The bible... you know the real one... the original... bible...


New member
Don't thank me- Thank the girl in the pictures! We are two totally separate people, you know.
That was my contention all along.

Not that you didnt have access to more photos of her.

But back on subject...

The original bible... I don't think there was one.



New member
Except for maybe your friend who also hashed out false accusations and got her "*** handed to her." Hopefully she'll stop rubbing her hermaphroditic ***** all over the computer screen atop my pic now that she knows it's me. [/img]
Please.. chick. You are no different than a million other overweight housewives with a vast collection of pics of other women you post and claim they are you. Sooner or later someone busts you out and you will come up with a story about how you only used the CURRENT fake pics because you were being stalked and didnt want to use your real pics.. then you will start posting pics of yet another chick who isn't you and it will start over again.

FFS be original.



New member

I prefer to take people on their word unless they give me reason not too. Attacking people personally on the NET is akin to shooting in the dark.



New member
That was my contention all along.
Do we not understand the concept of sarcasm?

Not that you didnt have access to more photos of her.
Well, at least you can see that they are all the same person now. lol Oh, and I am very grateful she was able to post several different photos of her life stages. This way, the gullible are more prone to believe the 7 year sham I have kept up all this time. I am also very grateful to this sweet woman who met other forum members in person while pretending to be me. I should send her a thank you note. Lovely girl. [/sarcasm]

The original bible... I don't think there was one.
This is where we agree. Job, believed to be the oldest book of the Bible, is suspected to have been written around 4000 B.C. The newest books of the Bible are believed to have been written about 100 A.D. This means we have over a 4,000 year span of different books being written and compiled. Although I understand why the Bible was finally canonized, it definitely gives the skeptics some debate fodder. It was man's decision to choose which writings made the cuts and which ones were declared apocryphal.

Please.. chick. You are no different than a million other overweight housewives
I never denied turning into a [frumpy] housewife so glad we agree. At least I used to be able to clean up nicely. ;)

with a vast collection of pics of other women you post and claim they are you. Sooner or later someone busts you out and you will come up with a story about how you only used the CURRENT fake pics because you were being stalked and didnt want to use your real pics.. then you will start posting pics of yet another chick who isn't you and it will start over again.
Jumping to conclusion, false accusations, argument anticipation, conspiracy theories, yap yap yap. Like I told another member here when we were discussing this thread in private, I really only posted that photo as a gag to contrast my innocent-looking high school pic after another member posted hers as well. I had no idea it would become the source of such great controversy. :D

I prefer to take people on their word unless they give me reason not too. Attacking people personally on the NET is akin to shooting in the dark.
I do as well until my suspicions get the better of me. With the couple of liars I have outed on other forums, I made sure I collected my evidence first. This other website consisted of people lying about everything from exaggerating their life style to faking their own death. Attention whoring at it's finest. My favorite person to out was a member who claimed to be a 17 year old Irish lass- who ended up being a 50 something year old dude. I was crucified for attacking "her" until the truth came to light.

Regardless, some of the members here I have known for almost 7 years. That is a great deal longer than the three weeks I have known Miss Newbie. Furthermore, I have met a couple of them in person from our parent site. If I was not who I said I was, I would have been outed years ago. ;)

Regardless, I have no choice but to take the controvery as a compliment. Taking it as anything else but fun would make me pop a vein. Sorry, but my one forum sore spot was finally discovered- being falsely accused of something.



New member
The main picture of myself that I use on the Internet is over 10 years old. Partly due to the fact that I never bother updating photos of myself over the years, and also due to the fact that I don't care to give updates on my looks.

I am NOT a secretive person as anyone knows, real easy to find in town, so if anybody wants to get an updated image of me, they can take the picture themselves.





New member
I have some pictures of you in your bath robe picking up your morning newspaper. I kid, I kid. You are actually in your boxers and wife-beater.


New member
Please.. chick. You are no different than a million other overweight housewives with a vast collection of pics of other women you post and claim they are you. Sooner or later someone busts you out and you will come up with a story about how you only used the CURRENT fake pics because you were being stalked and didnt want to use your real pics.. then you will start posting pics of yet another chick who isn't you and it will start over again.
FFS be original.
Someone's jealous.



New member
CMF, what the **** do you care what Phantom looks like? Seriously, its like border line creepy at this point..

I have known her for over 7 years. Throughout that time she has sent me several hundred pics of her and her family. Its kind of hard to obtain several hundred pictures of an alternate family.

If you don't believe that that is her in those pics..Well that is your issue, not hers.

Posted by ClassyMissFancy

Please.. chick. You are no different than a million other overweight housewives with a vast collection of pics of other women you post and claim they are you. Sooner or later someone busts you out and you will come up with a story about how you only used the CURRENT fake pics because you were being stalked and didnt want to use your real pics.. then you will start posting pics of yet another chick who isn't you and it will start over again.

