Tea Party Anyone?


New member

Relationships with other organizations MoveOn has collaborated on projects with a number of other organizations, including:

American Civil Liberties Union

American Constitution Society

Center for American Progress

Environment 2004

National Committee for an Effective Congress

Natural Resources Defense Council

United for Peace and Justice

Win Without War

MoveOn has also retained the services of advertising and PR firms, including:

Advocacy Inc. (http://www.advocacyinc.com)

M&R Strategic Services (http://www.mrss.com)

Fenton Communications

Candidates supported The MoveOn PAC endorsed 30 Democratic political candidates in the 2000 election cycle, including

Scotty Baesler, who ran successfully for reelection to Congress in Kentucky's 6th District.

Jean Elliott Brown, a MoveOn volunteer and public relations executive who ran unsuccessfully for Congress against Rep. Mark Foley in Florida. MoveOn channeled more than $100,000 to her campaign.

Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan, who ran against Senator John Ashcroft. Due to Carnahan's unexpected death during the campaign, his wife took his place and defeated Ashcroft.

Delaware Governor Thomas Carper, who successfully defeated incumbent GOP Senator William Roth.

Linda Chapin, who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in Florida's 8th district.

Regina Montoya Coggins, who ran unsuccessfully in Texas's 5th District against Pete Sessions

Susan Davis, who ran successfully in California's 49th District (now the 53rd District, following redistricting).

Rep. Rush D. Holt, D-N.J., who in 1998 defeated Rep. Mike Pappas, a vociferous supporter of Clinton's impeachment.

Nancy Keenan, a Montanan seeking the seat of extremely conservative Rep. Rick Hill.

Rick Larsen, who ran successfully in Washington's open 2nd District race.

Susan Bass Levin, who ran unsuccessfully in New Jersey's 3rd District against H. James Saxton

California state Senator Adam Schiff, who defeated Rep. James Rogan, one of the House Managers in charge of Clinton's impeachment trial. MoveOn directed nearly $200,000 to Schiff and was his top contributor.

Candidates supported in the 2002 election cycle included:

Democratic Senate candidate Bill Bradbury of Oregon

Missouri Senator Jean Carnahan

Martha Fuller Clark, a candidate for the House of Representatives in New Hampshire

Jack Conway, a candidate for the House of Representatives in Kentucky's 3rd District

Representative Rush D. Holt of New Jersey

Representative Jay Inslee of Washington

South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson

former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk in his Texas senatorial bid

Representative Rick Larsen of Washington

Arkansas Attorney General Mark Pryor in his campaign for the U.S. Senate

Former New Hampshire Governor Jeanne Shaheen, who ran unsuccessfully for Senate against John E. Sununu

Senator Paul D. Wellstone of Minnesota
MoveOn.org - dKosopedia

Come on Bender get real. This is grass roots to you?



New member
See this post: http://Off Topic Forum.com/on-topic-bs/35339-tea-party-anyone-2.html#post99483
There a **** think tank !



Wow! Any you try to paint Glenn Beck and such as whack-o's.

What the **** is that supposed to prove?

The first tea parties were spontaneous. Like the one in Cincinatti where over 5,000 people showed up and not a whisper of a corporate sponsor, or unlike liberal protests, not a single act of civil disobedience or violence.

Everything you're posting is weeks after the first tea parties were called for.

No proof yet.

Keep trying.



New member
I see you and SNAFU moved yourselves to the State of Denial and are getting along well. :rolleyes: .

OK we are in denial that this is a corporation conspiracy for some unknown reason and that we aren't being or will be over taxed to get us out of this 3 trillion spending spree? Oh yeah we can print more besides taxation and inflate the dollar so the yen can become the world currency.



New member
I guess you'll have some company in the State of Denial.

Just like your buddies at the Daily Kos and MSNBC, you don't need any facts to back your left wing ideology.

