Teenagers !

Thank you, Dshogan1. I am one of the very few people of my generation that agrees with these statements. I express sentiments that few of my age group can mentally grasp. It's so true though that the majority of teens are so used to having it their own way, that when they grow up and experience the real world, they won't have a clue about anything. So my classmates may scoff at me now, but I'm sure that I'll have the last laugh.
Supergrandma, not only am I your neighbor, but I also couldn't agree more.

I am also embarassed of the human race when I witness teenagers try to convert to the "gangster" way of life, because they think that looking "cool" will make them successful in life.

It is these pseudo-gangsters and other "cool"-seekers that will give our generation a bad name.
the divine tragedy said:
Supergrandma, not only am I your neighbor, but I also couldn't agree more.

I am also embarassed of the human race when I witness teenagers try to convert to the "gangster" way of life, because they think that looking "cool" will make them successful in life.

It is these pseudo-gangsters and other "cool"-seekers that will give our generation a bad name.

I agree with you.
I have to admit, being the wise 15 that I am, that just about everything here is true. I just listened to a kid think it was funny to legitimately put "Sexii" (latin composition) on his paper. This wasn't a giggle or something, this was the focus of a two minute endeavor. With that said, I am in a position where my parents would like to buy me a car. My dad grew up in very harsh circumstances (Imagine having your dad trick your family into coming to texas with him only to find he up and left with everything you owned in the middle of the night) and has a deep seated emotional fear that I will go through the same, never mind the fact that I live in a house with two parents who are college graduates, but I never said it was a rational fear. Now the car thing might not be feasible by the time I turn 16 due to several recent hospital stays on my part (getting trucked by a boat isn't fun), but I'm ok with that. I know it will happen when it happens and if I have to throw in some of my own coin, so be it. Ask one of the kids at my school however, and by god they're getting that car at 16 or so help me god. It just makes me sick sometimes. Man, that kind of turned into an unorganized rant, a thousand apologies.
I know a 5'2 110 lb real gangster that would eat one of these backwoods redneck 6' 210 lb "gangsta" wannabees for breakfast. Real gansters are a product of their environment, but these "psuedo-gangsters" are just straight up bullshit. The gangster way of life is no life that i or any real gangster i know would wish upon anybody.
While pseudo-gangsters are ****ed, the whole of teenage society is even more ****ed. In response to Vosak's mention of the "Sexii" incident, I can proudly admit that I am one of the few of my age group that wouldn't fall out of my chair laughing at this. Moreover, another problem among teens these days is extraneous physical contact. I've seen incidents where people slap, hit, and kick each other because they think it's "cool" and "fun". Now pardon me, but if that's cool, I will consider myself "uncool".

A typical teenage application of sentence structure and vocabulary: "I'm gonna like, go to the mall and like see a movie, you know, and stuff like that. Can I like, borrow five dollars, you know?"

Lord have mercy on my sad, sorry generation!
I did my anti-teen rants a few threads back. All I can say is I have no faith in "The youth of America" whether it is my generation and this upcoming one. They will both send this world into a spiraling hell. And quite frankly, it is sad. I have reason to believe the human mind is in a severe state of atrophy.
Guess I'll say it again.

I ****ING HATE TEENAGERS. Why do I hate them?

1. They're ungreatful
2. They're disrespectful
3. They're often compulsive consumers
4. They're ****ing greedy
5. They're overly dramatic
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Guess I'll say it again.

I ****ING HATE TEENAGERS. Why do I hate them?

1. They're ungreatful
2. They're disrespectful
3. They're often compulsive consumers
4. They're ****ing greedy
5. They're overly dramatic

And I'll add one of my own.

You hate teenagers because they, as a representative group, misrepresent your cultural outlook on your age group.

Am I right?
I'm with builder here in saying as a representative group, misrepresent your cultural outlook on your age group.

Not all teenagers are terrible, but YEAH! as a group they are the most wretched things to walk the planet at this point in time

Everything now a days is about disrespect and drugs

I know too many teens who are strung out on whatever(u name it they do it)

They don't realize that there is life after high school

Some learn the hard way.. I had this guy I know whose brother was one of those I'll do whatever I want folks and he disrespected his parents, disrespected everyone around him who wasn't "one of his boys". He got so hard up into drugs that he almost died at 20 yrs old and went into a coma for 3 weeks. Now he just sits around and drools because he can't do much else

He is going through rehabilitation now and is slowly learning to walk again..

Most of the **** that kids get into is because they want to be grown. I don't know if there is any one way to change it without the teens giving a little themselves.

This is almost a hopeless cause because they don't care to change..

The items listed above plus the parents letting their kids run free on the streets at 12 years old with a nicer plan on their cell phone than I can afford.. Teenagers really piss me off!!
When were teenages NOT the most wretched group? Anyone remember "Rebel without a cause"? If figures considering the position teens are in. THey are trapped between childhood and adulthood. Rites of passage that would tell them they have becum adults (and afford them the respect of other adults) have lonf since disapeared fom modern societies. Their bodies are in chaos as they physically become adults, they are pushed toward independance yet not allowed it at the same time. They are in constant searched of what to believe in (breaking away from what they have been forced to believe) They see things around them in chaos yet are, for all practicle purposes helpless to change them. I mean I get annoyed with their arragance and complete disrespect for others (funny that that disrespect is what keeps it mutual) but i remember, with a certian acidic flavor in teh back of my mouth, what it felt like to be there (which is why I laugh at it more). It's hard to hate what you once were yourself.
Richard Owl Mirror said:
I'm telling you, they are a waste of valuable space !

Now, I do not have children of my own but, I recently merged myself with my girlfriends family.
She has two sons, only one I have a problem understanding.
I'm hopeful that time will help but, every overture I've made so far has been either rebuffed or simply cast to the side.

Any of you have teenagers ? I'll take any suggestions I can get :confused:

I think you should have a nice talk with your gf and tell her you love her, care about her kids, but that because the 1 kid has such a problem showing you kindness or respect that you think you should go back to just dating.

Then move out and date her for another 3 years. Or leave the situation completely.

Wait for the jerk-teen to graduate HS and move out...THEN MOVE IN.

Oh, and by the way, I have a feeling that jerk-teen will NOT move out after HS...and his Mom, your gf will keep coddling him. If so...do not move in again. Start looking for a different gf.

I don't want to be negative, but I've seen this many times. A single mother or a divorced mother lets the first born male turn into a monster out of guilt and NEVER makes them grow up. Yes, you will hear excuses. He's just going to stay through college! Of course, probably too dumb for that...then it will be: He's just going to stay until he gets a job...Nope, too lazy to keep one. Do you think you are the only one he treats with disrespect? I doubt it. How are his grades? Does he help with the house? No? This will only get worse with time. I would jump ship if I were you. If you love her, move out and date her.

I think you deserve more than this set up.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Guess I'll say it again.

I ****ING HATE TEENAGERS. Why do I hate them?

1. They're ungreatful
2. They're disrespectful
3. They're often compulsive consumers
4. They're ****ing greedy
5. They're overly dramatic

Wow, I'm unable to tell you've apparently changed so much in the 2 years that you became a non-teenager
