Sygy's Journal


New member
yess i am cunning....OMFG Laurent is comming to The subverse gig avec moi!!!!!!!!! je voudrias le faire!!!!! muhahaha


New member
lol...that will be interesting :p

ok I understood that he will be coming with you (avec moi) and then comes I something...



New member
im not decieving them...I want to go out with Laureny but it will never happen he is like 21 and im like 14 and he has a "petite ami" back in Mairsailles anyway


New member
im not going out with him we just are going to a gig together, we'll if he shows up he could stand me up if he wants...but i can still dream about him and my physics teacher


New member
got an alcoho problem?

hehehe my dad is comming from Romania tonight and guess what else is happening tonight> ill tell you what my mum is having a birthday house party thing with all her friends and even worst he BF is comming!!! muhahaha..Mum doesnt know that dad is comming back and Dad doesnt know that mum has a bf. i have not told both of them because i dont think that its my place to. im just not **** stiring. in just not getting involved.



New member
omg..the subverse gig was amazing..well apart from this really pervy guy trying to have *** with me the whole time...but yeah it was AMAZING!!!!!! i drank only half a bottle of vodka and half a cidar and only smoked about 5 ciggerrettes so im getting better!!! muhahaha..but eve wasnt allowed in because she was trying to drink the same amount as me and anyway she vomitted and passed out in her own sick. it was really nasty. i was the only owns to helped her up. Anyway LAurent came and left. he had to get back beforwe it was too late so i stayed to see Test Iceicles(yes i get the joke)..anyway tommy and holly went spinning aroung in the mosh pit while i slipped up in some beer which was all over the floor. and some ***** spilled her wine over my sleeve..omfg Hugo is so BUFF!!!!!!!!!!!! And omfg i have another crush on a girl called Sophie she is so BUFF. we may be meeting uo this weekwnd to do stuff..


New member
it was. omg there was his guy humping my leg and then every time i tried to leave the would start crying and saying: but i love you!!!!
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