The Army you have vs. The Army you want

This is where the story gets perturbed!

Many En.Ki clan peoples spread throught the world, but most land themsleves in Europe... They set up their religions based around Nature, and what Xtians, Jews, and Muslims would call pagan worship... These religions are the way they are because never taught people to Worship him... He wanted them to Learn and Educate and be wise, not SHEEP ! ! Taught his people that we are all gods and god is within us... Which is the bases for many religions called new world and ancient... When Europe begins to rival the 1st and 2nd Reich, A war is started again, on a grand scale to take back the land of thier fathers... The middle east! We called it the Crusades 1-7... They were largely unsuccessful.. The Xtian church which is based on Jewish Lore and scripts went through a massive redesign trying to bleach any reference to other gods out of the text... This was En.Lils way of trying to convert followers...I'm not going to tell you who or what Jesus was because it will only confuse you but just know that Jesus Was indeed divine...But after jesus's death Mary travels to Egypt (coincidence?) where she gives birth to Jesus's sister and then moves to France and His sister marries into the Morrivingians -sp ... The Knight's Templar (who's symbols is the coss of lorain) is formed to Defend the SAN GRAAL (holy grail) or the SANG RAAL (divine blood)... They get filthy rich getting bribes from the Vatican not to tell of the DIVINE BLOODLINE that still exists... of course that is untill they are all killed... Mary and the Sang RAAL move to ANgland (ANU Land) and we see groups like the Illuminati and the Masons come into light... and this brings us to somewhat modern times.... after the dark ages (remember that too) Europe begins to gain strength... ROYAL families breed into each other over and over again... Even enemies under the guise of strengthening relations server up thier daughters and sons to royal weddings WITHIN EUROPE...
the En.Ki clan formulated a master plan to once and for all Seize control of the world from God who had tried to kill them off so many times... The Masons (a satanic group) and even before them the Illuminati (another satanic group) had known secretly of the lands past the ocean... Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had all written about the lands and peoples that once existed there...And Leonardo DaVinci (The Visionary) who was the founding father of the Illuminati talked about it all the time... The plan was this... To find this land and make a new nation... A nation designed from the bottom up by Masons, Buffered by two oceans, So powerful that they could defend England and Jerusalem until an heir to the thrown could be born or bread in England... Why defend Jerusalem you ask? A few reasons... Jerusalem is the location of the last know Anunnaki spaceport on earth... another, En.Ki loved all the men on earth but felt especially sorry for the Jews haveing been Bullied into a covenent with Yahweh... So here we have it... The great USA... Satanic whether you want to believe it or not! But the thing is... Satan is a creation of En.lil/El/Elohim/Yahweh... It was created to keep us scared... keep us in place... like sheep... It's the same tactic he used to Bully the Jews into thier Plight... Satan, the SNAKE in the Garden of Edin who taught to Spread our seed... Lucifer (which means giver of light) the fallen angel who decieves... Satan who resides in hell (The Apsu, Southeast Africa where the mines were, UNDERGROUND)... Satan Who's symbol even today can be found on Doctors uniforms everywhere... Everwonder why they have Two snake coiled up a tree? Two snakes coild equals DNA and the tree should be self explanitory... Ever wonder why we have the EYE OF HORUS on our $1 bill at the top of a pyramid? Now you know! Ever wonder why 38 of hour presidents were Masons? Ever wonder why a commoner like Princess Dianna was allowed to marry into the royal familly, but killed as soon as she announced she was marrying an Arab? She had more royal blood in here than Prince Charles, they couldn't just let her birth a son with the enemy! Ever wonder why Washington DC from 10k feet up looks like a pentagram and mason sign? Now you know! Ever wonder why Hitler called it the 3rd Reich, or why he follow Sumerian Mythology, or why he dedicated 10% of his war budget to digging in Iraq and Egypt? He's was stopped for several reasons... and if you like I will explain them but for now...

