So I don't think this is a big deal....

Shadowed Heart

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
Your kitchen floor
Okay, so basically, I don't believe in God.
I mean, I guess no one really cares, but I was just watching T.V and it was about this guy “questioning his faith” and he said it was because, the one thing he asked God for was to let him play football again, but it didn’t happen.
And I thought, there’s only one thing I’ve asked God for in the past few months… and I know it is going to take years to happen. It could possibly happen this summer, but I really don’t think there is a God. What I learned in church is that God wants to protect us and make us happy, but I’m not happy at all. At school I’m the bouncy loud kid in the halls that does ridiculous things like taping notes on their chest or forehead (like today it was “I love T.C & Sarah + Joci and Sadie and Allison.” (I had to keep adding names after T.C and Sarah)…. But really, nobody gets it. Because of this, I’ve began self harm, I mean, the one thing that I can never have, is not the only thing, there’s one other thing, but you know…. It makes me cry myself to sleep and when I’m alone at school, like in the bathroom or in the halls during class, I cry, I cry a lot, more than a normal person does. So I guess I just wanted to let it out. Thanks for reading if you did….
I also believe there's no God...

but I believe in a higher power or something like that...
Shodowed, i see what you mean. as bad as things get, you want to see the light. but you havnt seen it at all and you doubt it. for all i know you always have. i dont belive because i just can't. i can try to but i cant. if when you try, you can believe and it makes you happy, thats what you should do. if it gets you down to try and believe, dont try.
and as for the depression stuff. im prolly the last person to ask for counselling. all i can say if look for the happy things. its all i do. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. thast all i can say.
anyway, my opinion on this God fellar:
i dont believe in God or anything like that. life is life. thats all there is too it.
if believing in God makes you happy so be it. but i don't find happiness in believing. to me it seems a waste of time. kinda like, if one day, it gets prooved wrong, everything i believed in has just been thrown at me in a scrunched up paper ball. that wouldnt be a good feeling.
Theres also the part about it all seeming a bit unrealistic. that makes things a whole lot more difficult for me to agree with.
Shadowed_Heart said:
What I learned in church is that God wants to protect us and make us happy
if there is a god, why doesnt he act already? he would see how ****ed things are around the world. shouldn't he do something? is he leaving us to our own mistakes? does he care anymore?
so many questions, no answer for sure. but until i see some proof, i can't belive.
thats just my views.
P.S. Do you believe in ghosts? :p
People says that God is watching us suffer for the mistakes we have made... but i mean when he made the people, why didn't he just make them perfect? If God is all good, all knowing, and all powerful, then it doesn't really make sense does it? Cuz it sounds like he's watching us in the water, gasping for air, while another wave strikes and pushes us down into the water. If he's all good, all knowing, and all powerful, would he be enjoying this? Why wouldn't he just make us so that we can't make mistakes?

So that's why i dont' really think there's a God out there, at least, not one that is all good, all knowing, and all powerful. Because human kind is selfish by nature, i think your "God" is within, guiding you to *your* destination, whatever you think is right. So this "God" wouldn't be all knowing, all good, and all powerful, because your body and mind are all that it posesses. Everything will be seen from your point of view, done the best of your ability, and done for your benifits.

Just my 2 cents
Lol, Peterea, this will sounds stupid, but I do believe in ghosts. And aliens. xD
Also, to make things for confusing, my mom got in a car accident in April when I was in sixth grade. And she just got in another one. Same car. But this time with my older brother, she just picked him up for work.
He got off work at 7. My dad left at 7:40. It's 8:15. *sigh*
And to make matters worse we were fighting before she left. :(
There is a God. It's just.. everybody thinks that since they can't have what they want when they want it that they He doesn't exist. People get so self centered and think it's all about here right now that they forget there is a big picture. Just because God won't give you that red bicycle you've been wanting since you were four years old doesn't mean he doesn't exist/love you. What if you did get that bike, but then you crashed and got paralyzed from the neck down. Would you blame God for letting that happen to you? Or would you just thank Him for giving you the bike?
Hyper said:
There is a God. It's just.. everybody thinks that since they can't have what they want when they want it that they He doesn't exist. People get so self centered and think it's all about here right now that they forget there is a big picture. Just because God won't give you that red bicycle you've been wanting since you were four years old doesn't mean he doesn't exist/love you. What if you did get that bike, but then you crashed and got paralyzed from the neck down. Would you blame God for letting that happen to you? Or would you just thank Him for giving you the bike?
yes but you have to keep in mind that some people are depressed all the time and have reason to be.
and i dont believe in god, as i said before, but not because of the fact he doesnt help me or anythnig like that. its because his story just seems fake to me.
i do see your point though, when you talk about the red bike.
Shadowed Heart said:
Lol, Peterea, this will sounds stupid, but I do believe in ghosts. And aliens. xD
yay! see if anything, i force myself to believe in aliens and ghosts cuz to me its all fun! the thrill of walking through a house thats supposed to be haunted when all you have it a torch and its pitch black. its great :p :D ;)
God does exist, I dont doubt that.
Most of the questions you guys are asking about why he doesn't make us unable to make mistakes, and why doesn't he stop suffering and all that, the answers can be found in a bible and thats a serious fact.

