Teenagers !

Ahh, yes another person who thinks I'm a Teen.

Guess I should act like one then

Fuk U U fukkin faget! Don tlk **** bout me fukkin faget. Fuk dis Imma gonna go 2 da mall an buy dat new Green Day T-shirt cuz Green Day R teh most pxnk rawk band dere iz an stuff lyk dat iz da wai 2 Fyte da systm. Itz teh systm'z fault dat my parentz culdn't lemme git drunk at teh parti of da year! I'm lyk 15 I kan du whateva I wnat. BTW NE hawt Sk8r GuRlZ wan 2 cHaT 2 A HoT 15/m/MoMs BaSeMenT?
Elmoish said:
I think you should have a nice talk with your gf and tell her you love her, care about her kids, but that because the 1 kid has such a problem showing you kindness or respect that you think you should go back to just dating.

Then move out and date her for another 3 years. Or leave the situation completely.

Wait for the jerk-teen to graduate HS and move out...THEN MOVE IN.

Oh, and by the way, I have a feeling that jerk-teen will NOT move out after HS...and his Mom, your gf will keep coddling him. If so...do not move in again. Start looking for a different gf.

I don't want to be negative, but I've seen this many times. A single mother or a divorced mother lets the first born male turn into a monster out of guilt and NEVER makes them grow up. Yes, you will hear excuses. He's just going to stay through college! Of course, probably too dumb for that...then it will be: He's just going to stay until he gets a job...Nope, too lazy to keep one. Do you think you are the only one he treats with disrespect? I doubt it. How are his grades? Does he help with the house? No? This will only get worse with time. I would jump ship if I were you. If you love her, move out and date her.

I think you deserve more than this set up.

I don't think you should have to set up your life to revolve around this kid's desires. As long as you respect him he'll wake up eventually. If he doesnt, oh well. He'll just have to grow up and move out. He is probably just having problems adjusting, or maybe he is jealous. Either way, he is going to take it out on you becasue he probably feels as though you're moving in on his property. either he is just a pure dick, or he is taking out his troubles on you. he's got to learn that life doesnt always work out the way you want it to, so you just have to suck it up. who knows, you may be his motivation to move out, go to school, get a job, and become a responsible adult.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Ahh, yes another person who thinks I'm a Teen.

Guess I should act like one then

Fuk U U fukkin faget! Don tlk **** bout me fukkin faget. Fuk dis Imma gonna go 2 da mall an buy dat new Green Day T-shirt cuz Green Day R teh most pxnk rawk band dere iz an stuff lyk dat iz da wai 2 Fyte da systm. Itz teh systm'z fault dat my parentz culdn't lemme git drunk at teh parti of da year! I'm lyk 15 I kan du whateva I wnat. BTW NE hawt Sk8r GuRlZ wan 2 cHaT 2 A HoT 15/m/MoMs BaSeMenT?

I don't think you're a teen. I can read well enough to know that it says "21" as your age.
By the way, the majority of teens don't actually talk like that.

It's just my personal view that you fit the classification of what you consider a moronic teenager. Nothing wrong with that, though. We all grow out of it :p

Oh, and did you ever think that maybe other people thought you were a teen because you act like it? Believe it or not, just because you disagree with what someone says about you, doesn't mean they pull everything from their arse.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Ahh, yes another person who thinks I'm a Teen.

Guess I should act like one then

Fuk U U fukkin faget! Don tlk **** bout me fukkin faget. Fuk dis Imma gonna go 2 da mall an buy dat new Green Day T-shirt cuz Green Day R teh most pxnk rawk band dere iz an stuff lyk dat iz da wai 2 Fyte da systm. Itz teh systm'z fault dat my parentz culdn't lemme git drunk at teh parti of da year! I'm lyk 15 I kan du whateva I wnat. BTW NE hawt Sk8r GuRlZ wan 2 cHaT 2 A HoT 15/m/MoMs BaSeMenT?

Pure genius...LMAO! :D
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Ahh, yes another person who thinks I'm a Teen.

Guess I should act like one then

Fuk U U fukkin faget! Don tlk **** bout me fukkin faget. Fuk dis Imma gonna go 2 da mall an buy dat new Green Day T-shirt cuz Green Day R teh most pxnk rawk band dere iz an stuff lyk dat iz da wai 2 Fyte da systm. Itz teh systm'z fault dat my parentz culdn't lemme git drunk at teh parti of da year! I'm lyk 15 I kan du whateva I wnat. BTW NE hawt Sk8r GuRlZ wan 2 cHaT 2 A HoT 15/m/MoMs BaSeMenT?

-Sobs- I'm fifteen and if I ever talked, or typed like that I would kill myself.
The system has failed when someone thinks it's cool, or has no other way of typing.