Smoking: Kicking the Habit.

It's been almost a month now, and I'm going strong. I think my voice is even changing.. If not changing, I at least have a stronger voice.
snafu said:
You smoke Phantom? Bad,bad bad...

Quiting is the best thing you can do for yourself.

I know! I know! There is nothing trashier than a smoking mother. I have dramatically decreased my daily intake, though. :)
I used to ONLY smoke in 1 room of the house, and I would smoke in the car with the windows down in front and back.

Since I have stopped my KIDS can even smell better.

I lit an incense the other day, and my daughter says... I smell smoke.

I took a wiff... and I ALSO smelt the smoke part of the incense instead of just the fragrance.
phreakwars said:
I used to ONLY smoke in 1 room of the house, and I would smoke in the car with the windows down in front and back.

I hardly ever smoke in the car or inside the house. Might sneak one in after the kids are in bed but it's rare. Hubby's ex smokes around her kids all the time. When I pick up my step daughter, she will reek of cigarette smoke. :(

Since I have stopped my KIDS can even smell better.

I lit an incense the other day, and my daughter says... I smell smoke.

I took a wiff... and I ALSO smelt the smoke part of the incense instead of just the fragrance.

Whenever incense is lit, the smoke is all I can smell.
phreakwars said:
Since I have stopped my KIDS can even smell better.


I had a friend who was like that, poor girl reeked like cigarette smoke and didn't even smoke. Her parents did, like chimneys. Also, a co-worker who's husband smoked used to leave the coat room smelling like leather and cigarette smoke- yuck!

I DESPISE that habit, I'm so glad they have passed a law here in Chicago banning it from restaurants and clubs starting this year. Nothing ruined my appetite and meal faster than someone smoking while I'm eating, trying to enjoy my meal. Or having my hair and clothes reek like cigarette smoke after going out dancing when I don't smoke.
Upon further inspection, I read your comment wrong. I thought it read- my kids even smell better, not my kids can even smell better-lol. Although that is true, too. The offensive smell must not bother smokers so much since they are accustomed to it.
Actually if my comment is taken out of context, it still holds true. As do all of my comments on this site. Nice observation.
phreakwars said:
I used to ONLY smoke in 1 room of the house, and I would smoke in the car with the windows down in front and back.

I was pretty good about not smoking in the house. There were times where I'd walk through the house with a lit cigarette, fetching a beer or truck keys.

phreakwars said:
Since I have stopped my KIDS can even smell better.

My kids, too. The dog and cat that is.

phreakwars said:
I lit an incense the other day, and my daughter says... I smell smoke.

Do you run a 7/11?

phreakwars said:
I took a wiff... and I ALSO smelt the smoke part of the incense instead of just the fragrance.

I can detect smoke from miles away now. It's like my own little spidey-sense.
Feckless Wench said:
Perhaps you need to buy better incense?
Even when I didn't smoke, I never smelled the smoke, just the 'scent' of the incense. I like that Naga Champa stuff. Smells awesome.
Phantom said:
No way. I hate incense. All of it smells awful to me. lol Musky, moldy, putrid. Can't put my finger on it but that stuff "stanks!"

Couldn't agree with you more. The smell also reminds me of any Indian or Pakistani ran convenience store I have ever stepped foot in.
Phantom said:
No way. I hate incense. All of it smells awful to me. lol Musky, moldy, putrid. Can't put my finger on it but that stuff "stanks!"

lol, I thought I was the only one. I prefer candles or plug in oils if I'm going to use anything.
Sorry to right your derailed thread... but I thought that I would mention something 'on the subject.' RO and PW, Haven't heard any different, so I assume you guys are still off the sticks... I just wanted to mention that I followed through on my commitment, I've also quit. Today is day 24 and I haven't cheated once. It's not been easy, but I think I might be done with em. I have wanted one everyday, but I've resisted. No patch, no gum, just quit. Hope you guys are doing good.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Sorry to right your derailed thread... but I thought that I would mention something 'on the subject.' RO and PW, Haven't heard any different, so I assume you guys are still off the sticks... I just wanted to mention that I followed through on my commitment, I've also quit. Today is day 24 and I haven't cheated once. It's not been easy, but I think I might be done with em. I have wanted one everyday, but I've resisted. No patch, no gum, just quit. Hope you guys are doing good.

Good for you, RE! Out-****ing-standing.

I've stuck with it... even through the blitzkrieg of Christmas... I stuck with it.
I gave up smoking after about 12 years a couple of months ago, haven't missed them, haven't craved them, dunno why...have just found it really easy...

I think it might be because I was told that you should give it the flick around the age of 30 because it's more probable your body will reverse the effects...I didn't say it before ya's give me ****...thats just what i was told...i'm now 33 so I reckon if I go by that advice it was time...and no dramas since stopping.