So what's my verdict?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Maybe I'm just being blind here, but I can't seem to locate my own poll. c(o: I'd like to know exactly how much I made your thoroughly American blood boil.
Hey hey, I found it. 'twas in the piss pot where it belongs. Looks like I'm in for life. When do I go back in? has handcuffs ready
No, we needed a 10 member vote before 10 days to make the idiot box for life official, and that didn't happen, you got a stay of execution.

The members have spoken.

Unless you WANT to be put in there for life, I'll be MORE THEN HAPPY to fullfill your needs.:D
Ah, I see. Though I've never heard 'stay of execution' before. What does that mean?

And as I'll probably be leaving, like I said, it doesn't make much difference to me. Though I am touched that people actually agreed with me, or at least disagreed with the general stupidity.
Thats bullshit!
No where in that poll was there a hint of how many people it would take to put her in the idiot box...
Silver_dragon87 said:
Ah, I see. Though I've never heard 'stay of execution' before. What does that mean?

And as I'll probably be leaving, like I said, it doesn't make much difference to me. Though I am touched that people actually agreed with me, or at least disagreed with the general stupidity.
NO ONE AGREED with you....
It was more a lack of peoples votes. IE: They didnt vote at all.
So the only stupidity was on your part and thats what landed your ass in the idiot box.
Actually several people voted on my behalf. Also, having an opinion that is insulting to you does not make me stupid, so long as my opinion has been thought-out. Which it has, for some time.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Actually several people voted on my behalf. Also, having an opinion that is insulting to you does not make me stupid, so long as my opinion has been thought-out. Which it has, for some time.
Then why exactly were you put in the IDIOT box?
You didnt think about that did you?
I dont remember anyone voting on your behalf either.
If you would like I will start a new poll.
If you didn't see anyone voting in my defense, or against the others, at least, you weren't reading.

I was put in the idiot box because I insulted two things very dear to a group of people who are, in my belief, generally bloodthirsty and ridiculously proud. I insulted their patriotism and their humans. People get uptight when you don't care about humans, and people from the US get even more uptight when you insult their country.
SD87, i know you just said that because you like to see people get mad and cant do anything about it because were hundreds of miles apart, on computers, and theres nothing we can do, which only pissed us off more, but consider three things......

an unstable person could get pissed and seriously hurt another person over a petty disagreement because they're already on the brink because of you.

the person you happen to piss off could be a bigger asshole than you with the knowledge to hack and potentially ruin your computer, and given how much you pissed us off you probably run your mouth with everyone you meet on the Internet.

you could get into this habit of feeling invincible and **** with someone in real life, now imagine that that person is unstable or pissed off because of someone else, you could end up badly hurt, or dead as a result.

its all fun and games yes, but think about it for a moment......
This is VERY true, there are sincerly ****ED UP pissed off people in this world. And we have had a couple at GF, and I would expect from time to time, we will see more.

Sure we can play little silly idiot box games with you SD and absolutely, nobody can do anything about your words, at least not a general PC user. But then there ARE people who can if given a different venue to post in besides GF and our policy on member information privacy.

But that doesn't mean I won't take it upon MYSELF with the info I have available at my disposal, and do my own research.. I have proven that I CAN in fact get around people who come in by PROXY, not in the general GF MOD CONTROL PANEL way, but through MY OWN methods. As well as proven I can ALSO trace a person back to there ISP, there HOME ADRESS, and alot of times there REAL name and phone number... The only time I have ever done so, was because of ANOTHER threatening the life of other members and demanding they give up there addresses.. What can I say, he DESERVED IT !!

Now if I was a more EVIL person with bad intentions, I could take the same skills and methods and apply them to a more wicked evil nature of PERSONAL revenge..

Just something to keep in mind Shauna, sometimes things are better left unsaid because of how they will impact people.
I am so TIRED of seeing THREADS about Silver ****ing dragon.
Does anyone really care?
SD the world does not revolve around you nor will it ever.
I still think this whole wait until the new mod get picked is a crock of ****....
Why in the hell should she even be able to speak on this site when 95% of the people here dont like her or her opinions. Are we waiting to see if by some act of god she gets MOD? If it goes down to a vote, she'll never get it. So what exactly are we waiting on?
Just my opinion but i think if you got idiot boxed you should be automatically uneligable for MOD because your a ****ING IDIOT. No one like that should have extra **** especially any sort of power. Why is there a box if THEY STILL HAVE ADVANTAGES?
I see what you're saying 8 ball, but this site is not to censor opinions. We deal with it whether we like it or not. THIS is why we have the idiot box...

I would rather see AIG become a mod than SD...but that's just me.
because 8 ball, plain and simple.....she can

and just because most of us don't like her (i loathe her and i wish i had phreaks skills, but I'm too impatient to learn that stuff on my own) doesn't meant she cant say what she wants, its free speech after all

but really SD you should watch your mouth in real life least you get it busted open
phreakwars said:
This is VERY true, there are sincerly ****ED UP pissed off people in this world. And we have had a couple at GF, and I would expect from time to time, we will see more.

Sure we can play little silly idiot box games with you SD and absolutely, nobody can do anything about your words, at least not a general PC user. But then there ARE people who can if given a different venue to post in besides GF and our policy on member information privacy.

But that doesn't mean I won't take it upon MYSELF with the info I have available at my disposal, and do my own research.. I have proven that I CAN in fact get around people who come in by PROXY, not in the general GF MOD CONTROL PANEL way, but through MY OWN methods. As well as proven I can ALSO trace a person back to there ISP, there HOME ADRESS, and alot of times there REAL name and phone number... The only time I have ever done so, was because of ANOTHER threatening the life of other members and demanding they give up there addresses.. What can I say, he DESERVED IT !!

Now if I was a more EVIL person with bad intentions, I could take the same skills and methods and apply them to a more wicked evil nature of PERSONAL revenge..

Just something to keep in mind Shauna, sometimes things are better left unsaid because of how they will impact people.
Not to challange you or anything but I personally set up my network for my system and we had PROFESSIONAL hackers try to penetrate it. Not possible and even if by some sick twist of fate it was actually pulled off, you would screw yourself harder. Im sure you can pull info off proxy, thats actually simple with the right programs. Heres a better question, can you pull info from a secure tunnel? Like I said, I'm not challenging your ability. I enjoy my job and my job is network security.
Yeah FREEDOM OF SPEECH...But some things should be ALLOWED to say. Its ok....I can deal with her little hits here and there....She might have been a pioneer here but she still is an aggrovating teen i use teen not to be an insult.
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