Sygy's Journal


New member
frib. methinks you were trying to be compassionate and understanding. *gives fribs a kiss for be kind*


New member
i wasnt insulting him. gawd! i have had the worst jobs ever..i use to have to bring food to an old lady in morden. then i had to clean up some reandom people's bird cage. i never knew birds produced so much ****. then i had to clean an old persons house now i work at Oxfam srubbing dirty second hand cloths.


New member
oh lol

I wasn't insulted at all, I didn't even think about that lmao

I was so unaware of the possibility, that I was like, wtf Stenners, what's he posting? XD



New member
heya woody
omfg..its simple how would you feel if some random guy was...rubbing...himself againist your upper thigh??????????
AAWwwww man that's gotta send chilll's down your spine



New member
My day which includes a ***** fight.oohh

basically jessica was being an arsehole today. she called me the c**t from **** and then a string of other nasty things one of them many i add was racist. so naturally i burst into tears. :( cause i didnt understand what i did to desrve this..for ***** sake. so my mum us going in tommorrow to talk to the school. er..i really hate this and i hate my school and all the skanks that go there. :mad:



New member
yeah but you should do something else too make her pay for what she done?

I don't know but I'll try to think of something for oyu if you want?



New member
i really hate his girl so this is what came up with

1) spill everything about her like she ****** a 20 year old. the tatoo of a tiger she has on her..umm..somewhere.

2) get her ex-bf. turn him against her and wait to see what happens.

3) tell the teachers that she has ciggerettes and school and report on her smoking in the bathrooms.

4) show her up for what she really is.

5) write graffti in the bathrooma saying secrets about all her friends..but write it in her handwriting

6) "confess" to the school that she bullied me into letting her cheat of my exam paper....

what do you think?



New member
hmmm yes it's the most diabolic thinking I've ever seen your good at this *evil laugh*

hey wait *stop's laugh* you should be laughing



New member
i really hate his girl so this is what came up with1) spill everything about her like she ****** a 20 year old. the tatoo of a tiger she has on her..umm..somewhere.

2) get her ex-bf. turn him against her and wait to see what happens.

3) tell the teachers that she has ciggerettes and school and report on her smoking in the bathrooms.

4) show her up for what she really is.

5) write graffti in the bathrooma saying secrets about all her friends..but write it in her handwriting

6) "confess" to the school that she bullied me into letting her cheat of my exam paper....

what do you think?
Hehe oh ***.. this ís hate >¦)

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