my thoughts are that austrailia is next....only cuz britain america and austrailia are like strongly against al queida and what not...and aus is the only one not to be hit
Australia, I think will be attacked and NZ , and every country that fought Bush's selfish war in Iraq.
It's funy, in llondon, only 52 people dies and it was like all over the TV, such a big thing. More people die like this in numeruos countries, India's parliament got attacked by Pakistani militants but nope, nobody cares. America supports Pakistan and its acts but has the image"Oh no we are against terrorism" and "Islam is evil", its the American government that is evil. Bush is the biggest terrorist. Look at how many people diesd in the Iraq War. 16000 inncoent Iraqis but that was okay. No offencse to all the whites here (I have nothing against you) but all theses ****** white countries wanna be double standard. They ****** are bad inside adn they call others bad. If I was to choose between Osama and Bush, I wouold definitely support Osama.
It is not sadistic how suicide bombers kill themselves, they are brainwashed, if they killed themselves for the right causes, even if some people call it terrorism, I'd be happy ot salute the boombers and call them Martyrs.