So does this mean we're all Satanist!?

The Bold is what applies to me. So yes Stenners I am a satanist... I suppose

Please seek immediate attention through counselling, prayer, and parental guidance to rid your child of Satan's temptations if five
or more of the following are applicable to your child:

Frequently wears black clothing. I just like the color.

Wears band and/or rock t-shirts. come on now. gotta support

Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick or nailpolish. Uhh yea.

Wears any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these
reversed crosses, pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various
other satanic worshipping symbols.

Shows an interest in piercings or tattoos. uh yea cuz I think they are very sexy on someone.

Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of
music. (Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. )
uuh oops o.0

Associates with other people that dress, act or speak
I'm attracted to people like that.

Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such
as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports.
I've never been into things like this. It doesn't make me a satanist.. Its how I was brought up.

Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic,
the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan.
ALWAYS have showed interest in it. ALWAYS. Its kinda of like a calling for me.

Takes drugs. uhh... yea. bout that

Drinks alcohol. it happens.

Is suicidal and/or depressed. I haven't met one person that hasn't felt this before.

Cuts, burns or partakes in any other method of self-
mutilation. (This is a Satanic ritual that uses pain to detract from the light of God and His love. Please seek immediate attention for this at your local mental health enter.)
uh yea... I get bored & burn myself sometimes & well cutting. that's a different story that I'm not willing to discuss.

Complains of boredom. OH GOD! If this makes someone a satanist then... the world is doomed!! I'm always bored.

Sleeps too excessively or too little. okay and you point is?

Is excessively awake during the night. Sometimes I just can't sleep.

Dislikes sunlight or any other form of light. (This
pertains to vampires promoting the idea that his light is of no use.)
I like the sun, but I'm not a sun/beach baby. I dont live for it.

Demands an unusual amount of privacy. doesn't everyone!?

Spends large amounts of time alone
I have my reasons for htis.

Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your
chid may speak to evil sprits through meditation.)
uh suuure... I have my reasons for being alone & quietness. shove it!

Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied
by an adult.
tsk tsk.

Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and
elders are but a few examples of this.
I have ALWAYS had a problem with authority. I'm a free spirit & I will do what I damn well please.

Misbehaves at school. only if I'm bored.

Misbehaves at home. me & my brother live for that.

Eats excessively or too little . . . . . I want to be the girl on television. not really, but its my excuse for not eating. I'm just never hungry.

Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an
example of this. hehe
oh my! I lived on Count Dracula Cereal for 6 months.

Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood.
(Vampires believe this is how to attain Satan.)

Watches cable television or any other corrupted media

Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing

Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time
for the computer.
I'm addicted.

Makes Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to
bwahahaha. I can't control my body when I hear a good beat.

Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner. well oops. o.0

Expresses an interest in sex. uh yea... so bout that.

Masturbates o.0

Is homosexual and/or bisexual. dont like it... shove it. I like girls & boys.

Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism,
Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Oh gawd... YOUR MOM!

Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these
various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth".

Claims to be a goth.

If five or more of these apply to your child, please
intervene immediately. The gothic culture is dangerous and Satan thrives within it. If any of these problems persist, enlist your child into your local mental health center.

St. Mary's Catholic Church

so yea... I guess I'm definetely satanic. oops.
I doubt those people are even christians being that Jesus said to "love other people like you love your self" and He couldn't stand people who thought they were all that with God. some people :rolleyes:
azemkamikaze03 said:
so to answer the question.
Yes all you bastards are satanics.

hey dont yell at me.
yell at the email.
yay! well said

tho, i couldve said it
*i think i did to myself once*
but who cares!?
You said it....and we believe you
hahaha. thats bullshit.
a few weeks ago my drama teacher asked me to take part in shot put and said to me

"if u want u can wear all black clothes and black make up and even throw the shotput backwards in a fight against authority like goths do."
then today when i was late for drama he said "where you been? smokin pot? after all its compulsary for goths to smoke pot."

i was like wtf??? and some kids in my skool say to me "go and listen to slash ur wrists music. like you do" wtf?? and plus accordin to this letter i must be a real we all must be lol
you people are geting this wrong (well is poorly written)ok some of the things there have NOTHING to do with being a satanist like Mastrobate and drinking but some of those things go together. but rofl "being bored" thats just funny... i was bored today :( anyway
LPpinkfreak you really into all that stuff you say or is it just a joke? because some of those stuff are very bad.
Ektb_LP said:
hahaha. thats bullshit.
a few weeks ago my drama teacher asked me to take part in shot put and said to me

"if u want u can wear all black clothes and black make up and even throw the shotput backwards in a fight against authority like goths do."
then today when i was late for drama he said "where you been? smokin pot? after all its compulsary for goths to smoke pot."

i was like wtf??? and some kids in my skool say to me "go and listen to slash ur wrists music. like you do" wtf?? and plus accordin to this letter i must be a real we all must be lol

yea i used to get that a hell of a lot, jus cause some of our music is heavy they think we are some kinda cannibals. And in the end i let them listen to some and they its quite alright.
GraDoN said:
you people are geting this wrong (well is poorly written)ok some of the things there have NOTHING to do with being a satanist like Mastrobate and drinking but some of those things go together. but rofl "being bored" thats just funny... i was bored today :( anyway
LPpinkfreak you really into all that stuff you say or is it just a joke? because some of those stuff are very bad.

thats just me. I'm not satanic at all. Everything I do is not meant in a bad way. And if you dont like that then you really don't have to associate with me. I've read the bible countless times, I've attended church, my mother is used to be EXTREMELY religious. You never see me without a cross on. I dont play with the devil and I'm not satanic. I was given gifts. All gifts like that are satanic, but I'm not. I don't use any of it for evil or bad. I'm a white witch. I'm not satanic. So please dont tell me whats good and bad. It's my life, my choice. Don't like it? Dont talk to me.