I'm not religious in the least and i hate church and stuff but i had questions and all my mother said was read the bible...i thought *BORING* so i asked my aunt who is religious and she sat down and went straight to the parts of the bible that answered almost flawlessy my similar questions.
But i got over asking questions...if you dont believe God exists then just live with the seriously odd BIG BANG theory. If you want proof of God, then look at the complexity of your being and the universe around us and then ask yourself if you think a human or explosion created all that rather than a higher being of some kind...

That makes 3 or however many of us =p
I Believe he's their now I was recently a Athiest....
But now, I know he's their......but thats not the right thing in this thread -.-;
well god wants us to be happy and protect and that boulshit....but
We're the ones who control our lives if he wanted all like that...
well than we'd be his puppets doin everything at his will....
thats why he wants to see if we're willing to follow or we're just goin to do whatever the **** we want....
so if you ask him for somthing he won't do it....but if it's somthin that won't harm you he'll take his time....
and when that time comes your gonna think "Oh I done it myself he didn't do ****"
so...thats all I have to say.
Lyson said:
God does exist, I dont doubt that.
Most of the questions you guys are asking about why he doesn't make us unable to make mistakes, and why doesn't he stop suffering and all that, the answers can be found in a bible and thats a serious fact.

I'm not religious in the least and i hate church and stuff but i had questions and all my mother said was read the bible...i thought *BORING* so i asked my aunt who is religious and she sat down and went straight to the parts of the bible that answered almost flawlessy my similar questions.
But i got over asking questions...if you dont believe God exists then just live with the seriously odd BIG BANG theory. If you want proof of God, then look at the complexity of your being and the universe around us and then ask yourself if you think a human or explosion created all that rather than a higher being of some kind...

to me, it doesnt matter how the world and life came to be, iv'e got a life why not make the most of it!
i sleep when everyone else goes to church, when i went to a catholic school, i never said prayers when i was meant to.
i just rather living a way where i have only the laws set by my country to stand in my way rather then having any religious stuff there.
sry but i cant and wont believe it
Peterdea said:
to me, it doesnt matter how the world and life came to be, iv'e got a life why not make the most of it!
i sleep when everyone else goes to church, when i went to a catholic school, i never said prayers when i was meant to.
i just rather living a way where i have only the laws set by my country to stand in my way rather then having any religious stuff there.
sry but i cant and wont believe it

Exactly as I was tlakin about...but I'm like that sure most of us here are all like that....but here's our Answer to it all..."Who Gives a ****!" aint I right =p
Do whatever you want it aint our decision =D aint mine aint others....
So Just live life the way you could believe him/Other if you want...
do whatever man your life, You only got 1, Why not live it the way you plan it.
By_My-$elf said:
Exactly as I was tlakin about...but I'm like that sure most of us here are all like that....but here's our Answer to it all..."Who Gives a ****!" aint I right =p
Do whatever you want it aint our decision =D aint mine aint others....
So Just live life the way you could believe him/Other if you want...
do whatever man your life, You only got 1, Why not live it the way you plan it.
well said mate! :D :thumbsup:
at the end of the day its a matter of personal feelings and opinions, if your comfortable in your belief then thats how you go.
I was once told something scary but i do believe that its true, someone said to me that the reason Holy people, or God fearing, or believers, whatever you call them, aren't afraid of death is because they know that their chances of dying are less than consistant sinners.

In other words, evil will not take the lives of believers because for them to die believing in God is no good for 'Satans' following.

Lame it sounds...but it kinda sorta makes sense.
Lyson said:
at the end of the day its a matter of personal feelings and opinions, if your comfortable in your belief then thats how you go.
I was once told something scary but i do believe that its true, someone said to me that the reason Holy people, or God fearing, or believers, whatever you call them, aren't afraid of death is because they know that their chances of dying are less than consistant sinners.

In other words, evil will not take the lives of believers because for them to die believing in God is no good for 'Satans' following.

Lame it sounds...but it kinda sorta makes sense.

Well it does sound lame but that is true...
he only takes lives of sinners cause Whos soul is it gonna be?...
well Me I think we're all pawn's and thrown away at gods and the devils game.
Lyson said:
at the end of the day its a matter of personal feelings and opinions, if your comfortable in your belief then thats how you go.
I was once told something scary but i do believe that its true, someone said to me that the reason Holy people, or God fearing, or believers, whatever you call them, aren't afraid of death is because they know that their chances of dying are less than consistant sinners.

In other words, evil will not take the lives of believers because for them to die believing in God is no good for 'Satans' following.

Lame it sounds...but it kinda sorta makes sense.
the only thing that pops into my head reading this is the fact that there are other religions around the world and followers think that they are true.
i'm not trying to say your wrong, all i'm trying to ask is, what about those other people? do you think they are living a lie?
fair enough whatever your answer, thats just what came to my head.