Terrorist attack on London

Treeves056 said:
The patriot act is the worse law in the world...You have no defense and your freedom is sacrificed...its disgusting, and it can't really stop someone from blowing themselfs up in the middle of a bunch of people

It is typical wartime procedure. The government holds the given right to suspend the rights of suspects during times of war.
Yeah its kind of ironic that it is legal for a free society to suspend freedom in order to help secure freedom...but thats America for you. :p
azemkamikaze03 said:
my thoughts are that austrailia is next....only cuz britain america and austrailia are like strongly against al queida and what not...and aus is the only one not to be hit
Australia, I think will be attacked and NZ , and every country that fought Bush's selfish war in Iraq.
It's funy, in llondon, only 52 people dies and it was like all over the TV, such a big thing. More people die like this in numeruos countries, India's parliament got attacked by Pakistani militants but nope, nobody cares. America supports Pakistan and its acts but has the image"Oh no we are against terrorism" and "Islam is evil", its the American government that is evil. Bush is the biggest terrorist. Look at how many people diesd in the Iraq War. 16000 inncoent Iraqis but that was okay. No offencse to all the whites here (I have nothing against you) but all theses bloody white countries wanna be double standard. They ****in are bad inside adn they call others bad. If I was to choose between Osama and Bush, I wouold definitely support Osama.
It is not sadistic how suicide bombers kill themselves, they are brainwashed, if they killed themselves for the right causes, even if some people call it terrorism, I'd be happy ot salute the boombers and call them Martyrs.
immortal89 said:
It is not sadistic how suicide bombers kill themselves, they are brainwashed, if they killed themselves for the right causes, even if some people call it terrorism, I'd be happy ot salute the boombers and call them Martyrs.
Yeah its really rightious to walk in a restaurant with people who arent armed and are innocent blowing yourself up taking them with you :rolleyes:
how about that same president killin half as much(you had wrong numbers, maybe even a quarter as much) innocent civilians and gettin rid of a dumbass dictator?
immortal89 said:
^An wat about your Mr President going in a counrty with no solid proof and killing 16,000 innocent people?
Lol I hate the son of bitch and I'm so glad he's so close to getting empeached,but i dont condone a suicide boomers motaives either
Killing innocent people is wrong, i agree with you Treeves, there but Osaam is only against America and other countries coz of what hte Western world is doing which we cannot justify because it is wrong but we must remember that WE ARE IN THE WRONGDOING AS WELL.
all i kan say is.......................................dose ppl r jobless........................nuthin better 2 do in life...................................stupid patriots (btw al queeda(dunno how 2 spell it) has admitted on their website that the had don the attackms)
I didn't even know until I read this thread. How unreal...not once but twice. I hope everyone over there is ok. :(
Well, still, they could have been intended to do more, and gone wrong. Or they couldve just intended to scare everyone.