So elmo is saying..... That instead of going it on my own, I should have stayed with the guy who ended up beating the **** out of me and more than once put my child in danger, or that I should have had an abortion at 25 years old (when I was not having casual ***)
Ya I am a single mom ,and ya it sux sometimes but there isn't a second where I regret my decision. I ask for no more assistance than state health insurance and at one point accept WIC (minimal help with food). I accept my choices for what they are MY CHOICES!!!!!! I live at home for the moment (YA THAT SUX ***) but it affords me the ability to not only raise my own child, but to remain in the same state as my family, as i believe that family is a GOOD thing and I want my daughter to know what that is like.
Hate me if you want, I am cool with that, cause frankly, your opinion don't mean ****
Well, smarty pants, my opinion does mean "****" to you or why the reply?
I don't particularly hate YOU. What I detest is the culture of single momhood.
And, frankly you seem to fit right in this mode. Nobody cares that you did or did not stay with your chosen boyfriend. I doubt he just started being an **** when you turned up pregnant. Bad choice on your part. Very bad. Now, your poor kid has no father.
Ever hear of birth control? I'll be a bit psychic here and tell you that you actually wanted to trap that low rent and he wasn't really happy about it. Then the beatings REALLY began.
You did suck off the teat of wellfare. Don't kid yourself by saying you didn't take too much advantage of the system. You did. Can't even feed your own baby. This is what I find disgusting. Don't have them if you can't even feed or provide medical care.
Your poor parents. They must be thrilled to have to be taking care of you and a baby.
Here is a clue to all thinking of becoming single mommies: DON'T.
This is the way it should be done:
#1 Date. Cull the herd of idiots.
#2 Use birth control.
#3 Pick an employed, decent man to marry.
#4 After a year or so...and after having saved a bit of money....THEN GET PREGNANT. I imagine if he is beating you within this year you would be smart enough to get a divorce and not bring an innocent into the mess.
But, of course you know this. Everyone does. It's why being a single mother is a sad, bad, stupid thing to be.