So, yeah, I guess God hates fags, eh?

As I have said before, it was not my choice to be a single Mother, my childs Father forced that on me, I believe children are far better raised in a home with two parents, but again, I had no choice in the matter.

Then how come you call it a badge of honor? You were forced into the situation it seems. I'm not dis-ing you. I think anybody that can raise a kid by themselves deserves a pat on the back. But it has anything to do with honor. We need to get back our fundamental morals into our society. Saying that single parenthood is honorable is crazy.
We all know the value of a full secured home environment for children.
Lethalfind said:
As I have said before, it was not my choice to be a single Mother, my childs Father forced that on me, I believe children are far better raised in a home with two parents, but again, I had no choice in the matter

Then how come you call it a badge of honor? You were forced into the situation it seems. I'm not dis-ing you. I think anybody that can raise a kid by themselves deserves a pat on the back. But it has nothing to do with honor. We need to get back our fundamental morals into our society. Saying that single parenthood is honorable is crazy.
We all know the value of a full secured home environment for children.

The honorable thing would have been for and your husband to stick it out for your child. That's not your fault. Or is it?:rolleyes: Life can be a bitch if you live with one.:D
snafu said:
Then how come you call it a badge of honor? You were forced into the situation it seems. I'm not dis-ing you. I think anybody that can raise a kid by themselves deserves a pat on the back. But it has nothing to do with honor. We need to get back our fundamental morals into our society. Saying that single parenthood is honorable is crazy.
We all know the value of a full secured home environment for children.

The honorable thing would have been for and your husband to stick it out for your child. That's not your fault. Or is it?:rolleyes: Life can be a bitch if you live with one.:D

How typical of you to make it about me being a
You just can't take the idea that ultimately it might have been the man's fault. The downfall of our relationship of course was shared responsibility, we weren't compatible.
I thought we would be best not together as a couple for obvious reasons, he and I were on the same page there, however he also wanted to walk out on his child even though I was willing to have him NOT pay child support (so he would not resent her for the loss of his precious money), I was willing to have a third party he was comfortable with be the go between for arranging his time with her at a location other then my home for his comfort sake. I honestly don't know what else I could have done except for have that abortion like he begged me to do.
I never pursued him for support, he didn't pay one dime during my pregnancy nor for his child. I payed for an attorney so he could sign over his parental rights so he would be assured no one would be pursuing him for child support and even though I didn't have to at that point, I still extended the invitation for him to see his child under his schedule and location.
Snafu, when did you get so STUPID?
Snafu said:
The honorable thing would have been for and your husband to stick it out for your child.

I get so PISSED when I hear stupid people make this comment. Since when is it honorable to let your child grow up in a house where her parents don't love each other and are miserable? What if the spouse is abusive? Should the other stay "for the sake of the children"? That's bullshit and you know it. My parents seperated when I was nine. Should my mother have stayed with my father so I could grow up watching them be miserable together, thus skewing my perception of what a marriage is supposed to be like? Should my mother have taught her daughter that she has to put up with a man verbally abusing her and neglecting her emotional needs? I THINK NOT. Luckily for all of us, my mother met a WONDERFUL man and eventually married him. He is the man I now call my father. What they have is what a marriage is all about, and I feel lucky to have him in my life. What if she had stayed with my biological father? IMO, my perception of love and marriage probably would've been quite different.
Should a woman whose husband (or vice versa) stay with a chronically unfaithful spouse for 'the sake of the children'? You know damn well those kids will know something isn't right at home. And once they get to their early teens, I guarantee they'll figure out what's going on (I've seen it happen). So they should watch one parent be constantly disrespected by the other? What is that going to tell them? That it's okay to not love, cherish, honor, and respect their loved ones. Or themselves for that matter.
We could go through hundreds of scenarios from abusive husbands or wifes to just falling out of love with your spouse. If it has something to do with spousal abuse you wouldn’t want the abuser to be around the child. However that’s why I made the statement of morals in our society. LF said her husband didn’t want anything to do with his daughter. What’s wrong with that picture?
LF must have really pissed him off. Or he is the total jerk she claims him to be.
Yes I think the parents should stick together. I think what’s really wrong is the sanctity of marriage has gone to the shitter. I think that the parents have an obligation to stick together. I fell out of love with my first wife but I didn’t want to split up. I fought tooth and nail to get custody of my children. In the end I had to suck up to her and her father so that my children had me in their life.
It’s just to damn easy to get a divorce or just get an abortion. What the **** is wrong with our society?

