Smoking at 13

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ok ok enoughs enough. If you think that this is bad then dont call her a whore and insult her. Shes got enough problems, without abuse on top of it. Instead of making her feel worse just help or leave the thread.
She is a ****ing whore.
She even ****ed the bedroom door.
Now she wants to have some more
Excitement from the ****ing floor.
And when she is done with ****ing that
she might consider taking a bath
but all the water in the world
wont change her from being a hoe
SNiPeRViRuS said:
She is a ****ing whore.
She even ****ed the bedroom door.
Now she wants to have some more
Excitement from the ****ing floor.
And when she is done with ****ing that
she might consider taking a bath
but all the water in the world
wont change her from being a hoe

lol such kind words :rolleyes:
Well, there are many reasons. But, one of my best friends killed her child this way. She was only 14 when she go pregnant too. I dont want to see that happen to anyone else. Sadly, I havent seen her since I moved. I tried to contact her, but I dont know, she hasnt replied. Thats why I feel so strongly about this. She did it with someone because he told her she would be cool. Sorry if I got carried away, I just dont want to hear about someone else who is on the path to killing the most precious gift given to them.
Clogz said:
Wow, using the admins as a weapon of intimidation in your own arguement? Very mature. I'm sure if one of them actually saw that, they would be less then impressed. You should delete that.

And if the girl is thirteen years old, smoking, drinking, and pregnant, then yes. She is a dirty whore and we have all the right in the world to call her so. Liberals always defend the stupid people. As if a person like this girl will ever be anything but a leech on society. Ha!
The chick is a stupid pregnant whore who likes to smoke and get drunk. Why the hell shouldn't we let her be aware of what she is? I believe in helping people, but a person must realize the problem before they can fix it. We are making it known to her.
This chick is in for a rough ride. The United States of America is on the verge of a common sense revolution, and congradulations to everyone riding the waves of change. CC_777, you should join us. :D

Everyone read this post from Clogz and then read his very next post. His comment in this first post, about using the mods as a weapon, is kinda contradicted with his second post, wouldnt you agree? I think so. And for your own information Clogz, I hope that I piss someone off to the point that one of the mods lock this thread. I'm sick of hearing all you people bitching at this chick for her mistakes when you should probably take care of your own ****-ups first. Its kinda similar to what Vin Diesel's character in the movie "XXX" says, "If you're going to send someone to save the world, make sure they like it the way it is." See you on the forums. :thumbsup:
Majin_Raziel said:
**Is in shock**

I have been reading this thread and im in total shock.....

My advice is, you have problems. Sort them and learn from your mistakes..

get over it....i did it when i was i have shorten my life by 4 hours !
I know I have said mean stuff but my idea is that instead of keep fighting,this thread should be close.
It´s really obvious this girl NEEDS SERIOUS HELP!!!!May be we can´t help her or may be we do,I reallu dunno,but this thread should be close so in that way we can´t keep fighting anymore.
collision_course_777 said:
Everyone read this post from Clogz and then read his very next post. His comment in this first post, about using the mods as a weapon, is kinda contradicted with his second post, wouldnt you agree? I think so. And for your own information Clogz, I hope that I piss someone off to the point that one of the mods lock this thread. I'm sick of hearing all you people bitching at this chick for her mistakes when you should probably take care of your own ****-ups first. Its kinda similar to what Vin Diesel's character in the movie "XXX" says, "If you're going to send someone to save the world, make sure they like it the way it is." See you on the forums. :thumbsup:

None of it changes the fact she deserves every page and every word of this 'bitching' as you call it. And XXX was not a good movie to quote, since all the writing was pretty mediocre and you get all kinds of lame lines that only -sound- cool.
I don't see how I contradicted myself at all, I'm just giving you some advice dude. If you read it as a threat, then its all in your mind dude. So whatever. If you want someone to get pissed off, it won't be me. At least I took something from our last tangle and learned to be the better man.
If you want a fight, it ain't coming from me.
Minzara said:
Clogz u and collision_course_777 fight like ur married :eek: lol
Well its so big because she apparently doesnt give a rats ass about her situation, and she speaks of it like shes proud of it or something. And she is going to go and kill that unborn child of hers. This is disgusting.
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