Smoking at 13

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Okay....Give the girl some ****ing slack she ****ed up and got pregnet and wants an abortion.
Now if she was like maybe 16 I would say Raise your baby or put the child under adoption.
But she is 13 and is still a ****in kid.It might kill her to have this baby not just finationaly but physicaly too when she is giving birth.THEN AGAIN LIKE I SAID YOUR NOT GROWN UP YOU ****IN DOLT DONT DO **** THAT TOU CANT HANDLE!

Okay...Lol I love it when this happends

Rae Rae said:
JESUS CHRIST! even if you ARE pregnant abortion IS MURDER whether you wanna believe it or not.You're making an innocent life suffer because of YOUR **** ups and YES it is torturing your baby in my church class we watched an abortion and the hooked the lady up to the sonogram monitor and you could literally see that baby trying to move away and see it SCREAMING! yes babies in the womb can's silent but it's a scream it was so horrible almost everyone left the room and a few of us almost threw up from it.People think they're doing the best thing for the child but in MY opinion it's the WORST thing you could do besides abandoning it so if you haven't done it already DON'T,PLEASE!

Thanks for the disgusting detail...I feel like throwing up.
Okay...When lets say hmm....A Father rapes his daughter and she gets pregnat and she is young would if you where in her shoes wouldnt you want an abortion.

Clogz said:
Nice flip-flopping, my liberal friend, but you kinds stooged this up. The english language, unlike every other language in the world, lacks a pronoun that is not gender specific. Because of this, the baby in proper english is an 'it'. We don't know the determined sex yet, and if I did I would surely call it by such. If you have a problem, take it up with Webster's dictionary, ok?
You didn't come as rude, you came off as a liberal. Of course a liberal would shield this girl; in fact, its downright stereotypical liberal behavior. I think that, maybe, you should re-evaluate your views.

Stereotypical Rebulican.
Why did you have to bring poltics into this?

Friðbjörn the Male masturbation thing was funny :thumbsup:

SNiPeRViRuS your so god damn blunt...Its awesome :thumbsup:
Certain circumstances call for different decisions. I'm not going to say that abortions shold be illegal, becuase there could be at least one person could have had it bad, or was an exception. I'm also not gunna say that every ****in slut deserves the right to throw their child away. But if they wanna throw their life away and live in a ****in hell hole, i don't really give a flying rats ass. All I know is that smoking, having sex at a young age, and taking illegal substances is BAD. really bad and no person should do any of it. I never did, and I never will.
Treeves said:
Okay....Give the girl some ****ing slack she ****ed up and got pregnet and wants an abortion.
Now if she was like maybe 16 I would say Raise your baby or put the child under adoption.
But she is 13 and is still a ****in kid.It might kill her to have this baby not just finationaly but physicaly too when she is giving birth.THEN AGAIN LIKE I SAID YOUR NOT GROWN UP YOU ****IN DOLT DONT DO **** THAT TOU CANT HANDLE!

Okay...Lol I love it when this happends

Thanks for the disgusting detail...I feel like throwing up.
Okay...When lets say hmm....A Father rapes his daughter and she gets pregnat and she is young would if you where in her shoes wouldnt you want an abortion.

Stereotypical Rebulican.
Why did you have to bring poltics into this?

Friðbjörn the Male masturbation thing was funny :thumbsup:

SNiPeRViRuS your so god damn blunt...Its awesome :thumbsup:

all you ppl talking about her hurting the baby with smoking, that doesn't really matter cuz she's getting an abortion. however, she should stop smoking anyway. i thought that we humans had come far enough to know that smoking is just slow death
Abortion is bad though. You are still killing someone. Just have the baby and give it up. Thats the smart thing to do. And if you want to keep the baby then do that too. People in the world have too many escape routes from things that they are responsible for. We must end this now.
crazy whore...just 13, and hey, u 13 yr old girl, if ur reading this whole forum thing on u, i bet u feel amazing about being called a 'whore', 'bitch'...and just 13...what the hell??? u lost ur dignity now, do u think that people will ever respect u in the future, u dirty whore, im 17, and im lookin at u like this, i haven't done half the **** u've done...well, in actuall fact, i've done nONE of it...wat? does that make me 'not cool' or 'not wicked'...(btw, are u a brit?? who the hell says 'WICKED'...not in Dubai, u don't)...anyway...go **** another man or so...maybe a hundred more after that...i hope u feel better then...u need the psychiatrist KID...go get serious counselling! SICKO! whats the world comin to? 13yr olds being named 'whores'...from this day on u are an official internationally known fool...****er! and btw, im just being kind! in my opinion, i could have been worse...its just that, i hav to give ya SOME sympathy!
LP1988 said:
crazy whore...just 13, and hey, u 13 yr old girl, if ur reading this whole forum thing on u, i bet u feel amazing about being called a 'whore', 'bitch'...and just 13...what the hell??? u lost ur dignity now, do u think that people will ever respect u in the future, u dirty whore, im 17, and im lookin at u like this, i haven't done half the **** u've done...well, in actuall fact, i've done nONE of it...wat? does that make me 'not cool' or 'not wicked'...(btw, are u a brit?? who the hell says 'WICKED'...not in Dubai, u don't)...anyway...go **** another man or so...maybe a hundred more after that...i hope u feel better then...u need the psychiatrist KID...go get serious counselling! SICKO! whats the world comin to? 13yr olds being named 'whores'...from this day on u are an official internationally known fool...****er! and btw, im just being kind! in my opinion, i could have been worse...its just that, i hav to give ya SOME sympathy!

Lol Such kind words :rolleyes:
Minzara said:
Lol Such kind words :rolleyes:
yeah minzara, im kind...haha, that poor girl though....seriously, i hate ppl like that, who do **** and ask for help AFTER...right?
Majin_Raziel said:
**Is in shock**

I have been reading this thread and im in total shock.....

My advice is, you have problems. Sort them and learn from your mistakes..
it is a shock right???
i'm honestly dissappointed with that KID, even though im not related to her even one bit...damn, i didnt even read HER post on this matter
I personally dont care, was her choice to **** her life over :rolleyes: what can u do? yell at her? call her stupid? call her a whore? that wont get u far, other then taking off some steam.
OK, thats ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially from you, LP1988. Your comments were bullshit. Nobody deserves to be talked to like that just because they made a mistake, NOBODY! As for her being 13 years old, pregnant, smoking, and drinking, yeah they aren't anything thats good for her, but where does that give you the right to call her an "international fool" or a "dirty whore"? Huh? huh? It doesnt so shut the **** up and get off her ****ing case. Oh and you made yourself look like a jackass in your post with your comment about nobody saying "wicked" where you are from. Where I'm from, people say it a lot. Now jackass, if you want to say anything else go for it, but you can rest assured that i will read it and I wont agree with it, and there will be some reports made to the administration of this site. So watch what you say. :) By the way, have a nice day! :thumbsup:
LP1988 said:
crazy whore...just 13, and hey, u 13 yr old girl, if ur reading this whole forum thing on u, i bet u feel amazing about being called a 'whore', 'bitch'...and just 13...what the hell??? u lost ur dignity now, do u think that people will ever respect u in the future, u dirty whore, im 17, and im lookin at u like this, i haven't done half the **** u've done...well, in actuall fact, i've done nONE of it...wat? does that make me 'not cool' or 'not wicked'...(btw, are u a brit?? who the hell says 'WICKED'...not in Dubai, u don't)...anyway...go **** another man or so...maybe a hundred more after that...i hope u feel better then...u need the psychiatrist KID...go get serious counselling! SICKO! whats the world comin to? 13yr olds being named 'whores'...from this day on u are an official internationally known fool...****er! and btw, im just being kind! in my opinion, i could have been worse...its just that, i hav to give ya SOME sympathy!