Now for why we Invaded Iraq
1. Sumerian Artifacts... Tablets ... accounts
2. It's almost time for En.Ki to rule... Yahweh has ****ed it up enough...
We had the dark ages... now we need the light ages...
3. The New World Order is real... and Iraq was just a pawn move in a much
larger game of chess
4. Oil... hey, tanks don't run on Liberal rantings!
5. Airstrike distance to almost all of our enemies
6. you don't just go to war with an unhardened army... we need some hard troops to send home and train the masses... don't be fooled... it's coming
7. Sadam had for years dug up antiquities and hid them away in his palaces... now we want them!

The bottom line is... all this **** going on now has been brewing for thousands of years! Don't make the same mistake that darkages man made and think the universe revolves around you! It only revolves around you if you fight for it to... With En.Lil you can expect more of the same short sighted **** we've been haveing for thousands of years... Does it shock you that a nation built almost entirely by satanist is the best educated, has the best standard of living, The most restraint of any other nation! yes we are the only nation to ever use Nuclear weapons... but we also are the only nation not to use them when we have clearly had the provokation to! We could solve this problem with the middle east with the push of one button if we desired, but that is not what we desire...

Let me add a decryptor key for the Mentally challenged

En.Lil = Yahweh = El = Allah = GOD is you know him = Satan = Lucifer = Hanash = Horus = Ea

if you had to read this to understand it... read it again and do the substitution

I am really up to explain anything you want me to just post it with SATAN in the subject or if that is too much for this forum, make the subject ENKI... I hope you understand if I don't want to debate it, I debate it almost every day of my life with one person or another. It's actually pretty demanded defending yourslef everyday, and a true satanist (not these cape wearing animal sacraficing maladjusted dorks) needs to live up to some very high standards!... but I will explain things.... :)
Before we continue here, someone take this hooka, Its almost cached, I think theres one hit left, Spleefy, you want it ??

O.K. then, continue with your tale fullauto...I'm all..uh..eyes ??
that's was a really brief synapsis.... I know... but I have been studying this **** so ling that it's easier to answer questions then to data-dump what I've learned :(

I hope this helps someone... Like I said... It goes much, MUCH deeper than that
fullauto said:
that's was a really brief synapsis.... I know... but I have been studying this **** so ling that it's easier to answer questions then to data-dump what I've learned :(

I hope this helps someone... Like I said... It goes much, MUCH deeper than that

Yeah, its deep alright, don't stop now, your on a ****ing role and the stage is yours.
I guess my whole point is that from the time we are born we are told that life is a struggle between good and evil... It's in just about every tale we read, in all the movies we watch and such... it took me 29 years and 8-10 hours a night for 10 or them to figure out that that is spot on the truth!

There are power struggles going on in the world RIGHT NOW that most people arn't even aware of... Because of our short life span and most peoples attention span that rivals that of a walnut half, People don't put the clues together, or are just too damned lazy to even try... Think bread and circus... If you feed people and keep them entertained, you can pretty much do what ever you want to them!

I dropped this silly notion that what my parents told me is good is good and vice versa... and I started from the beginning! square one! And what I've found over my years studying this **** will curl your toenails backwards! But I haven't written these conclusions off, because the only reason I would do so is peer pressure and self dillusion! I don't do that anymore... I don't lie to myself, It's a filthy habit and I'm above that, and anyone who understands that or agrees with it is above it also... I can lay some things out to you that I have found to be unequivically true! They may seem far fetched or you may be angered by them but rest assured, I wouldn't have the balls to post it unless it were true!

Satan is just a demonized version of an ancient Sumerian God named Enki
God won our hearts not through love, but fear... He's tried to exterminate us before and he will try to do it again...
Were it not for satan, we would not be here
Many of the worlds most powerful countries (mostly white but not all) are based on the transmittal of divine blood, the blood of Enki
Hitler and his Reich were named Nazis not because of National Socialism, that was just a vehicle the masses would accept, but because Na.Zi was the name of a god born specifically to heal Enki he was injured
The Aryans... They existed.... Right were the nazis said they did... I had a tough time with this one for a while... I railed against the aryan myth for years... but they were called the Hurryans in biblical text and such....
The USA is Designed to be a heaven for Satan... which is why we have many of the worlds first coming out of the usa.... the plane, the car etc.... Enki was first and foremost a scientist for the expidition to earth... his whole theory about governing was to educate... it was En.lil who wanted us to worship him so he could tend us like sheep...
The anti christ will come from England... He's already alive! take a guess!
white people need to stop letting people tell us who we are... the answers are all over... I know exactly what the origins of white man is... it's not hard to find.... just a couple months of research....but even after that, we need to be proud of who we are and what we have done... we have been plagued by white guilt for too long! get over it... That's the only way we are going to learn to get along with other races, stop lying to OURSELVES!

