Smoking... please read!


New member
Ok everyone buy plane tickets and lets head down to whatever the top tabacco company is and take out a shot gun' date=' pistol, rocket loncher and an Uzi and murder the guy who runs these businesses lol We might go to jail but it is worth it... Just joking i would if I could. Hey lets get all the members of LPF to email the tabbaco company saying smoking kills you dumb bastards! Then maybe enough people will email and they will finally shut down the factories! lol[/quote']You don't know a lil bit how much money "they" earn by cigs..shuting down the factories is last thing on "their" mind if they earn much money.

Its your decide to smoke or not not to smoke.

Blaming somebody else is stupid.


New member
some people CAN quit right away. thats what cold turkey means (i dont really know WHY its called that), and thats what my mom did, and a lot of other people i know did. but yeah, for some people, its a good idea to take slow steps so their bodies wont have bad reactions to a sudden change.
moral of the story: if you really want to quit, its possible
yeah if u really wanna quit..u can do it...we all noe of a person who took drugs when he was young but quit later. and now he is an happy man with lots of fans. :thumbsup: smoking really kills. i dun get it u noe. there r advertistments all over the world sayin dun smoke. but companies still make cigarettes. *is disgusted* in singapore, phrases like " smokin kills" n "smokin causes cancer" r written on the cigarette packets. but still, pple r smoking in singapore. **** those pple...



New member
no you cant quit once ur addicted thats y its a addiction

the niccotine plays games with pplz minds 0.o *chucks it out the window*

ok, look, im not walking in here looking to change anyones opinion on smoking, but i am a smoker and i have been for three years now. a lot of you are right about how smoking is bad, because it is. But at the same time (and i think stupidsoul1 said something about this, im not sure) it is a stress/anxiety reliever for me. Yeah, i started smoking for the same reasons a lot of people started, because that was something that ALL my friends did. I mainly hung out with a small group of people (about 8 people, it was our own little clique) when i was a sophmore and junior in high school and those were the people that i was with almost 12-14 hours a day every single day for 2 and a half years. Every single one of them smoked, so i started. They never asked me if i wanted a cigarette, i was the one who asked for it. And now, 3 years after i started smoking, i'm still doing it. Im not saying that its right, but i do it. I've tried to quite cold turkey before and i made it 3 days. I started having nic-fits so bad that i couldnt stay asleep at night. And so i didnt quit. But im not like the people you have been describing. I dont light up in crowded room and i dont smoke in front of someone if i know it bugs them very badly, like my parents. Im 19 almost 20 years old and i absolutely WILL NOT smoke in front of my parents. I go outside when i want to smoke, i dont smoke in the house. And i wont smoke in front of any other part of my family either. The only person in my family that i have lit up in front of is my brother. But me and my parents do have an agreement. I wont smoke in the house and i will never light one up right in front of them, but if im outside smoking and they come outside or if they walk up on me at any time and im smoking, they wont get mad at me. Anyways, im not saying that smoking is right, but i am saying that the way some people talk about it here dosent really give smokers any incentive to quit. Screaming, cussing, and threatning them aint gonna help, trust me. That just makes us want to do it more. And as for shutting the cigarette companies down, unless you use illegal tactics to destroy them, you wont be able to shut them down. So anyways, i hope no one was offended by this, and i hope you have a better understanding of a smokers perception of all of this.

wow, that is a really long post. I just sat here and typed for like 30 minutes. I'm going outside, i need a cigarette after all that. LOL.

Soon people are going to sue cigarette companies for getting lung cancer!
Thats like saying I'm going to sue Hustler magazine for giving my wrists carpel tunnel. LOL!!!!! Im just joking, i dont have carpel tunnel and i dont have any Hustler magazines. But that was pretty funny though, you gotta admit. :D



New member

well i know for most ppl if they try quitting it just wont work because they feel it lots....i think they should try smoking like half a ciggarette less a month n slowly decrease the levels of they smoke every month then eventually they should get over it or smoke only a lil bit



New member
My mom and dad smoke. I think thats why I ahve asthma. They've tried to stop but they have failed everytime. I don't think they will. all I know is that i won't do what they did.
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