I’m going to get a little personal and say that my wife and I don’t have the love we used to. And we almost split up. We don’t fight. We just don’t see eye to eye on a lot of issues. But we stuck it out. My son has grown up to be a smart and strong minded young man. I would hate to see how he would’ve turned out if we had let or emotions take over.

By the way...
We are pretty far from the topic and there is a thread about this subject.
Quarky1.0 said:

doesn't god hate everyone?


I'd be surprised if he knew we existed. Let's face it, in the universe we're about as important to God as the Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrins is to a half brick. With bits of moss on.
If it was some kind of God who created this universe, then I believe we are more than likely just a by product of his great design/intent. Kinda like the grime that collects on the side of a fish bowl. You were interested in the fish, not about this mouldy green **** that likes to start wars with itself.
There are two types of single mothers; one by conception and the other by attrition.
The former is like a fat or nasty bitch that no man wants and the latter is like Rosie O’Donnell, a lezbo that won't conceive the intended way....and albeit is like the first example....a fat, nasty bitch that no man wants anyway...what a paradox!

I don't know if God hates Rosie but I know I abhor her myself. And, furthermore, I can't wait to see what her kid aspires to become when thrust into an adulthood riddled with innuendo and the shortcomings of being raised by a pair of dykes!

Can you say meth addict??

I know that God loves all beings (even Vortie, our forum queen, LOL).

When you **** with the natural course of nature bad things can and will happen.
Look at example and, of course, George Michael...the Glory Hole purveyor & perpetrator of deviant behavior with just a pinch of drug abuse...he gets my vote as being close to the top of the list of "hate-ees" Wait!!! He's a Brit too!!!
Now it is clear. Boy, was I not looking at that aspect :(
WullieTheRed said:
I'd be surprised if he knew we existed. Let's face it, in the universe we're about as important to God as the Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrins is to a half brick. With bits of moss on.
If it was some kind of God who created this universe, then I believe we are more than likely just a by product of his great design/intent. Kinda like the grime that collects on the side of a fish bowl. You were interested in the fish, not about this mouldy green **** that likes to start wars with itself.

Great analogy!
But as Frank Zappa would say The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe!
angie said:
Snafu, when did you get so STUPID?

I get so PISSED when I hear stupid people make this comment. Since when is it honorable to let your child grow up in a house where her parents don't love each other and are miserable? What if the spouse is abusive? Should the other stay "for the sake of the children"? That's bullshit and you know it. My parents seperated when I was nine. Should my mother have stayed with my father so I could grow up watching them be miserable together, thus skewing my perception of what a marriage is supposed to be like? Should my mother have taught her daughter that she has to put up with a man verbally abusing her and neglecting her emotional needs? I THINK NOT. Luckily for all of us, my mother met a WONDERFUL man and eventually married him. He is the man I now call my father. What they have is what a marriage is all about, and I feel lucky to have him in my life. What if she had stayed with my biological father? IMO, my perception of love and marriage probably would've been quite different.
Should a woman whose husband (or vice versa) stay with a chronically unfaithful spouse for 'the sake of the children'? You know damn well those kids will know something isn't right at home. And once they get to their early teens, I guarantee they'll figure out what's going on (I've seen it happen). So they should watch one parent be constantly disrespected by the other? What is that going to tell them? That it's okay to not love, cherish, honor, and respect their loved ones. Or themselves for that matter.

