So does this mean we're all Satanist!?

**** ST. MARYS!

Did I just say that? :eek:


I absolutely hate people who are so overly religious like this. Who descriminate everyone who is not like them and think that they themselves are better. The kind who judge people and think they have the right to say "Youre going to hell because you wear black clothing!" ITS A DAMN COLOR! GET OVER IT! They are just as bad as the KKK or the Nazis. Though they dont go killing everyone else, the though process is the same. And if there really is a Heaven and Hell, then guess whos going there first, the people who accept everone, or those who descriminate? HA I WIN! :p

I am mostly agnostic myself, though I still have some christian beliefs, and other than being somewhat offended since they basically called me a satanist, this gave me a good laugh. :p
Wow...that means me, both my sisters and My 2 year old cousin are all gothic/Satanic....I believe in God....but I think that is bull.....That really actually ticks me off.....My older sister is actually going to be a tatoo/peircing artist....and we all have peircings...and usually wear black...and I am getting ready to get a tatoo....its predjudice and its not a good way for them to get ppl to come to God if they are condeming them for the way they look....My pastor likes :p
LPpinkfreak821 said:
I was looking through some emails & came across this. It pretty much says that EVERY teen in the world is goth or a satanist. No offense of you attend this church, but this email/newsletter is rediculous!

Wears band and/or rock t-shirts.

Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of
music. (Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. )

Complains of boredom.

Sleeps too excessively or too little.

Is excessively awake during the night.

Misbehaves at school.

Misbehaves at home.

Watches cable television or any other corrupted media

Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing

Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time
for the computer.
LPpinkfreak821 said:
OMG! lol wtf is this! WHoever made this is a retard, and this is coming from a catholic. so pretty much, we are not aloud to go on the computer, or watch TV? hahahaha! Come on, if anybody took this seriously I would slap them. lol "claims to be a goth", well no ****.
Basically, they are just trying to eliminate all the factors that corrupt our mind. Which in esscence isnt crazy, but to lable us as crazy, sinner, etc is where they over do it. Of course playing video games in which you get to go around beating hookers down isn't exactly a good thing, but I mean doesn't neccesarily mean your a pshyco kid.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Basically, they are just trying to eliminate all the factors that corrupt our mind. Which in esscence isnt crazy, but to lable us as crazy, sinner, etc is where they over do it. Of course playing video games in which you get to go around beating hookers down isn't exactly a good thing, but I mean doesn't neccesarily mean your a pshyco kid.
Yeah, I know that, I just think it's stupid, I mean theres 1 in 1,0000,000,00000,0000 people that have never played a video game or watched TV. SO its a waste of time for the person whos wrote this.
Did anyone see this part?- Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an
example of this. hehe

What the hell? I've never had a letter from a Church, but I really don't think they write 'hehe' in their letters... This must be a fake... O_O
:rolleyes: well the t...g.. sorry im eating gothic food while showing interest in sex... im also playing grand theft auto. OH MY FAV SONG! i ut it on, its by maralyn manson! oh and im sorry, i kinda broke my bed on purpose!
jesus im such a satanist goth! :rolleyes:
~*Star*~ said:
Did anyone see this part?- Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an
example of this. hehe

What the hell? I've never had a letter from a Church, but I really don't think they write 'hehe' in their letters... This must be a fake... O_O

The girl who sent it to me put "hehe" in there because she found it funny. And if you don't believe that then whatever. Thats all you, hun.

Stenners said:
Awww man they dont let us have any fun

*drinks vodks whilst rolling up and using the bible as rolling paper*


I <3 you people.
i showed this to my boyfriend(whos a cathlioc*sp?*) and then he started to go mental and surf the net to find a hard copy of the letter.....

i still think its funny as hell