Tea Party Anyone?


New member
They were taken off shore so some rich guys could get even more tax breaks.
Have you ever tried to noodle out the thought processes behind wealth envy? Here, let me help you. Nobody likes to be told that they just haven't worked smart enough or hard enough to become wealthy. People don't want to accept the fact that they've made some pathetic decision in their lives that stood in the way of success and wealth. They don't want to be told they didn't pay attention to their education. They don't want to hear that they took a dead-end job and hung with it for years. They don't want to hear that they were too eager to punch out and head home after their required eight hours every day .. eschewing a bit of extra work that might have moved them ahead a few squares. People don't want to hear that all of the money they spent on booze, partying, bass boats, vacations, car payments and lifestyle might have been better invested for future returns.

In short .. so many people just can't bring themselves to accept the fact that it is they who have held themselves back. No. No way. It's not their fault they aren't rich. You can hear the thought process: "I'm a good person. I work hard. I put in my 40 hours a week. I pay my taxes. I coach little league. It's not my fault I'm not rich. Those rich people cheated. They have crooked lawyers. They cheat on their taxes. They've exploited people like me. They're may be poor but at least I'm honest. Those rich people are all crooks and they're holding the rest of us down.

Wealth envy should be eradicated from the face of the earth like the Jews of Old.



New member
And the last 8 years of Bush tax cuts have proven the more tax breaks they are given the more they will outsource. Saying they will outsource if they have to pay more taxes is just a **** excuse..

Now just ask yourself .. what would you do if you were an employer and you felt that the Democrats were on the verge of passing the union's "card check" bill. Well .. I'll tell you what I would do. I would be looking at any automation that I could find that would reduce my workforce. I would then go with all of the offshore options I could find that would allow me to get rid of more employees. Then I would go to staffing agencies for the rest of my workforce. The people working in my place of business would not be working for me. They would be working for a staffing agency. If they want to unionize something, they can unionize the staffing agency. If the Democrats bring us "card check" along with an expansion of the Family Leave Act my guess is that there are a lot of employers out there who will do everything they can to get rid of employees.

Unions played a big part in destroying the big three automakers. Now they can play a similar role with your business. Aren't you workers glad you voted for Obama? You might have voted yourself right slap out of a job.



New member
Wealth envy is a tired *** excuse. Has nothing to do with anybody going... GEE, IT AIN'T FAIR, THEY HAVE THIS OR THAT AND I'M SUFFERING. It has to do with a balanced economy. When the class pay rate is way off balance like it is, we get recession, job losses, and all the other nasty stuff we are seeing now, it's a very simple thing to explain. The regular class can't afford ****, so therefore the economy suffers and people start losing jobs and the cycle starts. That's all there is to it. Nothing wrong with being rich as **** and being greedy.. at least there isn't anything wrong with it until it starts affecting the overall economy, which it has. It's a lame and worn out excuse to say... OH YOUR JUST JEALOUS, or OH PEOPLE ARE JUST FREELOADERS AND WANT SOMETHING FOR FREE or that they want the government to hold their hand. That's absolutely wrong... what people want is a stable economy. Who wins and who loses can be sorted out later.





New member
Wealth envy is a tired *** excuse. Has nothing to do with anybody going... GEE, IT AIN'T FAIR, THEY HAVE THIS OR THAT AND I'M SUFFERING. It has to do with a balanced economy.
I propose that everyone out there who hates the rich quit their jobs and go get one from a poor person.

When the class pay rate is way off balance like it is, we get recession, job losses, and all the other nasty stuff we are seeing now, it's a very simple thing to explain. The regular class can't afford ****, so therefore the economy suffers and people start losing jobs and the cycle starts. That's all there is to it. Nothing wrong with being rich as **** and being greedy.. at least there isn't anything wrong with it until it starts affecting the overall economy, which it has.
Corporations do not print money. Therefore, they must acquire it somewhere in order to pay their tax burdens. There are only three places corporations can collect that money:

PRICES of goods and services, which the consumers pay. Because there are more middle income and low income consumers than wealthy ones, that piece of corporate tax burden is most heavily levied against the middle and lower income consumers.