What is BOLDED is what I do. They aren't daily/weekly things. Once in a blue moon and thats all. I get bored easily and I like my privacy. I RARELY cut myself and thats none of your business. I like the color black, I like dark colors, I like make up & nail polish. I'm not satanic. Its just who I am.

at least I'm not drinking blood, worshipping the devil, and sacrifcing things/people.
well i mean hey all you gothy poeple have that **** coming to you.

the whole getting treated diffrently

I mean wearing black is used to acknowledged sinners at least thats where it started and from there it developed so now it may not be said as much but the idea is there. I mean when I see a girl with black hair black lipstick snake bites black finger nails black and red t, ripped black pants with thoes straps and **** I mean can you blame me for going Goddamn thats some deep crazy **** why would she wanna dress in relationship to how the devil and his fallowers dress.
azemkamikaze03 said:
well i mean hey all you gothy poeple have that **** coming to you.

the whole getting treated diffrently

I mean wearing black is used to acknowledged sinners at least thats where it started and from there it developed so now it may not be said as much but the idea is there. I mean when I see a girl with black hair black lipstick snake bites black finger nails black and red t, ripped black pants with thoes straps and **** I mean can you blame me for going Goddamn thats some deep crazy **** why would she wanna dress in relationship to how the devil and his fallowers dress.

You've got a point. But then again its all influenced by what your around. Someone who grew up in the city is more attracted to baggy clothes. Someone who grew up in Las Vegas is attracted to flashy clothes. It all depends on the atmosphere you grew up in PLUS your self expression. You dont want to be like everyone else so what do you do... express yourself whether its thru clothes, make up, jewelry, or piercings/tattoos.
but then inadvertadley(sp) being just like everyone else.

becuase if you say you have your own style than your being just like the next person who has their own style

so pretty much having your own style is a style on its own, that and the fact that dressin 'gothy' is not dressing to be diffrent from everyone else since alot of people do it
Dude, that is totally stereotypical...
That's like saying
"If you rap you're on drugs"
(I actually heard that somewhere..... -_- )
Some people these days have no sense of judgement...
LP~Shinoda~FM said:
Dude, that is totally stereotypical...
That's like saying
"If you rap you're on drugs"
(I actually heard that somewhere..... -_- )
Some people these days have no sense of judgement...
care to back that up with an indepth analysis on what I said and prove that I was wrong in saying what I said?
I didn't say you were wrong... i was just stating my point which is
Just becuase you dress some way or listen to some kind of music or gets bored (o_O) or whatever else that letter said doesn't make us Goth
(I wish my friends would understand that... everytime i wear black they go like "GOTH")
LP~Shinoda~FM said:
I didn't say you were wrong... i was just stating my point which is
Just becuase you dress some way or listen to some kind of music or gets bored (o_O) or whatever else that letter said doesn't make us Goth
(I wish my friends would understand that... everytime i wear black they go like "GOTH")

Yea but you also open yourself to critism and labeling. I know alot of girls who wear black eyeliner but I also know alot of girls who dress in black, wear black eyeliner, lipstick and bitch when they get called Goth. When clearly since way before their time Goth's, people who called themselves that or aknowledged themselves as that, set the style of that.

It's like a guy dressing like a girl/wears girl pants and being offended when he is a called a fag or gay. I mean he dresses like a women and women like men so he's opening himself up for critisism.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Yea but you also open yourself to critism and labeling. I know alot of girls who wear black eyeliner but I also know alot of girls who dress in black, wear black eyeliner, lipstick and bitch when they get called Goth. When clearly since way before their time Goth's, people who called themselves that or aknowledged themselves as that, set the style of that.

So instead would you want us to dress in Pink and be called Preps or Wananbes? Its like whatever you dress in somebody calls you something else, but they dont wanna ever see the person whom they are calling names. It's really bad for goths because people rag on us the most because we aren't going with the Trends or **** like that. its' bullshit. People make fun of goths for wearing all black, but what about the girls who dress EXACTLY the same everyday, like one day wearing a pink skirt with a pink shirt?!
Come on people for God's sake don't you know that appearances can be deceptive? Haven't you ever heard of that? I can't believe some people still critisize others because of their's the inside that matters and honestly my experience so far has shown that people who might look rebellious or gothic (as you put it anyway) are really adorable people who love everybody and are far more sensitive and honest than many other supposedly "good" people who conform completely with the rules and ethics of the church or I dunno who else... Learn to look into people's hearts not clothes or make up...
Greyfoxx said:
So instead would you want us to dress in Pink and be called Preps or Wananbes? Its like whatever you dress in somebody calls you something else, but they dont wanna ever see the person whom they are calling names. It's really bad for goths because people rag on us the most because we aren't going with the Trends or **** like that. its' bullshit. People make fun of goths for wearing all black, but what about the girls who dress EXACTLY the same everyday, like one day wearing a pink skirt with a pink shirt?!

Goths dress the same as all other goths, preps dress the same as all other preps ect.

I honestly don't care how people dress as long as they don't look trashy nor totally disrespectful. I merely use stereotypes/labels to get a point across or adress a certain group. I'm sure alot of you people do that. Instead of saying "Man I hate that group of kids that always wears black, ac/dc shirts, and slits their wrists..." I just call them the emo/goth kids becuase it saves me time and people can identify with what I am talking about. I'm sure alot of people on these forums do the exact same thing.