Sleeping Requirements


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2005
Pretty straight forward poll.

Every knows I'm a nocturnal, and even worse, a chronic insomniac. While it's never really had a bad effect on any of my relationships, it does interfer with my job to a certain degree. If we had board meetings at 2 am, I would be 100% with it. As it is, at 8 am, I'm there, but not fully human till about 10 am.

Any one else? Any one else have the the problem in reverse?
Gotta have at least 7 hours or a get migranes. I've been doing pretty good. I antisipate the clock. I'm always up before it goes off. Don't know why.
snafu said:
Gotta have at least 7 hours or a get migranes. I've been doing pretty good. I antisipate the clock. I'm always up before it goes off. Don't know why.

I do that too. I almost am never awaken by the alarm.

Oh sleep, why do you ellude me?
I've spent almost 9 years dealing with sleep issues. After a medication change a few months ago, I can usually sleep about 6 or so hours now. Before, I would only sleep an hour or 2, then be awake for the day..

Some say my personality has changed since I have been sleeping more. Evidently, I am a much happier person ( in the real world).
In the summertime I am a night owl. After the time change in the fall, I am a morning bird. I suppose you could say I'm solar powered. Up with the sun, down with the sun. :D
I can't imagine being an insomniac. I went 4 days without sleeping when i stopped taking vicodin for my leg. I took 3 sleeping pills and washed them down with a beer and watched tv all night. I know what insanity feels like.

Any other time i can lay down on a pile of broken glass and sleep 12hrs.
Going to work at 3:30am and trying to watch the few shows on tv that i like makes sleep a luxury.
1. Usually I'm up at either 9,10, or 11 AM and can be fully functional for a day. If I get up before then I'm either belligerant and/or in some sort of dillusioned zombie state all day

2. I Generally have a lot of troubles falling asleep ESPECIALLY if there is any sort of sound or even the slightest thing on my mind that is bugging me. These are NOT fun all-nighters, and I've had way too many of them.
If I eat too much, I can fall asleep standing up and leaning on a bass speaker at a rock concert.

But seriously, I'm with you on the stress/worry factor in the insomnia equation.

The older I get, the more I realise that fears are fabrications of our own making.

Front them when they come. Try not to paint them in your own mind.
If some flesh eating bacteria is not attacking your pubic region your worries are probably without a solid foundation. Just like the buildings Builder builds.
I can function, if need be, on 4 hours sleep. It isn't pretty but it is doable. If I go several nights without at least 6 hours, Ice Princess (as some of my friends have so kindly dubbed me) comes out. Total unbearable bitch.
It depends. If I am bored and have nothing to do or look forward to I could lay in bed until around noon, but I would only sleep about eight hours. If I am on vacation or have something pressing that needs to get done, I'm fine with four or five hours of sleep.
I don't sleep very sound. I wake up about three times a night, but easily get back to sleep.
I can go with very little sleep and be okay. I once went for two weeks with only 6 hours total. I actually start to function better when I'm sleep deprived.
If I sleep past a certain time, though, I'll sleep the whole day. More sleep = More tired.
Some of my best artwork/writing/etc comes out around 3 or 4 am. Ask me at noon and I can't do a thing if I've been sleeping.
The problem is, the less sleep I get, the more of a jackass I am. But I'm one of those people who can insult you and make it ound polite.
My sleeping is very irregular...and irritating...

I cant fall asleep unless im dead tired.....or drunk (drinking at times has become my sleeping pill lately)....

then on the flip takes a friggin freight train to wake me up (usually harder if i havent been drinking....if you can believe that)

7 hours is the shortest time my body seems to require for me to function normally...anything less i either get sick....or am a shell of a human being for the day....

left to my own devices (sober or drunk) and not setting any alarms or having anything planned the next day i can sleep 12+ hours easily. .....infact not that long ago i went to bed around 6am...woke up at 9:45pm...rolled over and called it a day and went back to sleep till about 9am...

I love my sleep...Must be why i stay young looking cuz i smoke like crazy...

with my promotion i seem to be stressed alot more...and getting to sleep is much harder then every before, but waking up is at least easier (mainly out of fear of being irresponsible when i have soo many people to be in charge of and to be a good example)...

shrug..well see how tonight off work at 1:20am...and have to work from 11-9 hoping these few glasses of wine will get me tired to go to bed since i havent gone to sleep all week till this should be a great day tomorow....zombie vortex will come out i suspect...