WAGES/SALARIES of corporate employees. Corporations can reduce what they pay in both wages and benefits to their employees to help pay their corporate taxes. Again, because there are more middle and lower income wage & salary earners, they bear the brunt of that portion of corporate taxes. Jobs can also be eliminated, saving the corporation 100 percent of the former employee's salary and benefits.

SHAREHOLDERS: Corporations can also use money that would otherwise go to shareholders (investors). Anyone who has a pension plan, a 401K, or an IRA is most likely to be a shareholder. So, corporate taxes raid our retirement funds. And since it is the rich who can more easily invest additional funds elsewhere, who do you suppose bears the heaviest burden on taxes taken from shareholders? Middle and lower income wage earners. This particular source of tax income also lowers the desirability of a corporation's stock, which in turn lowers the value of that stock, which in turn also reduces the value our our retirement funds. So, it is a double whammy for middle and lower income earners.

Additionally, more severe corporate tax burdens require corporations to spend more of their gross profits on tax compliance, because they must hire accountants and lawyers to ensure they do not inadvertently under pay their taxes. These costs, too, must be covered by a combination of the above three mentioned revenue sources.

Bottom line is that corporations are tax collectors. They do not have the ability to create money from thin air, so they must collect it from a combination of the above mentioned three sources. In all three cases, it is NOT the upper income earners who are most heavily burdened; it is the middle and lower income earners.

So, anyone who advocates for raising corporate taxes is really advocating for disproportionately raising the taxes of the middle and lower income earners.



New member
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOinq_IeCyY]YouTube - Countdown - Shuster cuts loose on the teabagging fools of the wild-eyed right...[/ame]





New member
Wealth envy is a tired *** excuse. Has nothing to do with anybody going... GEE, IT AIN'T FAIR, THEY HAVE THIS OR THAT AND I'M SUFFERING. It has to do with a balanced economy. When the class pay rate is way off balance like it is, we get recession, job losses, and all the other nasty stuff we are seeing now, it's a very simple thing to explain. The regular class can't afford ****, so therefore the economy suffers and people start losing jobs and the cycle starts. That's all there is to it. Nothing wrong with being rich as **** and being greedy.. at least there isn't anything wrong with it until it starts affecting the overall economy, which it has. It's a lame and worn out excuse to say... OH YOUR JUST JEALOUS, or OH PEOPLE ARE JUST FREELOADERS AND WANT SOMETHING FOR FREE or that they want the government to hold their hand. That's absolutely wrong... what people want is a stable economy. Who wins and who loses can be sorted out later..


Greedy... Greedy talk about mantra's or catch phrases. I'm sure if you were rich you would hand out all of your money just to be fair right? Even steven right? You work and I'll watch your stuff for half OK?



New member
Tell you Bender you greedy *******. I'm sure you know some poor homless sole out there. Go give them half of you pay each week to him.


New member
Considering I grew up poor and had jack.. yes I would, because I know I wouldn't miss it, and I know how much more it would help someone who wasn't.

That's what separates us... GREED, you are, I'm not.





New member
No better yet give him 80% of your check to him. Thats what the rest of those greedy bastards are doing.


New member
Considering I grew up poor and had jack.. yes I would, because I know I wouldn't miss it, and I know how much more it would help someone who wasn't.
That's what separates us... GREED, you are, I'm not.


Because you were poor doesn't make it right. Didn't you go out and get a job? Isn't the you worked for you earned?



New member
More fear and paranoia, it just never ends with you does it? But, it's to be expected from someone who subscribes to the fear and paranoia party of astroturf corporate tea party campaigns.

It's not my fault your a sucker.





New member
More fear and paranoia, it just never ends with you does it? But, it's to be expected from someone who subscribes to the fear and paranoia party of astroturf corporate tea party campaigns..

Well I hope your right. For the your's and my children sake. I hope your right.



New member
I know I'm right, do you know why... because so far the fear and paranoia crowd has been WRONG.

Wrong about the economy, wrong about Obama's ability to handle a crisis, wrong about his ability to negotiate with world leaders, just wrong all the way around.

