Smoking: Kicking the Habit.

RoyalOrleans said:
I can detect smoke from miles away now. It's like my own little spidey-sense.

Yes and ex-smokers are the worst critics when it comes to smelling smoke around them. I hate the smell of cigerettes now. And I'm the first one to give the evil glare at someone that is smoking around me.

Speaking of different scents. I also HATE women who wear to much perfume. If you gotta hide something take ****ing bath! It's my air your polluting.
Dude... I really have noticed how things stink now... Kinda makes me want to pick up the nasty habit so I wont be smelling the bad things so strong anymore...
I gag if I get stuck sitting or standing beside a smoker now, really can't handle it.

Oh yeah...I forgot biggest part of my motivation for giving in my last comment but it was that my missus has had a double lung transplant and it was kinda ****en dumb for me to be smoking when she would do anything for a healthy set of lungs....she has cystic fibrosis....after smelling smokers now, I just couldn't do it again...I never smoked around her but ti made no real difference when it came to the stench of it....

and spidey sense is right...i can smell it a mile away too.
Moko said:
I gag if I get stuck sitting or standing beside a smoker now, really can't handle it.

Oh yeah...I forgot biggest part of my motivation for giving in my last comment but it was that my missus has had a double lung transplant and it was kinda ****en dumb for me to be smoking when she would do anything for a healthy set of lungs....she has cystic fibrosis....after smelling smokers now, I just couldn't do it again...I never smoked around her but ti made no real difference when it came to the stench of it....

and spidey sense is right...i can smell it a mile away too.

It must suck to be you.
I smoke pretty heavy, but I must admitt that I can not stand the smell of second hand smoke. I have found that the only way to save myself from that nasty smell is to light up and join the stink parade.:rolleyes:
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Sorry to right your derailed thread... but I thought that I would mention something 'on the subject.' RO and PW, Haven't heard any different, so I assume you guys are still off the sticks... I just wanted to mention that I followed through on my commitment, I've also quit. Today is day 24 and I haven't cheated once. It's not been easy, but I think I might be done with em. I have wanted one everyday, but I've resisted. No patch, no gum, just quit. Hope you guys are doing good.

I'm so happy for/jealous of you, RE!

Been smoking twice as much lately. Too much ****ing stress.
Christ, we really have a lot of quitters here.

Kinda surprising to me.

I miss smoking.

I don't miss the smell on my body, breath, clothes, hair, in the house. I don't miss constantly airing out the house. I don't miss the expense, the stigma..the looks, the comments..the niggling feelings..

I don't miss the cough, the hack, the slight stains on my teeth, the drives to the store late at night so I would have enough in the morning.

I don't miss the health concerns. I don't miss having to go out-****ing-side to smoke and freezing my ass off at work/events, etc..smoking..out-****ing-side.
I don't miss driving with all my windows down so my car wouldn't stink up. I don't miss saving the butts to throw out so I don't dirty my ashtray and make the car stink.
I don't miss sometimes accidently burning something.

I don't miss cleaning dirty ashtrays constantly.

I don't miss the feeling of asking for "smoking section" in a restaurant, the cranky feeling of visiting a non-****ing-smoking house.

I don't miss that shamed feeling at the counter as I handed over the money. I don't miss the Dentist Guilt, the Dr. Guilt, the daughter Guilt, the Walking Down the Street Guilt, I don't miss all the million ways every day I felt guilty for smoking.

I just

MISS SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skategreen said:
I just

MISS SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing I miss about smoking is sitting outside at night with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, and smoking with whoever has dropped around for a visit.

Unfortunately I still sometimes smoke when I go out drinking.

Something about alcohol makes me want to smoke!
skategreen said:
Christ, we really have a lot of quitters here.

Kinda surprising to me.

I miss smoking.

I miss the first cigarette in the morning with the cup of coffee, while sitting on the front porch.

I miss smoking while walking around town.

I miss smoking the first cigarette out a pack.

i miss seeing the light of a cig in the dark hours of the night.

I miss the first puff off a cig, after not smoking for awhile.

I miss walking outside to smoke, seeing someone out there, and having that instant bond.

It's been 10 1/2 years since I quit.
manicmonday said:
It's been 10 1/2 years since I quit.

I thought you said you were a "secret smoker," sneaking in a couple here and there? Don't you quit on me, Dearie. Join me in Nicotine Debauchery. It's the coolest. Our lungs can tar up together!
Phantom said:
I thought you said you were a "secret smoker," sneaking in a couple here and there? Don't you quit on me, Dearie. Join me in Nicotine Debauchery. It's the coolest. Our lungs can tar up together!

i do, and for all the reasons listed above. I'm so weak. Only 4 a month though.
RoyalOrleans said:
The one thing I miss about smoking; I look so ****ing cool doing it.

Another unfair gender difference. Men look sexy, rugged, and suave doing it. Most women look trashy. I've been told I look like a nerd. Pucker my lips too much and "****** Lip" it. Sorry, I missed the "how to look cool while smoking" class.
manicmonday said:
I miss smoking while walking around town.

I just went to the symphony with my grandmother Friday night and I lit up while walking downton on the way to the theater. She refused to walk with me because she considers walking with a cigarette classless. lol I'm white trash. Even my grandmother is ashamed!

Edit: And she must have been really embarassed because she is handicapped and has to hold onto me when she walks. Naturally, the ciggie went out. I love my nicotine but nothing comes before my Mimi.
Phantom said:
Another unfair gender difference. Men look sexy, rugged, and suave doing it. Most women look trashy. I've been told I look like a nerd. Pucker my lips too much and "****** Lip" it. Sorry, I missed the "how to look cool while smoking" class.

Just rent a Marlene Dietrich movie.
I'm glad I quit smoking, but seriously... I hate "Born Again Smokers" who preach at other smokers.

It is your body do what the **** you want with it. Smoke, shoot up, drink, over eat, etc... just don't cry about it.
Ok, so... Today is day 37, still no smoking. Haven't smoked one, not even a puff. I hang out with some smokers, doesn't make it harder for me. I'm not sure why, but it's just not that hard. Don't get me wrong, I want one every day... and alot of you guys named reasons, but I refuse to smoke. Thanks for the congratulations before! And congratulations to everyone else that's quit. It's not the most difficult thing, and it's not the easiest thing, but it is possible.