Smoking at 13

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It's kinda hard to get Birth control, cigs, drinks at 13 even more so for the abortion pill. Unless you have some stupid shot up 21 year old fag head. So....It's one of the two....It sounds like BS to me though...
Solid Snake said:
It's kinda hard to get Birth control, cigs, drinks at 13 even more so for the abortion pill. Unless you have some stupid shot up 21 year old fag head. So....It's one of the two....It sounds like BS to me though...

i hope for her sake she ain't cause there will be alot of pissed off cookies...
collision_course_777 said:
And i'm not trying to be rude or anything when i say this, but Brkng_Th_Hbt and Clogz, I know you may not realize this but in a couple of you two's posts you kept calling the baby an "it". Please dont ever call a baby an "it". That is not what a child is. A child is a living, breathing person. And does not deserve to be called anything less. I just wanted to point that out because it breaks my heart everytime someone calls a child an "it". I didnt mean to sound rude or anything, sorry if i came off that way.

um.. late reply, but yeah I get what you mean. :D
lol i had sexual experience at 13, but didn't actually lose my virginity til 15, there isn't anything that wrong with it, depends on the age of the other person (as i can actually testify to, see my thread in dark room)
And i'm not trying to be rude or anything when i say this, but Brkng_Th_Hbt and Clogz, I know you may not realize this but in a couple of you two's posts you kept calling the baby an "it". Please dont ever call a baby an "it". That is not what a child is. A child is a living, breathing person. And does not deserve to be called anything less. I just wanted to point that out because it breaks my heart everytime someone calls a child an "it". I didnt mean to sound rude or anything, sorry if i came off that way.

Nice flip-flopping, my liberal friend, but you kinds stooged this up. The english language, unlike every other language in the world, lacks a pronoun that is not gender specific. Because of this, the baby in proper english is an 'it'. We don't know the determined sex yet, and if I did I would surely call it by such. If you have a problem, take it up with Webster's dictionary, ok?
You didn't come as rude, you came off as a liberal. Of course a liberal would shield this girl; in fact, its downright stereotypical liberal behavior. I think that, maybe, you should re-evaluate your views.

And btw: You and me, my friend, have been warned by ATLien himself our interactions. You had your shot, I had mine. Now just let it go, because I am, ok?
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