Perhaps if the ones who are hollering and screaming would give the guy a chance, a benefit of the doubt, or in the very least CREDIT. There wouldn't be as much to worry about...

Look at the facts.. 98% of the people complaining (INCLUDING YOU) ARE GETTING A TAX CUT. The tax increase on the wealthy, is STILL LESS THEN WHAT IT WAS UNDER REAGAN...

What's the problem here?

He's bringing BALANCE to the American force... why on Earth would he WANT our economy to fail or want to tax the **** out of people? I really wish, ney.. HOPE people wake up and quit slamming the guy just because they didn't vote for him and see for themselves... HE'S ON YOUR SIDE.



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I know I'm right, do you know why... because so far the fear and paranoia crowd has been WRONG.
Wrong about the economy, wrong about Obama's ability to handle a crisis, wrong about his ability to negotiate with world leaders, just wrong all the way around.

Perhaps if the ones who are hollering and screaming would give the guy a chance, a benefit of the doubt, or in the very least CREDIT. There wouldn't be as much to worry about...

Look at the facts.. 98% of the people complaining (INCLUDING YOU) ARE GETTING A TAX CUT. The tax increase on the wealthy, is STILL LESS THEN WHAT IT WAS UNDER REAGAN...

What's the problem here?

He's bringing BALANCE to the American force... why on Earth would he WANT our economy to fail or want to tax the **** out of people? I really wish, ney.. HOPE people wake up and quit slamming the guy just because they didn't vote for him and see for themselves... HE'S ON YOUR SIDE.



No I'm getting a few dollars in my pay check more but my health insurance is going up. A friend is retiring and her insurances is outrages! I'm hoping I read it wrong but it was $679 quarterly. She will only get less than half her pay now minus this.



New member
Her husband died and she is past retirement time and yet she can't afford to. She would have to find another job. SSN is upside down now 8 years to early. So forget about drawing from it.


New member
I know I'm right, do you know why... because so far the fear and paranoia crowd has been WRONG.
To paraphrase a previous post, Bendy: "Fear and paranoia is a tired *** excuse."


Wrong about the economy, wrong about Obama's ability to handle a crisis, wrong about his ability to negotiate with world leaders, just wrong all the way around.
I'll give you one out of the three. He handled the Somali pirate situation very well, but with the way he spoke about it he pulled the trigger(s) to end the situation. Oh... anyways.. good job.

Perhaps if the ones who are hollering and screaming would give the guy a chance, a benefit of the doubt, or in the very least CREDIT. There wouldn't be as much to worry about...
Giving someone credit is a higher honor, let's say, than giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Look at the operative words here; "credit" and "doubt". Banks don't lend money on a principle of a doubt and you don't recieve credit when your credit report is doubtful. Maybe you meant the operative word here to be "least".

So we're on to chance. I've given him a chance and right now with the woes that many Americans face these days, we (as a unified front) cannot bank on chance.

For all the problems America faces, its citizens do not have the time to give Obama a chance.

Americans should not just trust that Obama knows what he is doing. Political dithering should not be accepted on the basis that he eventually will get done what needs to be done. There are plans and policy proposals out there for doing what needs to be done now.

It does not make sense to give any president or leader no matter who he or she is a chance especially when giving that chance means letting a president or leader placate a public with wishful thinking, especially when it means brushing aside and hushing the populist rage that is currently inescapable in America.

Look at the facts.. 98% of the people complaining (INCLUDING YOU) ARE GETTING A TAX CUT. The tax increase on the wealthy, is STILL LESS THEN WHAT IT WAS UNDER REAGAN...
During the campaign Obama promised a tax cut to 95% of working families. This brought up the question of how you deliver tax cuts to people who don't pay income taxes .. and that includes about half of the 95% of Americans Obama was schmoozing. Now Obamabots are trying to get around this little factual inconvenience by reminding you that these people pay Social Security taxes and Medicare taxes. But wait a minute! I thought that money that goes to Social Security wasn't a tax, it's a contribution! What does it say on your paycheck? FICA? That's "Federal Insurance Contribution Act." This is really an insurance premium, not a tax, so what's really happening here is that Obama wants to give those more likely to vote for him a free ride for their Social Security. That turns Social Security into a pure welfare program. Ditto for Medicare.