Now before any of you call me any of the following things... just let me tell you... These things I say are not because I'm a lost soul looking to affirm my status in the world...I'm quite happy with who I am, and What I have become... I am an Impirisist, I don't beleive anything untill enough clues come together to make it so, but I do use my intuition... I think more people should do so! it's quite a filter! I am not a racist! I have a Mexican wife, and a half white child ( and man can he cut the lawn)...and many half black cousins... but I don't find that any reason to deny my white heritage... that would just be lying to myself...

If your haveing trouble buying any of this crap, that's fine.... I took me about 10 years to get to the point I am now, and at first I wrote it all off as the rantings of the madman who first exposed 'some' of it to me! I had to see it for myself! which is what I did! Now you are gonna have to see it for yourself!
bush family bloodline
I always suspected Mr. Bean was evil, this just makes me think even more that he is the Anti-Christ....

But seriously, the BUSH bloodline **** is only THEORY, (getting back to modern times a bit).

The link you posted only CLAIMS heritage and blood line, it first will list a couple of blood line examples, then turn around and CLAIM bloodlines, then revert again to example. I won't continue to debate that issue, it speaks for itself, however...

Getting back to this answer you have about the ****ing aliens and all, OK, I'll buy it.. sure why not, I'm sarcastic as hell, but VERY open minded.

Please back up a bit and explain pre alien on Earth, creation techniques used by aliens, and, method of travel, and lastly creation of first forms of existance.

If anybody wants a RECAP, please backtrack to THIS page.
A few friends of mine believe that this war in Iraq has a second purpose. Yes, there is the defense of America and establishing a base in the Middle East, but they think that Bush has a second agenda. They believe that since Bush and his friends are in the Oil business, that they're doing this for personal gain in the end.
Seriously now, if Bush can "secure the war from terrorism," and have personal gain all at once, doesn't it seem plausible?
GODAMM!!!!! MY EYES.........MY ****ING EYES!!!!!! :eek:

Pass me that huka Phreakwars......I think I just went blind from all that!!!!!
Nibiru is the key... Sumerian cuniform tablets found in the middle east tell us that The Anunnaki come from Nibiru.... a planet slightly larger than jupiter but not made of gas... it is solid and due to it's huge size it's gravity produces radiant heat that keeps the planet warm... It has a HUGE eliptical orbit around the sun that takes 3600 years to go completely around the sun... They called this year of thiers a 'Shar'... They were mortal, but to us humans they were imortal because one of our years is a shar to them...if they lived 85 of thier years out on earth they would be 306,000 years old! you can see why we thought they were immortal...Nibiru cannot been seen from earth untill it enters our solar system and appears as a red star... The star of Bethlehem...

