So much for women's rights!

It pisses me off too.They do things without even thinking about it.
I believe it's inhumane to even think of doing something like that to someone.

Stupid men!!!!
I for one oppose of how they treat women over there as well. But culture/religion and gov't/politics are two totally different genres. It is up to the people how they change this. I just wish everyone would go about their business instead of oppressing one another unecessarily. But eh, everything in the world isn't gonna be peaches n cream.
I also believe that trying to force our culture into other cultures are about the most ignorant thing out there.

These people had their way of life for about 1700 years longer than ours, or longer.

So what make you think USA could just force in there and globalize everything and tear down their cultural uniqueness?

If they've practiced stoning people to death, it's their culture and I'm sure it works, since they've done it for ages.

We do the same thing here in US. Electric chair, lethal injections, gas chamber.

What makes that any different than stoning? The electric chair is just more plastic and just looks more modern and that's all the difference between them.
Tizz... that is what I call 'knee jerk liberalism'... slightly more dangerous than nationalism... LOL
Obviously you guys are talking about womens rights, which some cultures don't believe, through confusionism.
tizz said:
OK so we went to Iraq and we ended up being told it was for liberation ya? Well aparently that does not go for the women. As soon as Iraq got it's power back in govt, they stick sharia law on teh women. As it stands women will not be able to go out of the house without a man, get married without consent of a male family member, the marriage age for WOMEN is 9 ( I can understand arranged marriage but getting actually married this young is not only no longer necesary but dangerous) and in divorce the wome will have no rights or equality unless they had allready written it inot the contract marriage (which many women are not instructed to do if they know about it at all). OK this pisses me off. Not only do I not understand or agree with this but the women of Iraq are actually supporting this in high numbers? All I can do is think they are reacting out of fear! I understand fullly the desire to hold onto tradition and culture, but there has been so much negativity that has come out of this set up. Horror stories from women living under sharia law. As I see it, our whole invasion has done NOTHING for women except perhaps cause devistation as they watch their country get blown to to hell and watch their men and children die. Simple as that. It just disturbs me. Yes women have been given positions of power in govt, but what has that done?

I admit I may just be completely ignorant to the culture of it al (i admit it has been quite the challenge to attampt to understand fully the cultures of the middle east, but not from lack of trying) but this pisses me off

I think these women are just conditioned this way out of fear...but if they were given green cards in the west...freedom+financial independence and were free to marry anyone they wanted..Iraq would probably see a mass exodus of women.The men in Iraq can go and f themselves or each other.
And we all know what goes hand in hand with marraige; Sex, kids, starting a family, etc.

Either the people there must have elected the Kid****er party, or the government plain and simply doesn't have it's **** together in a REALLY bad way

If these people think a 9 year old is capable of motherhood, HOW IN THE **** DO THEY KNOW HOW TO RUN A ****ING COUNTRY?!
I agree with 9 yr old could raise a child nor themselves. That govt. is completely ****ED UP! Hell Most 18 yr old in the US arent ready to be what does that say.
Well, not to split hairs, but historically speaking, girls were considered ready to have children about six months after getting their you know what. You need to back up the statements with justification. Age alone is too easy to refute
Yeah i know we are capable of spitting out a kid after we start our rags but I am talking about raising one! Had nothing to do with if the could actually birth one.
Again, history will show that women have raised children from young ages (of course in most cases it is a situation of village raising the family) but it does happen. I mean most nine year olds are unable due to biology. But the body is designed to be able to concieve when it can for a reason
I do agree that the Sharia laws are pretty ****ed up, from a modern western cultural standpoint, but I really don't think we can or should do anything about it.

I didn't even think it was a very good idea to try and get the Iraqis to set up a democratic government... and we can all see how well that worked out. If we did such a piss poor job changing their government, we shouldn't even TRY to change their culture.

I'm not surprised the women are mostly for this. It's the standard way of living, for them, and I don't doubt most of them have gotten comfortable with it. The concept of women and men deserving different political rights is as normal as "teenagers are selfish and stupid" and "Gay men can't throw" are here.
Welll I do not believe it was our place to create their govt either, but I also stand by the universal declaration of human rights. Puting sharia law into govt goes against this document and I only hope the UN stands by it's own words and denies them entry into the org.
That's true - if the UN doesn't want them doing it, they shouldn't let them in, but on a wider level, there isn't really anything one culture can do about the decisions of another. They're different - if they weren't they wouldn't be seperate cultures.
Are you aware what teh declaration of human rights is? Besides, it's not like ANYONE has bothered to enforce the document. I think they only wrote it to make themselves feel better. If they cared teh genocide in teh Sudan NEVER would have happened (especially since the UN pulled out to save it's own butt knowing full well what was about to happen) I actually DO care about the document myself.