Sleeping Requirements

On a good night, I can function on four to six hours of sleep, unless there's a Sci-Fi convention in town. Then it's ZERO sleep for two nights, meaning, I'm like a bat. :D
Kryptonite Man said:
On a good night, I can function on four to six hours of sleep, unless there's a Sci-Fi convention in town. Then it's ZERO sleep for two nights, meaning, I'm like a bat. :D

You're more like a nut!
Kryptonite Man said:
On a good night, I can function on four to six hours of sleep, unless there's a Sci-Fi convention in town. Then it's ZERO sleep for two nights, meaning, I'm like a bat. :D

How the hell old are you again?

My god, get used to being single.
manicmonday said:
I do that too. I almost am never awaken by the alarm.

Oh sleep, why do you ellude me?

Here let me answer your question...

Sleep eludes you because your a wound tight **** with every neurosis in the book, either taking too much medication, or not enough or posibly the wrong kind altogether.

Maybe your gagging for the next man to come along and **** you and then beat you...who knows, only you can answer that question if you could actually get in touch with yourself long enough...
LethaIfind said:
Here let me answer your question...

Sleep eludes you because your a wound tight **** with every neurosis in the book, either taking too much medication, or not enough or posibly the wrong kind altogether.

Maybe your gagging for the next man to come along and **** you and then beat you...who knows, only you can answer that question if you could actually get in touch with yourself long enough...

Wow, you really did smarten up in your time away?

Marry me, and become my Melissa Etheridge and Ellen all in one.
Anna Perenna said:
I can feel your tone, Mac. Are you still upset at me about that?
Not at all, that night was the most magical time of my life. I just wish I could remember what you were about to do with that broomstick right before I passed out.
Lethalfind said:
Maybe your gagging for the next man to come along and **** you and then beat you...who knows, only you can answer that question if you could actually get in touch with yourself long enough...
God, that totally gave me a hard on for Melissa for some odd reason... I hope it's true, she sounds hot.

Possibly needs a spanking.
Lethalfind said:
Maybe you should pay closer attention, I'm not the one who gets beaten by the men in my life...

And I'm not either you dolt. Have you heard of a thing called the past? You know the thing you walk away from? Because I have, I would think you certainly should be able to.
Mack the Knife said:
Not at all, that night was the most magical time of my life. I just wish I could remember what you were about to do with that broomstick right before I passed out.

I'm glad to hear it. It was a magical night for me too (in every sense)

But I was worried because you looked a little anxious when I clamped your feet onto the monkey bars and frankly, terrified, when I forgot to cut a little breathing hole into your gaffer tape.

As for the broomstick, never you mind about that, dearest. In fact it's better if you forget ....
Mack the Knife said:
Not at all, that night was the most magical time of my life. I just wish I could remember what you were about to do with that broomstick right before I passed out.

I'm glad to hear it. It was a special night for me, too.

I was just worried because you looked a little anxious when I clamped your feet onto the monkey bars and frankly, terrified, when I forgot to cut a little breathing hole into your gaffer tape.

But if you promise to block that silly old broomstick incident completely out of your mind, I'll promise you another great night - this time with nachos, a Bengal tiger, and some razor wire ...
Anna Perenna said:
I'm glad to hear it. It was a special night for me, too.

I was just worried because you looked a little anxious when I clamped your feet onto the monkey bars and frankly, terrified, when I forgot to cut a little breathing hole into your gaffer tape.

But if you promise to block that silly old broomstick incident completely out of your mind, I'll promise you another great night - this time with nachos, a Bengal tiger, and some razor wire ...

Sounds great, I can't wait. Just don't forget to invite the midgets over again.