Before the earth was here, The anunnaki tell us that there was a larger planet about twice our size where the asteroid belt is today between earth and mars called Tiamat... Scientist for years have attested that according to how matter congeils spinning around in a disk around a star and the way gravity tends to order the placement of planets, there should be a planet where the asteroid belt is... They told us that Nibiru (Called Marduk in the Atra Hasis) came through and on the first pass it came so close it pulled a chunk of the Tiamat off into orbit and it became the Moon (Kingu)... on Another pass It came closer and one or more of Nibiru's moons struck Tiamat and severed it sending half scattered out into space into what they called the 'hammer bracelet', or as we call it the Asteroid belt! The other half, seeded with amino acids and such from the world of Nibiru due to the collision, reformed to create the earth plus Life... Darwin was correct in assuming that natural selection plays the role it plays... becuase for billions of years the earth was left to it's own devices and just as he had said, evolution took hold of the lesser life models and gave rise to life on earth...Our ancestors, evolved, Homohabilis, Neanderthal etc... but Adamites (homosapien) and Later Adapites (Homo sapien sapien) were products of either genetic manipulation or interbreeding... :eek:
Let just explain something here... I have always been suspect of the creation model... It just doesn't add up... 6 days and a day of rest... to make all of this ****! think not! but the bible makes sense to me now... if you give the account from the point of view of the Anunnaki, those seven days would be 69 earth years... and they don't clame to make the whole universe... just thier own civilization on earth called Eridu... That's a little more acceptable... And if it rained for forty days and nights to fill the whole golbe with enough water to cover EVERYTHING! where the **** did all the water go?! We have a closed system! no water in, and no water out... If it evaporated, it will eventually fall to earth as rain and flood us again! It didn't... the fact is it wasn't the rain that flooded us... it was a MASSIVE Tsunami... and the rain was a result of the global climate shift... But on the other hand, if we just straight evolved, when did it take us 1 million years to go from useing rocks to bash stuff to sharp rocks to cut the same stuff, but major advancements in civilization happened every 3600 year after the flood... we went from sharp rocks to Astronomy (Sumerians had a better understanding of the heavens than we had untill about 20 years ago) Astrology, Music, Writing, Math! and every 3600 years after that untill thier last visit we have made Huge leaps as a result of the gifts of civilization En.Ki has given us to nudge us along...
The Anunnaki came here for Gold... Gold was needed because everytime they ventured into the Solarsystem they got to close to the sun and the sun's solar rays stripped the atmoshpere little by little... They had run out of gold on nibiru in quantities large enough so through one means or another they found thier way to earth... It was thier intentions to land, mine, store it on mars untill Nibiru returned, and then ship it back to Nibiru where it could be powdered and dispersed into the atmosphere to reflect the suns rays and save thier planet! Why do you think we place such a huge value on Gold!? We learned it! if you give a monkey gold he eats it.... it has no value to him... and that's not the only thing we learned... Wars fought by the gods taught us, and only us how to play the game... ever wonder why are the only species on earth to fight wars....
At First it was thier intentions to filter the gold from the persian Gulf... it was there, dissolved in the water, but it was not being processed fast enough! So En.Ki set up shop in the (Africa) and had the annunaki uses massive machines he had made to mine the or and process it... But the anunnaki grew tired of the work... It was intense and extremely hot, and they revolted... that is when En.Ki got the idea to 'create man' as a primitive worker... The Sumerian tablets tell us that En.Ki recounted that many of his people thought it not possible, "Only the creator can do such things, how do you expect to create a being?" and En.Ki siad, "One already exists, I have seen him walking upright on the plains! all we have to do is put our mark (dna) on him!" [Gen 1:26 And God said let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness;]
This ended with the creation of Adamu (adam) but was not the only genetic manipulation... Adamu was homosapien!
As far as method of travel... Archeologist have recoverd verbation flight records of someone being guided into Eridu... They sound like the air traffic controllers ... 120,120,plain,plain,up,corridor found,50,50,40,30,20,20,20... complete with map of inner solar sytem! The first landings were sea landings due to lack of adequate space ports, thus En.Ki is forever known as the Sea God... But once eridu was running they landed just as you might expect us to due... and when they were on earth and wanted to back, they flew in what was called a shem... They took off from the top of towers and could traverse the earth very quickly... the chariots of the gods if you will... remember the story of the tower of babel... Muduk was pissed because En.lil had a strangle hold on earth because he had control over the only space port in Jerusalem, [Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and tower, whose TOP MAY REACH UNTO HEAVEN; and let us make a NAME (Misinterpretation, SHEM was the original), lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth]... So God, being the ultra nice cat he is, destroyed them and confused there languages because God (En.Lil) was nervous... The servant of were smart, smarter than your average adamite! and he figured there would be trouble [read Gen 11:6]
But when they had to leave the planet they used large rockets with capsules attached to the end... the forfather of our modern Obilisk... it was the only thing powerfull enough to overcome earths 'net pull' as they refered to gravity... ever wonder why when moses describes god coming to ararat he hears thunderous quakeing and bright lights and the ground shook! think of the space shuttle taking off...
The creation techniques range widely but they settle onto one... Homonid sperm + homonid egg + gene manipulation --> into anunnaki female .... that was how adam and his decendants were born... sort of the same thing we would do today!
And as far as the origianl creator.... Not a clue...The anunnaki reference to it slightly from time to time but only in instances of 'rules of creating', so as far as I can tell, Niether En.lil or can lay claim to being GOD... But then again En.Lil is the only who does... En.Ki teaches man that god is in all of us!
The bottom line is that If neither god or satan is the true creator, knowing what you now know about the two, who would you rather follow? The ignorant self-absorbed En.lil who wants to keep us permanently in the dark for his own amusement, or the scientific one who saved us from extinction at the hands of the first one 3 times... Who's name 'lucifer' mean bringer of light as opposed to God who's prevalence in the middle ages begat the term 'dark ages' who sporned the inquisition... All you have been told about both this figures your whole life has been a cleverly crafted deception to keep you in check and ignorant...
now you see why i don't hate islam for Allah (EL as in Elohim).. I hate them *****s for being just that, UNCIVILIZED *****S! All joking aside, Allah, Chirst (sorta), and Yahweh are all the same guy.... just as Enki is lucifer is satan is horus...... I can't hate someone for following yahweh... It's not there fault... they've been lied to thier whole ****ing lives! everyday of there existance has been a crafted experience! But like I said, that's no excuse for acting like ****ing creatons..... ;)
Master_Jaffer said:
A few friends of mine believe that this war in Iraq has a second purpose. Yes, there is the defense of America and establishing a base in the Middle East, but they think that Bush has a second agenda. They believe that since Bush and his friends are in the Oil business, that they're doing this for personal gain in the end.
Seriously now, if Bush can "secure the war from terrorism," and have personal gain all at once, doesn't it seem plausible?

