So, yeah, I guess God hates fags, eh?

Text of the religion???

I assume your talking about the Bible.

Haven't you wondered how so many DIFFERENT religions have embraced the bible and found completely divergent views in it?

Given this fact what posible good would it do to read the bible?
Regardless of religion's twisted interpretations of text, I still think there are some beautiful stories and lessons to be learned form the bible. As long as you are not taking it as total fact and keep an open mind there is much to be learned. I can see discounting religion, but the bible is not entirely bad if you look at it objectively. From an anthropological view, there are also some very interesting tells of culture and history.
I'm sorry but any book, which people purport to be the Word of God, is evil. The very concept of a book from God is evil.

It's a lie and nothing more.
IWillGetYou said:
And I hate the fags too

Lock the bastards for life

Sorry, I cannot do that for you, but seeing as how you are new here and like the concept of being locked - How about a nice 48 hour trip into our World Famous "Idiot Box". You'll love it! :p

Have a nice trip!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Have a nice trip!

I dunno CES. After two days of pomgolian influx, the floor is likely to be covered in fag ends, turd-covered condoms, and empty guiness cans.

Just grab a rubbish bag, IWGY, and clean the place up a bit. There's a good chap. ;)
I LOVE Christian arrogance, they know for sure what God hates...
I'm sure one of them (maybe more) have a direct pipeline to God and he is sending them messages through the tin foil hat they are wearing.

What the **** ever.
Lethalfind said:
I LOVE Christian arrogance, they know for sure what God hates...
I'm sure one of them (maybe more) have a direct pipeline to God and he is sending them messages through the tin foil hat they are wearing.

What the **** ever.

And then they take their lovely pump action to the nearest pre school.
OTC said:
And then they take their lovely pump action to the nearest pre school.

LOLOL, the pump action of God you forgot to mention...

Don't you remember that verse in the Bible about Pump Action shotguns of God...We need to get RO to look that up for us, he's the one with that version of the Bible.
Was it "And then god dideth speaketh to the mass public and sayeth bring forth your weapons and smite those anklebiters".

But seriously people this is one of the reasons that guns were banned over here becuase there were many incidents of shootings in schools.
I gotta admit, I love Christianity; their conflict with science right now is enough to giggle the **** right out of my system. I mean let's face it, apart from the religious freaks in the world, the only other people I know to hear voices from the skies are those Acid headed guys I used to hang out with as a kid. Oh but yeah, it's all in the Bible n ****, so it must be true, oh yeah; drugged out maniacs from 2000+ years ago couldn't have written anything but the truth. I'll tell you what though, give me forty days n forty nights in the desert with no food, and I guaran-****ing-tee you I will be talking to 'Gawd'
WullieTheRed said:
I gotta admit, I love Christianity; their conflict with science right now is enough to giggle the **** right out of my system. I mean let's face it, apart from the religious freaks in the world, the only other people I know to hear voices from the skies are those Acid headed guys I used to hang out with as a kid. Oh but yeah, it's all in the Bible n ****, so it must be true, oh yeah; drugged out maniacs from 2000+ years ago couldn't have written anything but the truth. I'll tell you what though, give me forty days n forty nights in the desert with no food, and I guaran-****ing-tee you I will be talking to 'Gawd'

lolol, how hilarious...
GF Admin said:
Ban guns??? Never...... their always talking obout school overcrowding anyways

Heres a unique idea, hold the parents criminally responsible for allowing their guns to fall into the hands of unstable teenagers...
GF Admin said:
What???? Do you want to be resposible for your kid:
1. Doing heroin
2. Hit & Run
3. ****ing the Neighbors Daughter

And a long list of other **** kids may or may not do???? by the time they are 18? Thats just crazy talk......

The only way i will take resposibility for my kids if they do **** like that is if i have a legal right to beat the **** out of them etc... So make me resposible, but give me the tools to make it effective and preventible from the start and i would not have an issue with it

Yes, I feel I should be held responsible. In Florida she can't get a license until she is 18 and responsible for herself.

If she chooses to do illegal drugs or commit other crimes I can't stop, I plan on turning her custody over to the Juvenile court, in this case the child remains living at home but the Judge is the one calling the shots.. The judge brings the kids in, tells them what they will and won't do, how they will do what their parents say if not they get busted to Juvenile hall.

It may sound harsh but its alot better for the child to learn what is accepted in society and what is not AND it could save society alot of problems if the child who can't behave or be controlled by their parents alot of problems.
If you let things like that go, the child will be 18 and no longer someone you can do anything about and they are truly lost.

If you don't want to be responsible for your children, and I am speaking for the world here...PLEASE DON'T HAVE ANY !!!
GF Admin said:
Ok..I might be way off here but did you just spend all that time saying absolutely nothing?

  • [ ]First you said you “Feel” you should be legally responsible
    [ ]Then you made a tangent reference to 18 & driving (18 is legal adult age right?) so you wouldn’t be responsible for your Childs actions at that point anyways.
    [ ]Then you said give legal custody & “Responsibility” to the courts
    [ ]And then you closed it all out with shouting out to the world an oxymoron ( in reference to your post anyways) that parents should be legally responsible for their children’s felony actions.
What did I (NazzNegg) get from your (Lethalfind) post……………ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!! yup a big zero on the relevance meter.

I restate:

Give me the legal authority to do what needs to be done to correct any actions my children may take prior to becoming legal adults, and I will gladly be legally responsible for their actions until they are 18.

**** you beat me to it!

Lethal you think the parents should be responsible but yet you want a judge to take care of them while they’re in your custody? What? Make up your mind.
She responsible at 18?
I made my own gun when I was maybe 12 I think. Was that my parents fault? Anybody with the time and some thought can do it.

PS: this thread really got derailed,
God hates assholes!
Damn NAZZ give the puss a chance to tighten back up. So with a record like that i'm figuring you haven't been laid in 14 years.