I am sorry your life sucks.. You seem to speak from experience here.

And to keep on topic!

JESUS IS GREAT!!! Hallelujah!! and AMEN!



New member
Hey I think that pic of Phanny in her sweats isn't bad at all considering. You can see the exhaustion of new motherhood in her eyes. My ex-wife looked like she had an adverse reaction to a bee sting or some **** for like 2 months after she gave birth.


New member
CMF, what the **** do you care what Phantom looks like? Seriously, its like border line creepy at this point..
She's a hater! :p

I have known her for over 7 years. Throughout that time she has sent me several hundred pics of her and her family. Its kind of hard to obtain several hundred pictures of an alternate family.
I wouldn't say several hundred. Maybe 2 or 3 dozen. That is a little extreme. :p

JESUS IS GREAT!!! Hallelujah!! and AMEN!
Praise Jeebus!

Hey I think that pic of Phanny in her sweats isn't bad at all considering. You can see the exhaustion of new motherhood in her eyes.
Exhaustion would be an understatement!



New member
I didn't beleive it either, not til I saw the home movie- "In Phantom at the Opera"


New member
You had underlying intentions with this thread so don't deny it, Darling.
You have delusions of grandeur. You're so vein... you probly think this thread is about you, don't you, don't you.... No. "Attacking you" had nothing to do with this thread. I made an offhand comment that I didn't believe that you were an authority as you represented yourself, and said so. You were a sidenote. Do get over yourself

It doesn't look like that from this end or any one else's according to the PM's I've received or the comments on this thread. Except for maybe your friend who also hashed out false accusations and got her "*** handed to her." Hopefully she'll stop rubbing her hermaphroditic ***** all over the computer screen atop my pic now that she knows it's me.
I don't give a **** what the screen lickers say. Follow the ******* bouncing ball, you exaggerate and omit to represent yourself as something you are not. Most people do. I have been around a while, and I called bullshit... which IF ANYONE IS PAYING ATTENTION you admitted was bullshit. You do NOT know Greek and Hebrew, and have not any authority to correct the bible for me. You agree to this. You also admit you are not rich, where it was quite obvious that you were attempting to come off as affluent. As to my friend and her "false accusations" I have enough pictures of my brother in law to present myself as him... that doesn't make me him. Nothing is known of you save what you claim, and that thus far, nothing you have claimed has been real...

I know... it is hard going through life always being misunderstood... poor dear.

And you would have gotten your *** handed to you on that one, too. It is hysterical how a newb comes roaring onto the scene sometimes. Have you douched your **** like I told you to? Doesn't smell like it.
Either you are being picked on, or you are picking a fight. Try some continuity... it will help with all the deception you seem to steep yourself in. Your attempt to insult is probably funny in a sophomoric sort of way. I highly doubt you should be giving me tips on hygene... not that I am particularly prissy, but I find that women with your issues tend to... smell bad.

Agreed. You have no problem picking fights apparently. Pieced together from different pages:

Yes... see... that was a DIFFERENT day, where I was SPECIFICALLY trying to pick a fight with you, jokingly mind you. That is sort of what I am talking about. Here is the source of your confusion.

Thieves think everyone steals.

My intentions are as I state them. It is this whole honesty hangup I have.

As to the bible...

What I was actually trying to get here, is someone who is religious, who claims that the bible is the direct word of ***. I wanted to know how folks can go around claiming such, having no ******* clue what was originally in it. Or how many books actually exist. Phantom was going to presumably be some help in that, as she claimed to be an expert on the subject, but as I was making the post, some of the things she said simply didn't make sense... so I threw that bit about CLAIMS in.

Sorry Phantom, this post was about all the other people revolving around you. Since you like highschool humor Ill explain... that is both a joke about being self centered and a gravity reference... which implies you are large... or at least very dense. See... that was a homonym... because dense has two meanings...

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New member
CMF, what the **** do you care what Phantom looks like? Seriously, its like border line creepy at this point..
I have known her for over 7 years. Throughout that time she has sent me several hundred pics of her and her family. Its kind of hard to obtain several hundred pictures of an alternate family.
Funny... there is no one I have known for years... who I have never met in person and can only attest to their appearance based on photos they sent me.

It isn't a matter of caring what someone looks like. It is a matter of the motives behind lying about one's appearance on-line.

Typically there are 3 common motives.

1. Someone is of the opposite gender of the person in the photo and they are attempting to see if they can "fool" straight / gay into "falling in love" with them. Someone falls in love and gets hurt.

2. Someone (usually a woman) is trying to entice members of the opposite *** into falling in love... in order to get money out of them. They will use a photo of an attractive woman and they will have some victim story of rape or abuse. They will typically target some less-than-attractive man and win him over as a friend ... then they will confide in him about their victimhood and need of rescue... and the guy will feel for them and end up sending money. Small amounts at first.. then larger and larger. Finally the guy demands they meet face to face and the woman of his dreams goes POOF... or sometimes has someone else post that she has died tragicly.. and the guy either feels like a fool.. or spends years grieving the death of someone who never existed.