Shut The **** Up...I hope you got a big power rush off of **** talking a 13 year old.
She slept with one guy and got drunk.
She didnt sleep with 600.
collision_course_777 said:
OK, thats ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially from you, LP1988. Your comments were bullshit. Nobody deserves to be talked to like that just because they made a mistake, NOBODY! As for her being 13 years old, pregnant, smoking, and drinking, yeah they aren't anything thats good for her, but where does that give you the right to call her an "international fool" or a "dirty whore"? Huh? huh? It doesnt so shut the **** up and get off her ****ing case. Oh and you made yourself look like a jackass in your post with your comment about nobody saying "wicked" where you are from. Where I'm from, people say it a lot. Now jackass, if you want to say anything else go for it, but you can rest assured that i will read it and I wont agree with it, and there will be some reports made to the administration of this site. So watch what you say. :) By the way, have a nice day! :thumbsup:
U are probably right cc_777,but u gotta understand that may be this girl needed to be call like that,I mean,why is she ruining her life when she is 13???She really needs some serious help!!!Have u read what she said on her 1st post???It´s unbelievable!!!!Even when I was 13 I was starting to go out with my friends and playing games on the comp.I think this girl needs to talk to her mother and go to some doctor.I really hate this kind of ppl!She is gonna kill a life!!!!!If she doesn´t want it,why doesn´t she give birth and hand it into an orphan or 2 somewhere else for christ sake!She should be call a murderer,what is really worst she doesn´t respect herself!!!
Anyway I´m out of this thread cuz everytime I come into this one,it makes me angry.
P.S.:Sorry for my rudeness but this girl has gotten on my nerves! :mad:
i officially don't give a **** anymore about this. ignorance is bliss, i want nothing to do with this ****. if she's doing all this to herself, ruining her life, she can do that, it's not my decision and not my problem
collision_course_777 said:
OK, thats ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially from you, LP1988. Your comments were bullshit. Nobody deserves to be talked to like that just because they made a mistake, NOBODY! As for her being 13 years old, pregnant, smoking, and drinking, yeah they aren't anything thats good for her, but where does that give you the right to call her an "international fool" or a "dirty whore"? Huh? huh? It doesnt so shut the **** up and get off her ****ing case. Oh and you made yourself look like a jackass in your post with your comment about nobody saying "wicked" where you are from. Where I'm from, people say it a lot. Now jackass, if you want to say anything else go for it, but you can rest assured that i will read it and I wont agree with it, and there will be some reports made to the administration of this site. So watch what you say. :) By the way, have a nice day! :thumbsup:

Wow, using the admins as a weapon of intimidation in your own arguement? Very mature. I'm sure if one of them actually saw that, they would be less then impressed. You should delete that.

And if the girl is thirteen years old, smoking, drinking, and pregnant, then yes. She is a dirty whore and we have all the right in the world to call her so. Liberals always defend the stupid people. As if a person like this girl will ever be anything but a leech on society. Ha!
The chick is a stupid pregnant whore who likes to smoke and get drunk. Why the hell shouldn't we let her be aware of what she is? I believe in helping people, but a person must realize the problem before they can fix it. We are making it known to her.
This chick is in for a rough ride. The United States of America is on the verge of a common sense revolution, and congradulations to everyone riding the waves of change. CC_777, you should join us. :D
Sygy said:
his girl is really mean, so stop posting on this thread because it just gives her the attention that she wants.
If you think she is faking it for attention, contact the mods or ATLien and tell them. I would consider this spam if she is faking, but that is my opinion.
LP1988 said:
crazy whore...just 13, and hey, u 13 yr old girl, if ur reading this whole forum thing on u, i bet u feel amazing about being called a 'whore', 'bitch'...and just 13...what the hell??? u lost ur dignity now, do u think that people will ever respect u in the future, u dirty whore, im 17, and im lookin at u like this, i haven't done half the **** u've done...well, in actuall fact, i've done nONE of it...wat? does that make me 'not cool' or 'not wicked'...(btw, are u a brit?? who the hell says 'WICKED'...not in Dubai, u don't)...anyway...go **** another man or so...maybe a hundred more after that...i hope u feel better then...u need the psychiatrist KID...go get serious counselling! SICKO! whats the world comin to? 13yr olds being named 'whores'...from this day on u are an official internationally known fool...****er! and btw, im just being kind! in my opinion, i could have been worse...its just that, i hav to give ya SOME sympathy!

dubai is totally different in so many ways! shed get stones thrown at her or something......

try some empathy....would you like being called a whore..........
what if she was ur gf or something....would you call her a whore then....
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