we will be more then happy to oblige.
phreakwars said:
I'll tell you who... nobody but a ****ing attention whore.

This will be explained one last time. The last two apology posts had dismal results for the original posters. For a member to create a similar thread would mean they are either oblivious to the unspoken rules of online etiquette, utterly insane, or are genuinely interested in offering an apology even at the risk of losing popularity points or being accused of attention whoring.

If the following isn’t obvious by now, I cannot help you. I do not take anything personal online but I will not assume everyone has the same thickness of skin. If another member feels I have crossed the line or offended them then I have no problem offering them an apology, even if I feel their reactions are not justifiable.
This is more like Phantom...


Fragile Femme is very needy and insecure and regards the discussion forum as her personal support group, and will lash out when her feelings are not "validated" by the others. Fragile Femme will often refer to the forum participants as her "family" and becomes distraught at disharmony of any kind. She regards a minor disagreement with her as devastating personal assaults and will often dissolve into hysteria when confronted. Her hyperactive sense of injury renders her fighting tactics fairly ineffective, but Innocence Abused, Cyber Sisters or Weenie will often spring to her defense.
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This is more like Phantom... The Fragile Femme

Interesting analysis, Sigmund Fraud. I might get my ass kicked all over the forum but my "insidious attention whoring" keeps bringing me back for more. That's what makes yours truly The Palooka.


what kind of stupid **** starts their own poll to get tossed in the box ??

Maybe someone who doesn't think the idiot box is a life shattering punishment?

Hey Nazz, you whiny little dick snacker. It's your own damn fault you gave me your log-in information via yahoo and even my cell phone. If you weren't so insistent, I never would have taken your offer in the first place. Anything that occurred was a result of your dumbass decision to give out the info.

Sorry but that won't be my attitude today, tomorrow, or ever. The ones who were owed an apology were Nazz and Builder so they received it. The poll was offered in the case I had unwittingly violated site policy. If a member was offended by something that was said during a serious debate, they should rightfully be told to suck it up and stop being a cry baby. However, when the line is crossed between the internet and real life, an apology is in order. If a member cannot admit when they crossed the line, their intentions here should be reevaluated.
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GF Admin said:
It is not only impossible but unrealisitc to say such a thing, once you have examined the medium required to communicate, such a pronouncements is obviously hypotheticaly in error.

Yes, but only in the circumference of the circle in which you speak. If you were to come full circle well then, we shall have the whole story.. :D