
Last monday i tried to drown myself in the bath. But i just laughed at myself so all the air came out and i nearly did die.
Guys just think of it like this:

1. Suicide is the most selfish thing to do in the world.
2. There is ALWAYS something in the world that you like, and just do it to make yourself happy. Do what makes you happy.
3. Don't go there girlfriend.
I´ve thought of this too..sometimes I get so fed up with it thinking will really ppl care if I commit suicide or not? sometimes I even ask the freinds I have and my parents of what they would think If i did that..
But then I also think that If I do that, I will prove that I am too coward to live this life..and I do not dare to amke through the diffucult times..I mean c´mon..I know that everyone has some diffuculties in their lives..some ppl have more and some less...but everyone has troubles..
and I guess life is like a roller coaster...sometimes it goes really up and sometimes really down..but unfortunatly it´s not as much as fun all the times as in a roller coaster..
life is also full of never know what will happen next...
and when I think of these things then I dont feel at all to even think of comitting suicide..

(sorry if this seems like im shouting, i just get a bit carried away with suicide because someone i know did this a few years ago).
Blinkin_Fart said:
Guys just think of it like this:

1. Suicide is the most selfish thing to do in the world.
It really is. There are always thousands of people out there worse off and they don't commit suicide. They push through and live their life to the fullest.
I've thought of it many times. I know its selfish, i knew that then too. I didnt care.. i dont think ppl that are going to commit suicide is thinking about being selfish or not. They could care less! Really they just want to end it.. Thats what i wanted to do...
*black out* Holy hell! Talk about a relief. She told me that last night. I don't think that I've ever felt more helpless in my life, knowing that a friend might be dying... Couldn't sleep. Sat up for the rest of the night reading a book.
I didn'y know that till recently, but I still couldn't fall asleep last night.. Maybe it was an omen... man, she has a knack for worriing people... *bites fingernails*
I need a sign... :(

"help me if you can adjust to
this is not the way I'm wired so could you please,
help me understand why you've given in to all these
reckless dark desires you're
lying to yourself again
suicidal imbecile
think about it,
put it on the faultline
what'll it take to get it through to
you precious I'm over this,
why do you wanna throw it away like this
such a mess, why would i wanna watch
you disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time
what's your rush now,
everyone will have his day to die medicated,
drama queen,
picture perfect,
numb beligerance
drama queen,
craving fame and all this decadence
lying through your teeth again
suicidal imbecile
think about it,
put it on the fautline what'll it take
to get it through to you precious
I'm over this,
why do you wanna throw it away
like this such a mess,
why would i wanna watch you
disconnect and self destruct
one bullet at a time
what's your rush now,
everyone will have his day to die
they were right about you
they were right about you
lying to my face again
suicidal imbecile
think about it,
put it on the fautline
what'll it take to get it through
to you precious I'm over this ,
why do you wanna throw it away like this
such a mess, over this,
over this disconnect and self destruct,
one bullet at a time what's your hurry,
everyone will have his day to die
if you choose to pull the trigger,
should your drama prove sincere,
do it somewhere far away from here"

Lryics by APC, "The Outsider"
guys..i dont know what's wrong with me...but i've been experimenting strange feelings...

when i have to pass through difficult situations i think about comminting suicide right's like a natural thought...i dont know if you are getting what i am saying...but the fact is that i cannot control this feelings...

i dont know how long i will resist.
Marizka said:
has anyone heard from lpp?? I think the last time i heard from her was wednesday or worried sick..

ow..for fansince1999 i wrote this on PMA, maybe it'll help or inspire or I dunno
what's the right word
i was just thinkin about LPP... i havent been on much in the last 3 or 4 days.. but i got on one of those days and she IMed.. i didn't have time to respond cuz i had to get off.. and that was the last time i well.. didn't talk to her.. but you know heard from her... i hope she is ok..
Idk know why but my insticts are just telling me that lpp is she has´nt done know..
I hope that is true!

I can´t control my feeling either..I get mad so quickly and I just cant control it..all I think of is to harm myself then cause I can´t do anything else and I feel helpless..
twi is right,I can fake happiness too..I do it most of the time when I meet other ppl at my school or something otherwise they just kkep on asking and staring and I hate that!...staring thing!
yeah me too!
when I read that you faked happiness around your freinds too I was about to say that you did´nt need to fake happiness here around your LPF freinds :p
it´s good that you dont..
when someone stares at me..I feel so insecure..I hate it.I just wanna go over to the person and punch ´em in the face but as I get so insecure, I can´t do it! otherwise I would truly love to!