One thing I have to say about this thread:Smoking is so **** bad and drugs are worst,so my advice is DON´T SMOKE OR TAKE DRUGS!!If u want to suicide just take a gun and shot yourself(sorry for being rude,but I hate smoker or ppl who takes drugs),my mother´s mum used to smoke all day and it was so annoying,and I hate ppl who smokes and it´s near of me,ewwww I can´t stand it.!!!
So plz guys,if some1 in here smokes,U MUST START QUITTING NOW,SMOKING IS NO GOOD TO U!!!The more u smoke the less u can breath,so think about it,guys.
Btw Spike,my congrats to u for making a thread like this,I´m so totally agree with u and the ones who are againts smoking.