MJ, you have to understand... what the NWO wants is not personal gain... nor is it the goal of anyone attached to it... it's enlightenment...
ILLUMINATION ! to be brought out of the dark! It's nothing personal against the arabs, at least it wasn't untill 911... but even now... the master plan continues to wake people up from "the matrix"... The muslims just happen to be the most zealous about defending God, and the enlightenment will not tolerate such low standards for civilization... Like I have said in other posts, what you say is an american holy war is a culture war... what you say is a race war here in america is also a culture war... nothing more... the war of the adamites and the adapites! nothing more... Achem's razor --> all things being equal, the simplest answer is USUALLY the correct one... ;)
All that .......and you even attempt to use the word simple??????

My brain is fried from all that ****......and I still don't trust anything that has a diaper on it's head! :D

If I have offeded anyone......****in' oops! :eek:
Spleefman said:
All that .......and you even attempt to use the word simple??????

My brain is fried from all that ****......and I still don't trust anything that has a diaper on it's head! :D

If I have offeded anyone......****in' oops! :eek:

hahah.... I don't trust em either... don't feel bad... it's natural! :D
Back on track on this now off topic post, I have other questions now Mr. fullauto.

First please explain how if there is a struggle between 2 gods, that there is no God. And , please explain your thoughts on afterlife. I can believe genetic superiority in a higher life form could create a human, but I do NOT believe any LIFE FORM/BEING could control a soul, souls can not be seen, but they are real. Which also leads me to another question..POSESSION, is it REAL , or is it all an obscure notion. And if we are bred to SERVE the God we know, or claim to know, how is it that the other god who protects us, is not evil, but a caring god. And why would such a GOD DESTROY what he created ??

If you hadn't noticed, its late, and I'm ready for another story.
phreakwars said:
Back on track on this now off topic post, I have other questions now Mr. fullauto.

First please explain how if there is a struggle between 2 gods, that there is no God. And , please explain your thoughts on afterlife. I can believe genetic superiority in a higher life form could create a human, but I do NOT believe any LIFE FORM/BEING could control a soul, souls can not be seen, but they are real. Which also leads me to another question..POSESSION, is it REAL , or is it all an obscure notion. And if we are bred to SERVE the God we know, or claim to know, how is it that the other god who protects us, is not evil, but a caring god. And why would such a GOD DESTROY what he created ??