3. Someone (again, usually a woman) has some serious self-esteem issues, and other issues as well, and used fake photos in order to fish for compliments. She is screwed up to the point that she actually convinces herself that the compliments are intended toward her even though she knows the people complimenting the photos have no clue what she lookd like. She lives a rich fantasy life and has extraordinary claims about wealth and furtune and being well educated... yet anyone with a highschool diploma can see from her posts that she is neither wealthy nor educated. She initially claims to be happily married (and usually is married but not very happy) but will be on line all hours of the day and night waiting to reply to anyone who posts... and she will claim she has insomnia and uses her computer as a method of coping with the long and boring nights. She, too, typically has a victim story... only her stories are true to some extent although they are embelished. She also gets involved in on-line relationships, only she actually falls in cyber-love as well. She talks as if she is actually going to meet him some day, yet one can hang their hat on the fact that something mysterious will happen and she just cant make it. (her dog dies, her child is sick, someone mugged her or raped her again... etc) Her on-line relationships come to an end when the man gives an ultimatum, or when he actually meets her and she makes him feel like **** for not being in-love with this person he is seeing for the first time in his life... while he is expecting the woman he has 300 photos of. Typically he will keep her secret for a time... out of nothing but sympathy. I have even seen those who would swear that really is her in the pics... I know because I met her only to later admit he is lying for her because he felt bad for being so shallow that he couldnt love her regardless of what she looked like. But eventually the truth does come out. Usually when that happens the guy leaves the site out of pure shame... and the woman has a whole new batch of fake pics she begins to claim are the REAL her.

I believe #3 is the case with Phantom.

Why do I believe this? Read the last paragraph again... Look back over her posts and post times... and figure it out for your self.

Why do I care? I don't really care as in I am personally offended. I care as in... I have seen the damage that is done to guys who get caught up in the **** because they want to believe it is true... and it ain't pretty. It should be a crime IMO.

I don't care how many photos someone has sent you. If they don't have the common decency or respect for their self and you to stand face to face with you and look you in the eyes while they are calling you their friend and/or telling you they love you... They are phony... and their words hold no value.

{edit} - About the bible.... I don't personally understand how people can argue about whether or not a *** is the one who did this or that in the bible... until they can show that a *** exists.



New member
Who-The-****-Cares :confused:

really, everybody quit ******** about this, who cares if Phanny is a hot girl or a 67 year old fugly guy? We don't gotta see them, we shouldn't care.

Now lets all turn up some Metallica/kottonmouth kings, and get back to disproving each others hard-felt life-founding beliefs?



New member
Who-The-****-Cares :confused:
really, everybody quit ******** about this, who cares if Phanny is a hot girl or a 67 year old fugly guy? We don't gotta see them, we shouldn't care.

Now lets all turn up some Metallica/kottonmouth kings, and get back to disproving each others hard-felt life-founding beliefs?
Oh come now, would it really be GF if every single thread didn't get hijacked and led off on a completely nonsensical tangent?



New member
I didn't believe that you were an authority as you represented yourself, and said so.
Does having passion or knowledge for a particular subject make one an expert? I think not. Religion- now that is my passion and I love to debate it. Again, you provided no evidence where I claimed to be an expert. exaggerate and omit to represent yourself as something you are not.
You don't even know me so how can you make character judgments?

You do NOT know Greek and Hebrew, and have not any authority to correct the bible for me. You agree to this.
I never said I knew those languages and when you asked me if I did, I instantly told you I did not. Where is the lie? Also, since when do any of us need a Ph D. to come onto a forum website to discuss our ideas? We have to be an authority on the subject to have an opinion or to be on par with your lofty pseudo-intelligence? I think not.

You also admit you are not rich, where it was quite obvious that you were attempting to come off as affluent.
Again, I never said I was wealthy and when you asked, I said I was not. Again, where is the lie? Am I arguing with the mad hatter? lol

As to my friend and her "false accusations" I have enough pictures of my brother in law to present myself as him... that doesn't make me him. Nothing is known of you save what you claim
Point taken. However, at first the accusation was the other photos were me but some were of another woman. After I pointed out the similar feature in order to show they were the same person, the accusation became I was posting another person's photos. I will agree with you on one thing though, none of us really know anything about anyone else here. What we know is only what we are told.

What I was actually trying to get here, is someone who is religious, who claims that the bible is the direct word of ***. I wanted to know how folks can go around claiming such, having no ******* clue what was originally in it. Or how many books actually exist.
As I recall, I told you in the Shout Box that was an EXCELLENT question and something I had never considered. There truly is no way for us to know.

Phantom was going to presumably be some help in that, as she claimed to be an expert on the subject...

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