What's the problem here?
So .. .when Obama says "tax cut," he really means "welfare check." A government handout. Your money seized from you and given to someone who didn't earn it ... or your children and grandchildren hit with a debt they'll have to repay later.

This is the new definition of a tax cut. And we have Barack Obama to thank for it, not to mention a compliant media ... a media that refuses to expose this government-speak.

He's bringing BALANCE to the American force... why on Earth would he WANT our economy to fail or want to tax the **** out of people? I really wish, ney.. HOPE people wake up and quit slamming the guy just because they didn't vote for him and see for themselves... HE'S ON YOUR SIDE.
The Age of Obama... gotta love it.

Of course Obama is on my side, my right side dipping his mits into my pocket, placating me with speech of wishful thinking with errr's and ahhh's a'flurry, and his left hand behind his back with his finger crossed.

I know a snake when I see one.

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand



New member
Considering I grew up poor and had jack.. yes I would, because I know I wouldn't miss it,
No "would" ****. Either do it or don't. But don't play Obama and talk a good talk while delivering nothing.

I whole heartedly agree with RO.



New member
Considering I grew up poor and had jack.. yes I would, because I know I wouldn't miss it, and I know how much more it would help someone who wasn't.
That's what separates us... GREED, you are, I'm not.


We are now living in a world where the government is expected to make sure that you can live a cushy lifestyle. The idea of personal success and hard work has been usurped by government entitlement programs. We're turning America into a giant assisted care living center.

Work? Are you kidding? More and more people think that the purpose of work is to improve lifestyle while government takes care of the basics. With a culture that is unwilling to work to get ahead, there will be no growth in this country.

I want to keep what I earn. If that makes me GREEDY, then fukkit I'm a greedy old *******. Oh yeah... throw in bigot and hatemonger while you're at it.



New member
I know I'm right, do you know why... because so far the fear and paranoia crowd has been WRONG.
Wrong about the economy, wrong about Obama's ability to handle a crisis, wrong about his ability to negotiate with world leaders, just wrong all the way around.

Perhaps if the ones who are hollering and screaming would give the guy a chance, a benefit of the doubt, or in the very least CREDIT. There wouldn't be as much to worry about...

Look at the facts.. 98% of the people complaining (INCLUDING YOU) ARE GETTING A TAX CUT. The tax increase on the wealthy, is STILL LESS THEN WHAT IT WAS UNDER REAGAN...

What's the problem here?

He's bringing BALANCE to the American force... why on Earth would he WANT our economy to fail or want to tax the **** out of people? I really wish, ney.. HOPE people wake up and quit slamming the guy just because they didn't vote for him and see for themselves... HE'S ON YOUR SIDE.


First off, there is no way, yet, to know if he was wrong or right on the economy (I hope he's right, I doubt it, but I hope he is). The stock market is still fluctuating day to day by the news. The only reason the banks are now showing a profit is an accounting issue, because they finally quit using "mark to market" accounting on mortgages. The banks are still in just as bad of shape as they were a month ago.

The residential real estate problem is starting to level out, but we have yet to be hit with the commercial real estate collapse that many economists believe is coming.

What crisis has he handled?

What has he proven about handling world leaders. He had two goals at the G20. He walked away empty handed. North Korea is thumbing it's nose right at him constantly, and so is Iran.

Second part about taxes is just false. The Obama tax "cuts" ($13 a week this year, and down to $8 per week next year) will be gone and actually become a tax increase after the Bush cuts expire in 2010.

Reagan didn't raise taxes on the wealthy. He dropped the upper limit from 70% to 28%. Obama is raising it to 39%.

When Reagan did that, individual income tax revenues rose from $244 billion in 1980 to $446 billion in 1989. Nearly doubled revenue to the federal government.



New member
It's **** near a miracle that tens of thousands of people were able to gather on the same day for a protest like this.

It's easy for protests from those on the left, but most of the people at the tea parties, had to take off work.

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