CNBC is far from right wing and neither was Rick Santelli or Cramer until they disagreed with the Obama Administration.

On that note. Despite your incorrect backing tried to mislead, as the left always does, Santelli never called for the tax day tea parties.

Try again.



New member
I already laid out the facts, you just don't want to accept them, you'd rather sneer them away and blame it on some sort of left wing agenda from news agency's.. OK whatever.. not that I have ever heard any of what I posted on any of the aforementioned sites, but believe what you want... oops, I mean what you have been programmed to.





New member
I already laid out the facts, you just don't want to accept them, you'd rather sneer them away and blame it on some sort of left wing agenda from news agency's.. OK whatever.. not that I have ever heard any of what I posted on any of the aforementioned sites, but believe what you want... oops, I mean what you have been programmed to..


Nothing you showed, proved anything about anything.

Show were anything you posted relates to the tea parties that happened back in February.

You can't because you're drinking the Daily Kos, Media Matters, MSLSD, Kool-aid, that I've proven to be lies over and over again.

Keep drinking.

The stuff you posted links too was a bunch of nonsense and even was related to Ralph Nader.

Like he's a small government, low tax guy.




New member
Ah, I see, so even though all those URL came from strangely the exact same I.P. address, and are funnily enough registered to the exact same organization which just happens to be a think tank created by gee, corporate tycoons, I have no proof..

Yeah, I want some of what your smoking. :rolleyes:





New member
Ah, I see, so even though all those URL came from strangely the exact same I.P. address, and are funnily enough registered to the exact same organization which just happens to be a think tank created by gee, corporate tycoons, I have no proof..
Yeah, I want some of what your smoking. :rolleyes:


Same IP address as what? The thousands of independent Tea Parties across the nations or the one you posted.

I'm guessing the latter.

Keep it up. Some day you could wright for MSLSD.

Still proved NOTHING.



New member
I guess it's all a big lie and left wing conspiracy... here's how it all went down...

Some left wing liberal hacker broke into the DNS database and changed the I.P. for all those "TEA PARTY" domains to all the same place, then, once he did that, he used his super leet hacker skills to change the domain name register to the names of CORPORATIONS... MAN was that liberal ever clever...

Man, who would have thought of that... find a grass roots campaign and all the url's you can about a tea party on the 15th, hack all the pages at all the ISP's holding the domains, and link them all together to companies and a think tank... man.. now that was one covert operation I tell ya. :rolleyes:





New member
I guess it's all a big lie and left wing conspiracy... here's how it all went down...
Some left wing liberal hacker broke into the DNS database and changed the I.P. for all those "TEA PARTY" domains to all the same place, then, once he did that, he used his super leet hacker skills to change the domain name register to the names of CORPORATIONS... MAN was that liberal ever clever...

Man, who would have thought of that... find a grass roots campaign and all the url's you can about a tea party on the 15th, hack all the pages at all the ISP's holding the domains, and link them all together to companies and a think tank... man.. now that was one covert operation I tell ya. :rolleyes:


There are individual tea party campaigns all over the country that were started on Facebook and Myspace that have nothing to do with your "alleged right wing conspiracy" to give the rich more tax breaks.

Who sounds like the whacko?

The everyman who just wants smaller government and less deficit spending, or you who thinks there's a big corporate conspiracy to keep the rich, rich?

Sorry, but you lose.

You're the same people who claimed that Bush was paying off Wall Street because they were Republican fat cats.

That's a laugh. The people on wall street who made money and benefitted and keep benefiting from the government policies are Democrats. Just look at the Obama admin. Larry Summers, Obama himself with his advance so he can avoid getting his half a million after his tax plan goes in effect, etc...

Now as for the tea parties, nothing you poste links the thousands of tea parties to corporate sponsors nor does it show show where all the spontanious tea parties all over the country including those back in February was promoted by anyone or any corporate sponsor.

