Sixes is in the box...

Cogito Ergo Sum

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2005
Yes, that's right...

sixes is in the box yet again...(for quite some time now)

"What for?" I hear you ask?

The ****er thinks it is funny to go around deleting his posts. WTF?

If you have something to say, say it. If you have nothing to say, don't say it in the first place.

Now in the box, he can post, but cannot edit the posts.

****ing Idiot!
Also CES there is 5 loopholes to everyforum. That is one. Not hacks, just the software drawbacks. I'm going to annoy you so much over the next year, you will think its a full time job. We have alot more in common that you might want to admit. ha ha ha
sixes said:
Also CES there is 5 loopholes to everyforum. That is one. Not hacks, just the software drawbacks. I'm going to annoy you so much over the next year, you will think its a full time job. We have alot more in common that you might want to admit. ha ha ha

Annoy Me? Ha! You give it your best shot Buckwheat!

I've got a gnat in my office that annoys me more than you!
He told me that's what he does, goes from forum to forum trying to get banned and be annoying...

So far I have yet to see him be annoying, unless you wanna call talking 100% **** because he is an attention whore annoying.

J@$0|\| J0|\|3$ 1$ +|-|3 |\/|0$+ |33+ | 3|2$0|\| 1|\| +|-|3 \X/0|2|[).:rolleyes:

Hell, if he likes the idiot box so damn much, why disappoint him.. here at GF we aim to please. ;)

If he wants to REALLY annoy us, he'd stop posting... then we wouldn't have any more posts to phuck with.

Or worse yet, start contributing to topics with relevancy, hell people like fullauto, snafu and a couple other long time members always get overlooked when it comes to messing with their posts simply because they always contribute.

Our buddy Jason makes GF so much fun by being our official troll.

Of course he will never fill C-J.. or "PIK"'s shoes, they were they best (I kinda miss them) when it came to trolling, but at least he is trying.

I already have my own pet, (tizz), seems C.E.S. gotta break in the MOD boots right and got HIS own pet too.

If anybody ever wonders why we never ban but only idiot box, it's simple. If we MODS didn't have someone to mess with, we'd probably get bored. Jason just proves how much more fun it is to keep the idiots rather then kick em out.
How is your forum doing today asshat? Don't blame me! I'm not your only fan. Nice link BTW. Its not the missing link you are but I'm sure its nice............
phreakwars said:
If he wants to REALLY annoy us, he'd stop posting... then we wouldn't have any more posts to phuck with.


That is a damn good idea, only think "operation annoy yourass part 2". So I need to divert your attention to me. Hi ;) . Having problems??? lol 3 more to go! and **** it eh? I'll add the stop posting as a 6th thing just for you. I like that number dont you? sixes?? Its a good round number.
Yeah, he did that at my site too.

Phreak, you like to think of him providing entertainment but really, he's just making your site look less then what I'm sure some people thought it was. I know I've changed my mind about what I thought this site was about.

When Outlaw told me about it and I first checked it out, I was intimidated and thought that really intelligent people came here to debate and have free speech. But the truth is, it's nothing more then a damn soap opera. There's really nothing interesting to read here other then who's been idiot boxed or who's throwing a hissy fit today.

I'm not trying to be a bitch. I'm just letting you know what a newer member thinks about your site. I bet I'm not the only one either.
Ah yes, but the cure for the disease is very simple, USE THE DAMN IGNORE BUTTON. Then you will not have to see Mr. Wannabe Super Hacker's posts.

Still don't like the site after that ?? Then get the **** out.
bec said:
Yeah, he did that at my site too.

Phreak, you like to think of him providing entertainment but really, he's just making your site look less then what I'm sure some people thought it was. I know I've changed my mind about what I thought this site was about.

When Outlaw told me about it and I first checked it out, I was intimidated and thought that really intelligent people came here to debate and have free speech. But the truth is, it's nothing more then a damn soap opera. There's really nothing interesting to read here other then who's been idiot boxed or who's throwing a hissy fit today.

I'm not trying to be a bitch. I'm just letting you know what a newer member thinks about your site. I bet I'm not the only one either.

Yeah this is a reject forum as far as debating BB. I joined cause everyone thinks they are hotshit. If you can debate,they will be the first to chase you away. This site is for profit. Not debate. The Idiot Box is the best part of the site ,no matter what they tell you. That is what this site is all about. You go to the box. You become the center of attention. The reason for this is the lack of debating skills by the active Moderaters. Don't waste you time here ,or send members from you real debate site here. You will only lower thier IQ!
bec said:
Yeah, he did that at my site too.

Phreak, you like to think of him providing entertainment but really, he's just making your site look less then what I'm sure some people thought it was. I know I've changed my mind about what I thought this site was about.

When Outlaw told me about it and I first checked it out, I was intimidated and thought that really intelligent people came here to debate and have free speech. But the truth is, it's nothing more then a damn soap opera. There's really nothing interesting to read here other then who's been idiot boxed or who's throwing a hissy fit today.

I'm not trying to be a bitch. I'm just letting you know what a newer member thinks about your site. I bet I'm not the only one either.


I am amazed at this statement of yours: "There's really nothing interesting to read here other then who's been idiot boxed or who's throwing a hissy fit today."

Have you been asleep? Do you ever bother to really look around the site and perhaps visit the topics with HIGH post and view counts?

Personally, most times, there is much more or interest and intellect than I can possibly partake of during one day.

Sure, there is fun and games...stress relief for the internet crowd, but there is so much more that you have simply chosen to overlook.

A quick perusal of the forums you have chosen to participate in, clearly demonstrates to me your taste, which you then complain about!

eddo .vs sixes

The Over-Moderation of this site...

They now have a class for that? Re: copyright laws

Garbage Pail Kids

Family Guilt


Famous TH rants of stupidity in the shoutbox

So...yeah, other sites you go to like this one?

Check It

Sixes is in the box...

You are your own worst enemy! Come into the big leagues, and make some waves with the core contributors here, many of whom are really quite intelligent and complex. Express yourself and add to the good forums and posts instead of hanging down in the gutters and complaining about it!
I felt the same way the first day I joined this site. The person you are talking to CES has one of the most popular debate forum on the net. A real debate forum,they have zero tolerance for bullshit. They do not need to box members to get more from them, or less in your case. This site is bound to fall. I'm just here to piss on your head as it goes down. Oh, and make sure you pay attention to me and not the real problem. :D