Smoking in public

Public smoking yes/no

  • Yeah smoke anywhere!

    Votes: 21 42.9%
  • No damnit!

    Votes: 28 57.1%

  • Total voters


New member
What do you think about smoking in public, is it right that its forbidden to do that, or not? Your opinion.


New member
although i don't like smoking in public i've been in a smoker company too long to bug me.Don't like to smell like cigarettes so i'd say No ******* smokin in public


New member
I think banning in all public is a bit much especially those laws that prohbit truck drivers from smoking in trucks that are used by other people...... its a bit much. + Forcing smokers to go outside to smoke is a bit much especially in the winter I think the should be smoking and non smoking clubs and pubs.
ive been around smokers all my life, so it doesnt effect me at all =] you know... except the lung cancer thing XD

but i dont approve of smoking, ive had 4 familiy members die from it ;_;



New member
for my own and other people's health I think that'd be good.. here you have smoker/no smoker area.. or you have to go outside.. at my dad's work they even offer treatments to stop smoking.

if I'd choose between those two. "No Dammit"



New member
The thing I hate more than the non-existant tobacco advertisements are the anti-smoking advertisements. i.e. gardening is my anti-drug, truth, etc.

For every drug that's mildly addictive, there is a government sponsored program to counteract it.



New member
untill last week i had nothing against it, then me and my sister were sat at the bus stop and my sis was feeding my 3 month old nephew, there was a woman sat next to us and she lit a cigerette and without any consideration to anyone started smoking it. the smoke went in my nephews face and we had to move.

i think it should be banned in public, if ppl wanna smoke do it in their own houses not around other ppl.



New member
Well I Use to be like smoking everywhere but

now Like I realised just killin other ppl

now I just wait

especially at work I either wait for no costumers

or just go have one at the back -.-;

So I don't think I'll pick a Poll option o_O



New member
The thing I hate more than the non-existant tobacco advertisements are the anti-smoking advertisements. i.e. gardening is my anti-drug, truth, etc.
For every drug that's mildly addictive, there is a government sponsored program to counteract it.
What does that have to do with anything? If anything, it's more of a help than a hindrance.. you hate a perfectly good thing.. good job.

As for the smoking thing.. I don't smoke, nor do I condone it. Smoking in public is going to happen, people feel the need for the nicotine whether they're at home or at a bar.

I, however, don't feel it is right for people who don't smoke, who haven't given into the pitiful addiction, to have to suffer and be around people who are smoking in public. But there are no-smoking zones, stay there.

Option 2.



New member
Yes the are non smoker zones its not that we are really debating as in the UK they are banning it from all public places including reteraunts/pub/bars and clubs which I feel is a step to far. Usualy when at a house be it my own or my freinds I smoke outside whether somking is permitted or not in the house because I feel its the right thing to do.


New member
In Washington it's illegal to smoke in a public building (yes, that even includes bars :[) or within 25 feet of a door of a public building. I think it's just stupid.


New member
What does that have to do with anything? If anything, it's more of a help than a hindrance.. you hate a perfectly good thing.. good job.
It relates to the topic because if you want to smoke, that should be your choice. As if you didn't have enough pressure to cause you to start smoking, and now you have people judging you because they've seen all the biased opinions of truth commercials.

What does a commercial like anti-drug do? Reinforce the obvious health hazards that are even labeled even on cigarette packs. Smoking is bad for my health? Thanks, as if i didn't know, Truth, can i have my 30 seconds back? These commercials lead people to judge smokers. A lot. To most people and even to you, smoking is a sign of weakness. The only thing worse than anti-tobacco ads are probably anti-marijuana ads. Could the media stereotype smokers any further?



New member
Beasides passive smoking health claims are thrown way out of poportion.
thing is that they are not. after a while thoes passive smokers get a lil heavier in their smoking.

but the point is have segregated sections or just dont allow smoking in the premise.

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