If you hadn't noticed, its late, and I'm ready for another story.
Ok... let me stuff my lip with sweet molasses flowored skoal... kewl!
Spitcup... check ! Go, Go, Go!
yes Virginia, God Does exist... hehehe... sorry....
The god En.Lil, which is the god that people all over the world call god actually existed and walk on two legs just like the bible said! And Satan also, walked among men, his name is and just like the bible says, Satan and God are still fighting thier wars in the heavens (Nibiru)... but story of En.lil (means lord of the skies) and En.Ki (means lord of the earth), has been grossly misorganized and covered up to bring us the modern bible! The God you know has tried unsuccesfully to kill us three times! The only account of this ***** we have trying to kill us is the Flood, and even then the humanist deeds of En.Ki are attributed to En.lil and a loose justification is given... How can there be no GOD (original creator)? This is where my devotion to truth as a true satanist comes in.... I can make no claims that that there isn't a Universal creator.... I just don't know... But I do know that En.Ki refers to a pact GOD made with him to go out and create in the universe so GOD could behold the creations... But who he is... dunno! But I know who he is not... He is not either En.lil or
As far as the human soul... again.... Idunno... I've been doing alot of reading lately about Shuman resonance and how matter forms from pure energy and it really sounds like a good lead, But I can't speculate now... It'll be a couple of years before I come to any concrete conclusions, and even then, they will just be MY conclusions... What I report about En.lil and was written down about 6500 years ago and burried so we can be turned into mindless sheep.... You starting to feel like Neo yet?!

Possesion is just another tool that was warped from truth into something that will scare you into believing just about anything....The true form of Possesion is voluntary and it is called channeling ( many channelers are quacks!) and was done by satanist, and now new age people (closet satanists), to maintain contact with In the Bible, En.Lil has to construct the ark in order to keep contact with his followers... It was basically a crude radio device... It was neccesary because The core of the people he intended talking to wer adamites... who were a blend of Homoerectus and just a few Anunnaki genes to make them usefull for labor! They lacked many of the 'higher functions' that the Adapites had... I don't know if I explained this but let me refresh you...
The adamites or homosapiens (or black-headed-people as the Sumerian's called themselves) Were originally bread for labor, and not to be civilized... They were given the ability to breed because could not produce them fast enough to keep up with thier short life span... He got fed up with it, and decided to engineer adam and eve so they could copulate... He demonstrated to them by being the first to copulate with eve and she gave birth to Cain...
Cain was the Original "HYBRID"... He was much different than adam and eve and this goes to explain why eve said she had gotton a child of the lord! In the Bible God says that he put the mark on Cain so that all in the land would know him.... That's horse ****... We know from early tablets and from the Bible itself that any Hybrid of Looked like 'the gods'... and the bible explains what that look was... fair straight hair, sky blue eyes, and light skin... much different from the people of Shin'ar (Biblical Sumeria)...
Cain's decendants

Cain was an original Adapite... But not the reason we call them Adapites... After a while adamites bread WAY to quickly and tey choked the land and the available hunting ground... had tried to teach the adamites to live in communites so some sould grow food while others did other tasks but that was not in the original design and the cities erupted into violence and turmoil! He spent alot of time trying to perfect the genetic code for the first man and didn't want to have to go through that all again with his brother En.lil being the self absorbed ***** he is, so he decided just to 'make more Cains'... when he checked up on Cain, he noticed that the Cainites where far more advance than admamites and were already living in communities and were much more docile...However he knew that En.lil (God) would never allow Cain back into the Apsu, let alone the garden of E.din, so he just made some more...
He travelled a while and found two adamites bathing on the side of the river, and compulated with them both.... 10 months later, His emmisary reported to him that he had two new children, and he named the Male Adapa.... This man had an extraordinary life....( another post) but that was the birth of the name Adapite....
As I'm sure you recall, Noah, then called Ziusudra, was adapite... He was the sone of and came out 'snow white with sky blue eyes and straight hair'... Noah had 3 sons... Only one of which was adapite... Shem, and he was the favorite of noah because he was so much like him... He came to rest in the land of Hurryans.... (Yes I know it sounds like Arryans... that's because that's where the Arryan legend comes from, don't think I am a nazi)
Now..... Adamites needed a communications box to comunicate with En.lil because they lacked some of the higher functions that adapites had being a hybrid of the god En.Ki...But Early Adapites sued to be able to channel and speak with thier father at will... This ability has been bread out of MOST of us but still shows up from time to time with legitimacy... eg edgar cayce and a handfull of others... but for the most part.... it's a sham... :(
The god we were bread to server was not a god at all.... it was Gods... But En.lil, as i've said before was an egotrip and decided to not kill us off, which was his plan from the begining, after the flood when he thought all of the adapites were dead... It's was the Ultimate slap in the face to his older Broght a whole world of people to worship him! and he thought this would give him an heir of legitimacy to his thrown, which he only attained because his father gave in the the maniacle ranting of En.lil's mother... En.lil had NOTHING to do with our creation! En.kI made us and being a scientist and more compationed than his brother, took a great liking to man! He is not evil... That's just what (Yahweh) wants you to think... so you don't discover the "man behind the curtain"... I hope your getting all these movie references... They all have a satanist agenda!
again... En.lil (yahweh) never created us... and even if he did, the bible tells us that he did try to kill off man at least once! but then miraculously, it was he and not enki who told Noah... now that's spin!
OK, fine, I'll accept that... for now.. and take it for what its worth at this point.