Keep up the left wing disinformation. Maybe you'll convince someone who really doesn't look at what you post or research and formulate their own opinion.

Good luck.



New member
I won't dispute that yes there are individual tea parties out there who want the lower taxes, but that still doesn't sway from what these idiots are protesting about... LOWER TAXES FOR CORPORATIONS.

Even though their puny minds might tell them they are protesting lower taxes for themselves, the fact of the matter is, the only persons under the current administration who are paying higher taxes are the wealthy, and smokers.

But go ahead and convince yourself your right, the facts are the facts.

IT'S A CORPORATE TEA PARTY, and they invited a bunch of ignorant middle class folk to make it look legit.





New member
I won't dispute that yes there are individual tea parties out there who want the lower taxes, but that still doesn't sway from what these idiots are protesting about... LOWER TAXES FOR CORPORATIONS.
Even though their puny minds might tell them they are protesting lower taxes for themselves, the fact of the matter is, the only persons under the current administration who are paying higher taxes are the wealthy, and smokers.

But go ahead and convince yourself your right, the facts are the facts.

IT'S A CORPORATE TEA PARTY, and they invited a bunch of ignorant middle class folk to make it look legit.


You still can't get past the MSLSD lie that these are just about taxes. The original hate wasn't about taxes, it was about too much spending and growth by the federal government. Taxes were an afterthought to most of the original tea parties.

You're right. Facts are facts and they aren't on your side of the argument about the origin of the tea parties.



New member
You still can't get past the MSLSD lie that these are just about taxes. The original hate wasn't about taxes, it was about too much spending and growth by the federal government. Taxes were an afterthought to most of the original tea parties.
You're right. Facts are facts and they aren't on your side of the argument about the origin of the tea parties.
Obama supporters rarely let facts get in the way of a good argument...



New member
All a corporation is is a business that is forced to incorporate by big government in order to be competitive. It provides most of us with jobs and all of us with goods and services. I personally think taking money from some and redistributing it is theft and immoral no matter who does it.

For your information most Americans have 401K's that suffer when taxes are raised on corporations, most Americans work for corporations and suffer greatly if that corporation is forced to downsize or go out of business. All Americans buy consumer goods the price of which includes the cost of taxes imposed on corporations.

Forgot to mention under our new socialist system when corporations fail the American taxpayer is now often forced to bail them out. We all got a strong interest that corporations are successful.

Lower taxes on corporations means more jobs, lower inflation and higher returns on investments..that is a good thing.



New member
Correction. Lower taxes on corporations is SUPPOSED TO mean more jobs, lower inflation and higher returns on investments. Unfortunately, that isn't the case...

WHERE ARE THE JOBS ? Where is the lowered inflation, where are the investment returns? They were taken off shore so some rich guys could get even more tax breaks (unamerican tax cheats). It's high time they pay their dues.





New member
Correction. Lower taxes on corporations is SUPPOSED TO mean more jobs, lower inflation and higher returns on investments. Unfortunately, that isn't the case...
WHERE ARE THE JOBS ? Where is the lowered inflation, where are the investment returns? They were taken off shore so some rich guys could get even more tax breaks (unamerican tax cheats). It's high time they pay their dues.


Just compare our unemployment rate with Europe's for the last 20 years and ask why we should copy Europe's model.



New member
Correction. Lower taxes on corporations is SUPPOSED TO mean more jobs, lower inflation and higher returns on investments. Unfortunately, that isn't the case...
WHERE ARE THE JOBS ? Where is the lowered inflation, where are the investment returns? They were taken off shore so some rich guys could get even more tax breaks (unamerican tax cheats). It's high time they pay their dues.


The more cooperations pay in taxes the more jobs will be outsourced.



New member
The more cooperations pay in taxes the more jobs will be outsourced.
And the last 8 years of Bush tax cuts have proven the more tax breaks they are given the more they will outsource. Saying they will outsource if they have to pay more taxes is just a **** excuse.



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