My childs father could be a really wonderful person, however he was THE most self absorbed person I had ever come across in my life. He was the guy you think of as Mr Personality, the kind of guy that could sell freezers to the Eskimos. He and the truth were not acqauinted at all. Unfortunately I didn't see this until it was too late. When I told him I was pregnant he had no concern for anyone but himself, he became so self obsessed I was shocked.
If I had stayed with him, it would have taught my daughter that its ok to be lied to, taken advantage of and generally treated like ****...
Of course it was partly my fault, I was the dumb ass who ignored all the red flags and stayed with him long enough to get pregnant. He would never had a chance to take advantage of me if I had not been dumb enough to stick around.
When he found out I was pregnant, he kicked me out of our apartment...His biggest concern??? The things I was taking with me that were mine from before we got together and how inconvenienced he would be by it...
As for getting involved again...I have my hands full making sure I give my daugther all she deserves. I can't afford to get involved in any situation that will take away from that responsibility. If someone happens along that will fit into our life then we'll see however it will have to be them fitting into our life, not the other way around.
Alot of women (and they make me sick) want a man just to use them for what they can get, which in my opinion makes them whores. I don't need anything monetary from a man and I would rather live on my own then with the wrong man with the right wallet.
Lethalfind said:
My childs father could be a really wonderful person, however he was THE most self absorbed person I had ever come across in my life. .
Then why the **** did you marry him in the first place?
Can you say, Duh????:confused:
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Then why the **** did you marry him in the first place?
Can you say, Duh????:confused:

Because this self absorbtion was not apparent until I got pregnant...Up until then he came across as a very generous caring person.
Only when his whole way of life was challenged did he come unglued, it literally was not he was a different person.
Skaterdude409 said:
Wow you really dont know anything so you.

No, I don't think you know anything. How ignorant can you get to the point where you are defending priests who are caught redhanded of molestation and statutory rape? The very person you are trying to refute, (which you didn't refute at all with any evidence, you just said they didn't know anything and posted the response. Yeah, that was a strong argument. That affected precisely dick), is exactly right. Quit wasting your time defending a church whose very core is corrupt. Who made the Catholic Church? Romans! Who killed Christ? Romans! Wow, that is blatant hypocrisy. Just like all religion.
Skaterdude409 said:
what a scumbag. oh well he will burn for it

I dont she Skaterdude defending jackshit! Are you an idiot? You keep this babbling **** up on the boards and we just might have some fun with your ass.:D

mozartownsmusic777 said:
No, I don't think you know anything. How ignorant can you get to the point where you are defending priests who are caught redhanded of molestation and statutory rape? The very person you are trying to refute, (which you didn't refute at all with any evidence, you just said they didn't know anything and posted the response. Yeah, that was a strong argument. That affected precisely dick), is exactly right. Quit wasting your time defending a church whose very core is corrupt. Who made the Catholic Church? Romans! Who killed Christ? Romans! Wow, that is blatant hypocrisy. Just like all religion.
have some bed rep....
Gallytuck said:
God hates no one. Much in the same way that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny can't hate anyone.

That Tooth Fairy is a bitch! She always brought my sisters 50 cents for their teeth while I only ever got a quarter. Evil rotten ****ing bitch!!!

I hate that ****!

Santa's cool, and the Easter Bunny has suffered a serious lapse in the quality of chocolate he brings lately. Cheap ass ******* rabbit!!!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
...the Easter Bunny has suffered a serious lapse in the quality of chocolate he brings lately. Cheap ass ******* rabbit!!!

I feel your pain. It's that ****ing disgusting dollar bin crap. It's not chocolate, it's chocolate-flavoured paraffin. THE EASTER BUNNY IS AN AGENT OF THE MAN!!!
Gallytuck said:
I feel your pain. It's that ****ing disgusting dollar bin crap. It's not chocolate, it's chocolate-flavoured paraffin. THE EASTER BUNNY IS AN AGENT OF THE MAN!!!

This is one thing that used to really bother me a child. What the Hell does the Easter Bunny have to do with eggs? I know the egg is the simbol of life etc, but what does a bunny have to do with it? Bunnies don't lay eggs! Does anyone know the answer to this please :)
Quarky1.0 said:
This is one thing that used to really bother me a child. What the Hell does the Easter Bunny have to do with eggs? I know the egg is the simbol of life etc, but what does a bunny have to do with it? Bunnies don't lay eggs! Does anyone know the answer to this please :)

Sure it does....