You still have not answered my question on SOULS. But first, I must make this comment and conjecture.

If En.Lil feels the need to KILL us, even though a majority of us pray for him to take our SOULS anyway. This would make PRAYING to our god don't let that lead to... pray to the other guy...

What I am saying, is if En.Lil were to succeed in his PLOY to kill us all, where does that leave our souls ?? By DEFAULT back to SATAN to be taken care of ?? (AFTER ALL, YOU SAID HES A PRETTY NICE GUY) This also goes with the notion that PRAYER CAN BE HEARD BY EITHER OF THESE GODS !!

And therefore, I am to believe somehow that A:SATAN will punish me because I never prayed for him, or B: En.Lil WILL TAKE ME INTO HIS HUMBLE HOME AND WATCH OVER MY SOUL UNTIL THE REST OF WHENEVER, EVEN THOUGH, he felt a need to exterminate my kind in the first place ??

Now thats just silly there... silly I tell you..

So with THAT thought in mind, praying/worshipping to EITHER of them would prove USELESS. Which makes the idea of Xtianity and SATANISM both obsured.

But then THIS hypothisis comes from ANOTHER HYPOTHESIS that we as humans are merely in a different body/shell and our true forms, even though changed physically with DNA and such can transend to another state by an invisible "FORCE" we all somehow posess. This FORCE would then somehow be the ESSENSE of what we are.

If I am creamated, my solid form has been turned to ash, where is my soul ??
So with THAT thought in mind, praying/worshipping to EITHER of them would prove USELESS. Which makes the idea of Xtianity and SATANISM both obsured.

precisely.... I don't pray to satan... I hope you don't get that impression... I just take solice knowing the truth about the two... I call myself a satanist because I like some of the core doctrine... but satan NEVER asked us to pray to him... he wants us to take controll over our own lives and be accountable for each other... But he's also a realist! He knows that GOD will never stop trying to keep us perpetually in the dark, and for that reason he interferes on our behalf.... :D
fullauto said:
precisely.... I don't pray to satan... I hope you don't get that impression... I just take solice knowing the truth about the two... I call myself a satanist because I like some of the core doctrine... but satan NEVER asked us to pray to him... he wants us to take controll over our own lives and be accountable for each other... But he's also a realist! He knows that GOD will never stop trying to keep us perpetually in the dark, and for that reason he interferes on our behalf.... :D

Quit dipping and dodging the question.
phreakwars said:
Quit dipping and dodging the question.
what is the question exactly? I'll answer anthing you give me... but just understqand that I can give you answers to questions I don't have the answers to... :confused:

and no... I am not the anti-christ... thanks for the vote of confidence though! :D

BTW.... can you add pictures from your HD in these posts, or just http: addresses? and can anyone explain how to do so... I have some pretty good pictures you might be interested in... nothing sexual or explicit... pictures relateing to this stuff...
You can contemplate a theory of your entire existance in very long babblings and very decent grammer, but you can't decipher my simple query ?? It's still there, reread it again. But if you want a direct question, here it is.

If I am creamated, my solid form has been turned to ash, where is my soul ??
